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OblongShrimp last won the day on June 4 2020

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1 Follower

About OblongShrimp

  • Birthday April 28

Profile Information

  • Real Name
    Will Parks (Will Skurdahl)
  • Gender
  • Location
    New Mexico
  • Inverts You Keep
    Crystal Red Shrimp
    Crystal Black Shrimp
    Golden Crystal Shrimp
    Taiwan Bee Shrimp
    Tiger Shrimp
    Orange Eyed Blue Tiger Shrimp
    Red Cherry Shrimp
    Painted Fire Red Shrimp
    Blue Diamond Shrimp
    Yellow Shrimp
    Blue Rili Shrimp
    Blue Ramhorn Snails

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  1. Hey Will,

    I noticed today that I don't have access to the mod features. I troubleshot everything along with the help of Bryce and came to the conclusion that they probably weren't enabled. Do you think you can set me up with those features again whenever you get a chance?

    Also, in the "Notification Settings" where it says " Someone comments on something I follow" the toggle is set to "email". This is causing my email folder to fill up crazy fast. When I try and turn it off it's saying that "The admin has disabled this option from being toggled".  If you could look into enabling the toggle switch to be shut off I'd greatly appreciate it.

    I see Silane is being a bit stubborn. I don't know what it is he's looking for but I hope he comes through.




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