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    kcoscia got a reaction from Louie in Katie's 10g Cherry Shrimp House!   
    My neos eat from their dish like good little children.
    Dying leaves don't really do anything from my experience. They typically just get processed and turned into nitrates. So if you've got cover for nitrates you're fine. An occasional dying leaf has never spiked my nitrates. If removal is easy, take it out. If not, you'll be fine.
    My plants get nothing really. The corkscrew vals have osmocote root tabs under them. With no true care/nutrient additives I don't expect perfect growth, leading to an occasional dying leaf.
    I have sand so I do not vaccuum, but I do pull waste up with the siphon when I get a chance. I rarely get those chances though since the shrimp are everywhere I want to siphon and they would get sucked up so I just don't. Seachem Super Naturals keeps the waste on the top layer of sand so it comes up rather easily with minimal sand uptake.
    I like the open look for easy cleaning in general, but it's more a taste thing. They have plenty of places to hide, but I will probably add more cholla wood eventually and I added this:

    It's their new meeting and gathering place to conspire against me. It probably has a lot of biofilm since it came from a nonshrimp tank.
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    kcoscia got a reaction from Louie in Katie's 10g Cherry Shrimp House!   
    Guess it's time I journal this bad boy!
    Basic 10g Tank
    Dual Sponge Filter
    Aqueon QuietFlow 10 with Purigen and prefilter sponge 
    Finnex Planted+
    Java Fern on Cholla wood
    Micro Sword that may or may not actually exist
    Corkscrew Vals
    Marimo Ball
    floaters - frogbit, duckweed, dwarf water lettuce, salvinia
    Peacock moss that lives wherever it wants
    Various algae that I "allow" to exist 
    Cherry shrimp of various grades
    One large female amano
    seed shrimp (they count right?)
    pond and bladder snails
    mini ramshorns
    Ammonia 0   Nitrite 0
    Nitrate 0       pH 7.4
    kH 2-3          GH 7
    TDS 262      Temp. 66

    Shrimp are as active as they have ever been today!
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    kcoscia got a reaction from Louie in Axolotls   
    I would plan for 20g when it is an adult, but a 10g will do for a while. They prefer less depth. Temperatures less than 70, so those temps. are fine. Remember, do not house axolotls on gravel. Only fine sand or bare bottom.
    Check out the link ctaylor posted. You will find all the info you need on that site.
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