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About kcoscia

  • Birthday 05/20/1992

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  • Inverts You Keep
    snails (MTS, Ramshorn, pond)
    amano and cherry shrimp, seed shrimp unintentionally

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  1. Assuming you mean luster, they are actually shiny so I think they aren't coated
  2. I just had a thought. Would the river rocks I bought at dollar tree kill my shrimp? Here is a link to them. They state they are "polished"
  3. I use tap water and mix baking soda and seachem replenish for kH GH as of right now. Comes out of the tap at 0 kH 0 GH and varying TDS. I've just left it alone for the past week or so with the purigen and cuprisorb running, TDS 300+ and no one has died? Idk hahaha
  4. Well, things went from going well here to being completely unstable. I'm having issues with TDS and GH. My TDS shot sky high, and my GH is unstable. I think it's the fault of Seachem Replenish being inconsistent. I'm not sure. I added Seachem Curpisorb to possibly solve my unexplained death problems (deaths before the instability)
  5. KH is 2-3 and remains. GH Is usually around 7-8, though I did not check prior to water change (when I added cuprisorb) since it's usually constant. I added enough to set it back to normal. In the morning we will know if something is eating it up. I use seachem replenish to maintain GH.
  6. Has anyone run into issue regarding cuprisorb and GH? I think it may be absorbing my water hardness.
  7. I was gunna grab an API copper test kit just to see, but instead I figured why not just buy the cuprisorb to remove any possible traces. So I did that. Hoping that will fix it, or maybe the shield. Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk
  8. Never heard of that! I will definitely look into it. I wouldn't mind removing impurities for all my tanks.
  9. If I dropped the TDS, my kH and GH parameters would fall. As it turns out, I do have copper pipes. Would CupriSorb take care of it, or should I actually buy a copper test kit first?
  10. I really don't want to switch to RO. I'm gunna start using BorneoWild Shield to see if it helps. They were breeding for a short period of time in my tank. I really hope it's not my tap. Is there any way to find out?
  11. Tap, but it comes out GH 0 kH 0 and I treat with prime Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk
  12. I don't know what keeps causing my random deaths here. Parameters: pH 7.4 kH 3 GH 8 TDS 266 ammonia, nitrite, nitrate 0 temp. 72 10g tank, filtered with an Aqueon QuietFlow 10 with purigen, dual sponge filter various grade cherries whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy?
  13. Cherries in a 10g. I only had one go and they're doing okay today. I'll look up the snowflake food. It's just weird that I keep having these random deaths.
  14. Is a TDS jump from 244 to 294 enough to kill a shrimp? I found a shrimp twitching on it's side today and checked the TDS and saw it went up. It may be because I fed them yesterday. I think I do it way wrong, but I usually put a small piece in there and let them eat it till its gone. Is this the killer too?
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