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  1. Like
    ctaylor3737 reacted to Puddles in Tigers with neos?   
    If you want to keep Neos with something else, I always set up my tank to accomodate the "something else"(crs, cbs, tb, misch, tiger, etc). The neos will adapt to whatever the environment in my experience.
  2. Like
    ctaylor3737 reacted to wicca32 in Plants for sale! Lower prices.   
    what is the 4th pic down
  3. Like
    ctaylor3737 got a reaction from Elo500 in Article - Should you use Reverse Osmosis water in all your shrimp tanks?   
    I do the same thing, I actually have most of my tanks mixed together and the Neos are active and breed in just the SS GH+. Does anyone else do it this way?
  4. Like
    ctaylor3737 got a reaction from Louie in Shrimp and CO2   
    Ive tried with cherries but gave up because they did not survived. Tried the way your thinking as well, ended up slowly dying. I just went to low tech after that! Someone here probably has more experience in them.
  5. Like
    ctaylor3737 got a reaction from Louie in Carbon in hob filter question   
    Tell me you still have harlequins? Oh nvm just seen the saltwater comment. Wish someone had the sulawesi.....
  6. Like
    ctaylor3737 reacted to Louie in Carbon in hob filter question   
    The filter pad I leave alone . I just drop the bag of either purigen or chemi-pure in the filter behind the filter pad . They come in a mesh bag.
    I do let it sit a full 24 hours in a container with tank water so the media absorbs the tank water BEFORE going in filter in shrimp tank.
    The reason I do this is because years ago when I had saltwater inverts . The pet store owner told me that sometimes chemical media will fluctuate ph for a few hours if added immediately to the tank instead of letting it sit 24 hours prior in tank water.
    In a bigger tank it will not matter but one of my tanks back than was a 10 gallon long with Harlequin shrimp and that was how I added the chemi-pure (not sure if Purigen was around in 80s).
    My shrimp tanks are now 20 gallons (other than 1 bigger tank) so I stick with this method.
  7. Like
    ctaylor3737 reacted to Triton in Chris's Fish Room- Basement Remodel   
    Yea it's 100% gravity. You still want a valve per tank so that you can isolate them if needed
  8. Like
    ctaylor3737 reacted to Soothing Shrimp in Chris's Fish Room- Basement Remodel   
    I have to tell ya man, I wish I had laid styro down before flooring!
  9. Like
    ctaylor3737 got a reaction from Oceangirl in Did AlphaProBreeders acquire EliteInverts.com?   
    Yea they are the same place now, I like thier selection of shrimp but seems to be the top of the market in prices. Wonders how they do so well when we can come here and get the same stuff half the price, but guess some people like the convienance of one place to buy stuff. I like finding the best quality for the right price. I know if I buy something from Soothing he spent hours and days caring for them, they are what he says they are. If I go there I have to trust someone I cant readily talk to and will probably get sent just born juveniles. Not knocking the site but just larger sites in general!
  10. Like
    ctaylor3737 reacted to Soothing Shrimp in Adding weekend auctions???   
    What's that the movie said?  If you build it they will come? heh
    Well...that and hard work. LOL
  11. Like
    ctaylor3737 reacted to kbenson236 in Referral Contest!!!   
    LOL if only more ppl were I am the only one I know who has fallen in love with this hobby!! I just found this site pretty nice!! I breed CRS and RCS I have a 20L that is fully carpeted with Dwarf Baby tears and a 20H that is my CRS Breeding tank!! Not so pretty but I do us it for trimmings..Oh I also sell my trimmings mostly just the Dwarf tears and my Giant Moss or Xmas moss still unable to really identify it! Well nice to meet you all!!!
  12. Like
    ctaylor3737 reacted to Soothing Shrimp in $50 Blue Velvet package for $35!!!   
    The BV package is now sold!  Oblong should be getting the app soon.   Thanks to everyone who looked.
  13. Like
    ctaylor3737 reacted to Soothing Shrimp in FS: Tons of shrimp and a few plants   
    Those look like BD, Wicca.
  14. Like
    ctaylor3737 reacted to Triton in Auction   
    OH yea, all the auctions I go too... if you are willing to stay till the end there are a ton of $1 items, however some of the fish aren't in the greatest of conditions at that point, but still there are deals to be had
  15. Like
    ctaylor3737 reacted to Louie in Auction   
    Great deals , killies can become 'addictive' just like shrimp.
  16. Like
    ctaylor3737 got a reaction from Louie in Auction   
    So we had our yearly auction in Central New York here was the deals I got!
    20 Blue Pearls- 6$ labeled as 10 tons of babies.
    2- 10g tanks 3$ each
    Breeding pairs Kilis 3$
    1-Green Dragon Pleco $4
    2-Red Marbled Pleco $5
    6 Red Crystal shrimp: $7
    10 Sunkist Bees: 8$ why not lol. Like the colors.
    There was a lot of good pairs but, didn't have tanks setup.
    Axolotl was selling for $6-10. Almost bought, one but didn't want to kill it.
    Softball Java moss: 3$
    4 Large Anubias Nana: $2 each
    Flame moss: 3$ large portion
    Christmas Moss
    Lots of subwassertang
    Java Ferns: $1 a bag, needle leaf also.
    2: 10G tanks, $3 each was dirty no one wanted cleaned up awesome.
    30g long W stand $15
    Food went for $2 a decent jar.
    Probably missing stuff lol, just wanted to point out worth going to these. Met a lot of great people to!
  17. Like
    ctaylor3737 reacted to metageologist in Auction   
    Very nice,I always liked killis but had trouble getting the water peramiters right. Do you know what species? Also they are having the national killi convention in syracuse this year.
    Have a gniess day. -Scott
  18. Like
    ctaylor3737 reacted to Subtletanks91 in Adding weekend auctions???   
    I was looking at another members trip to one of his local auctions, and got to thinking maybe we should have weekend auctions like 2-3 times a month. Have the auction st up sort of like aquabid, but on a more personable level. Such as comments made on auctions. Power deals. I think it could help get more popularity and potentially set us apart from other forums such as tpt. Instead of a raok system, do auctions or anything shrimp related... Plants, excess shrimps, foods, lighting, breeding materials. Stuff that just doesn't sell and we need to get rid of. What do you guys think?
  19. Like
    ctaylor3737 reacted to Pika in Blue Velvet Nano Tank   
    Love your "tree"!
  20. Like
    ctaylor3737 reacted to Soothing Shrimp in Blue pearl   
    We all have to help each other, my friend.
  21. Like
    ctaylor3737 reacted to metageologist in Chris's Fish Room- Basement Remodel   
    Will be watching this evolve. Did you put your sump on a battery backup to avoid catastrophe.
    Have a gniess day. -Scott
  22. Like
    ctaylor3737 got a reaction from High5's in Chris's Fish Room- Basement Remodel   
    So since I have been building journals for a few of my tanks, I figured I would let everyone in on my current situation. So I have most of my tanks in a small office. It has been perfect so far for what I am doing. As it stands now I probably wont be able to set up much more tanks in there due to space and it being on the second floor. Due to recently getting a new furnace and clearing out my basement for insulating I finally decided to pull the trigger on finishing the basement and setting it up for a fish room. I have been debating this for awhile now but I live in Upstate New York and we have a wet basement, this is fine as long as your sump pump is working properly and you keep the moisture down. Once I got the pump replaced and added a backup pump I was ready to finish the basement and get my tanks up and running. This will take some time and I will be posting alot of pictures along the way, Right now I have got the walls framed in and the wire ran for the plugs. I thought ahead and added many dual outlets so I wont have to run power strips. This will be an awesome investment for what is coming later. I am insulating the walls starting tomorrow and will go and pick up the floor on monday.
    30G High Tech Planted, Co2
    90G Discus Tank
    55G Discus Tank for Fry Grow out
    Rack of 5 20L: 3 TB tanks and 2 PRL and Crystal tanks
    Rack with 2 40B for Discus Fry and breeding
    Bottom 2 rows will be as many 10G as I can fit.
    Single Air Pump powering all Sponge filters
    I will have a few HOBs on the tanks depending on what the inhabitants are. Want to keep it simple with just sponge filters and keep costs down. Probably will only have a few heaters in some of the tanks.
    Only need a few more 10g tanks, I have all the other tanks already. Picked them up from Craigslist and the $1g sale. I also have my rimless cube tanks that I am going to build some stands for. Will have a tank or two set-up high tech to have a nice planted tanks going. I have a 92G corner bowfront display I have upstairs that I keep stocked with nice plants. I am sure alot of this will change as I go, it will take me a bit to do the rest of it and get it functional. I do all the work myself on my days off so I really don't get alot of time to work on it. I have plans of breeding alot of shrimp to supply some of the local fish stores. They give me good prices and there is no one around that does it, Figured I would use this as incentive to build a bigger room. Always got to feed the MTS syndrome haha. The shrimp tanks will be kept pretty low tech for costs. I will be using cheap substrate for my Neos, and others. ADA Soil in all my TB tanks because its awesome!
    This is just a start more to add so follow!
    Tanks Already set-up to give you an idea of current livestock.
    90G Discus- 20 Discus Most are juvies-mid growth still got alot of room to grow, Pigeon Bloods, Red Panda, 2 Snow whites, 2 Stendker Dark Angels, 2 Stendker Fire Reds, 2 Yellow Marlboroughs, White Faced Marlboro, Turquoise,
    8.5G Sulawesi Cardinals/Breeding
    4.5g Blue Velvet Tank/ Breeding
    10G Carbon Rili/Red Crystals/ Berried
    10G Cherries/Black Crystals/Breeding
    5.5G Painted Fire Reds/Growing out
    20L With Mischlings/ Growing
    Long post I know, but lots of good updates on my fish room, helps me keep track of my goals by writing this so its a win, win for me.
  23. Like
    ctaylor3737 reacted to wicca32 in Carbon in hob filter question   
    i gave up using carbon along time ago really. i got the premade cartridges and never changed them this was prob back about 05. not changes a once since. i have had to replace them slowly over time due to the fiber wearing out from washing in old tank water. i just leave the carbon in them though. i figure its just more surface area for the bacteria to grow. i run both a sponge and a hob for my higher grade shrimp tanks. cant hurt to over filter right lol. only real reason to use carbon is a fish tank is to remove meds when treating for an illness.
  24. Like
    ctaylor3737 got a reaction from Soothing Shrimp in Blue Velvet Nano Tank   
    Blue Velvet Fry: -)
  25. Like
    ctaylor3737 got a reaction from Soothing Shrimp in Did AlphaProBreeders acquire EliteInverts.com?   
    Yea they are the same place now, I like thier selection of shrimp but seems to be the top of the market in prices. Wonders how they do so well when we can come here and get the same stuff half the price, but guess some people like the convienance of one place to buy stuff. I like finding the best quality for the right price. I know if I buy something from Soothing he spent hours and days caring for them, they are what he says they are. If I go there I have to trust someone I cant readily talk to and will probably get sent just born juveniles. Not knocking the site but just larger sites in general!
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