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    ctaylor3737 reacted to mayphly in Hello!   
    Hey evryone! Fellow shrimp addict here. I've been on TPT for several years and have learned a lot about shrimp on that site from many of you. It's great to see an American site solely dedicated to the shrimp hobby. I've been into shrimp for the past 4 years and have about seven tanks dedicated to them. I have rcs,bd's,pfr,golden bee,crs A-sss+, bb, mischlings and tb's.I recently aquired some taiwan bees about a month ago and just discovered berried females yesterday. I recently passed of some of my  crazed addiction to my 13yr old daughter whao now has her own rcs colony. Looking forward to lurking around this site. Cheers!

  2. Like
    ctaylor3737 reacted to metageologist in Bucephalandra anonymous >ba<   
    You and me both but if I saw a cheap Bruce I'd get it.
    Have a gniess day. -Scott
  3. Like
    ctaylor3737 reacted to Soothing Shrimp in Bucephalandra anonymous >ba<   
    Can someone explain to me the fascination with buces or crypts?
  4. Like
    ctaylor3737 reacted to Soothing Shrimp in «~Plants¦SS Mesh, Filter Guards,Tools¦Shrimp/Kens Foods¦Feeding Dishes¦+ More + NEW~»   
    I've bought the SS filter guards from H4N for various purposes, some custom made, and have been very happy with them. 
  5. Like
    ctaylor3737 reacted to Liberty1776 in Mischling Babies   
    Thats great!  Awesome feeling indeed.  And 3 mamas in the tank, sweeeeet! and mischlings too, so that means your gonna get a bunch of different kinds of shrimp right?  thats gonna be fun to see what you get  
    Congrats ! 
  6. Like
    ctaylor3737 reacted to h4n in Wtb cheap   
    Ya cheapest I've seen is $18 for juvis
  7. Like
    ctaylor3737 got a reaction from eozen81 in 20L Taiwan Bee Tank   
    Update, all the dust settled still planning out the scape, really just threw stuff in I had laying around to help with cycle. I had some minuta I had around so figured why not. Got some Anubias, crypts, hornwort in there also. I have that nice rock someone gave me that is from Africa, very interesting piece.
    Got some fissidens growing on some driftwood in my HT tank so it grows in nice before this one is cycled. Still no change in ammonia leaching. Done a few water changes, but stays pretty solid.
    Also on a side not I posted an ad on CL about buying tanks. There's not much on there up, here. A lady emailed me said I have a 55g I'm going to toss out by the road. So I was like I'll at least go look. Got there and was a complete setup, stand, fluval cannister, lights and no scratches. She was like I have to move and no one wanted to buy. I left 40$ in her mailbox didn't feel right taking it, was a steal bc she also gave me a 20l for free. I made out like a bandit and more tanks for my fish room basement remodel. More to come tomorrow on that.
  8. Like
    ctaylor3737 reacted to Soothing Shrimp in Sulawesi w/cherries?   
    The biggest thing I hear about 8.5 is the challenge to dissolve it.
  9. Like
    ctaylor3737 got a reaction from Soothing Shrimp in Water....does it really need ro?   
    I would go to wal Mart or a grocery store. Fill your jug there Its RO water. Most LFS charge 1$ a gallon which isn't bad but, it's under $2 for 5g. Just a heads up might save you, a few bucks. And also check purewaterclub.com got my RO there for 89$ works great, and is a nice system. Sorry if you know all this just sharing my research was also on a budget,and was always on the fence about using RO. Def worth it and shrimp will thank you with babies!
  10. Like
    ctaylor3737 reacted to TheShrimporium in Sulawesi w/cherries?   
    I have one Blue Velvet in my Cardinal tank and he is still going strong.  Doesn't seem as active as a tank full of neos but he molts and eats like he should.  I believe he has been in there about 6 months or more.  BTW, I'm using SS 7.5, not sure about SS 8.5
  11. Like
    ctaylor3737 reacted to TheShrimporium in Does anyone here sell cardinal shrimp?   
    Try contacting Homeless Aquatics on Houston Fish Box forum. He imported several hundred about a year ago. Several people went in on the purchase and the DOA was very bad with certain species not making it at all. But the group did get some Very nice Sulawesi species. I think minimum number per species was 50 and total purchase was a minimum of 300(number of shrimp, not price).
    I was too late when I stumbled across the thread for the group buy or I would have bought some myself.
    FYI, Homeless Aquatics recently went out of business temporarily for personal reasons but I'm sure he would help out a fellow hobbiest interested in importing.
    Sorry for derailing Soothing!
  12. Like
    ctaylor3737 got a reaction from metageologist in 20L Taiwan Bee Tank   
    I am currently cycling a Taiwan Bee tank.
    Aqua Clear 30
    ADA Amazonia
    2- Double sponge filters
    Moss and possible Anubia
    Salty Shrimp- RO water
    Should, I use an under gravel filter?
    Low light, no ferts no co2.
    Plan on getting mishlings, blue bolts, bkk, WR and going from there.
    I'll post some pictures soon.
  13. Like
    ctaylor3737 reacted to Liberty1776 in Carbon Rili / Java Moss Wall 10gal breeder   
    Just witnessed the mama today and she was "hugging" a male for a good 25 seconds before they let go of each other.  I wish i had a video to show you all.
    You know how they dart pretty fast to almost a hault when startled or spooked?  well they both darted up from the bottom surface in the back of the tank under the moss. and came back down pretty quick.  At first i thought i was witnessing my first moult.  Then they darted up again and when they landed in a different spot, it was clear at that moment that it was a pair.  I dont know what happened for sure, but it looks like mama doesnt have her babies anymore, and just mated today.  When they parted she landed in the moss cloud and carwled in.
    They were belly to belly like SoothingShrimp talked about in a thread somewhere around here.  And 1 was male , the other a female.  I just wanted to note this in the journal for the tank so i can get an accurate birthday for the next batch ^^ if I am correct.
    Has anybody ever seen this? Know what Im talking about?
    Thanks All
  14. Like
    ctaylor3737 got a reaction from FireRedShrimp in Molting freaks me out.   
    Hard to explain to Thier face will be all squished as Thier pulling out, like getting stuck in a small shirt lol
  15. Like
    ctaylor3737 reacted to metageologist in RAOK 5 CBS MIXED GRADES   
    Can I enter twice so we can wrap this up
    Have a gniess day. -Scott
  16. Like
    ctaylor3737 got a reaction from FireRedShrimp in Signs of dropped/hatched berries..   
    Kinda hard to tell if she does. Remember the babies are super small, I get scared everytime I see the eggs gone then in a few days ill start to notice the babies. When you see them youll be like oh there they are lol.
  17. Like
    ctaylor3737 reacted to Triton in Easter raok!!!!   
    Awesome looking shrimp Chris, is that a Sulawesi?
  18. Like
    ctaylor3737 got a reaction from FireRedShrimp in Molting freaks me out.   
    I, watched my shrimp molt today for the first time. It was the freakiest thing I seen. It like was rolled up and ranked the skin off. Was so weird thought it was dead.
  19. Like
    ctaylor3737 reacted to wicca32 in My 1st TB adventure   
    um no. ha ha he was a gift along with the other tb. 
  20. Like
    ctaylor3737 reacted to wicca32 in My 1st TB adventure   
  21. Like
    ctaylor3737 reacted to myklt8 in DRAWING TONIGHT!! -RAOK - Pass It On, Keep It Rolling!   
    I am just switching over to a 46gal bowfront...looks kind of bare right now but I am expecting lots of cherries!!
    1. Doc4PC2
    2. FireRedShrimp
    3. Soothing_Shrimp
    4. Ctaylor3737
    5. Teruterubozu
    6. wicca32
    7. JessJesting
    8. Mikeyp85
    9. Liberty1776
    10. Fishcrazy

    11. Featherblue 
    12 myklt8
  22. Like
    ctaylor3737 got a reaction from mayphly in 8.5 G Cardinal Sulawesi   
    They usually eat the biofilm and the left overs I feed the snails. They do pretty well with just that. I sprinkle in some growth and spiralina powder sometimes. They don't really pile on food like other shrimps. Feed more at night to. If you cut,the light on at night they actually turn white its so weird.
  23. Like
    ctaylor3737 reacted to mayphly in 8.5 G Cardinal Sulawesi   
    I think those are some of the prettiest looking shrimps out there. One of these days I'd like to try my hand at those. What do yours eat? I have heard they can be finickey eaters.
  24. Like
    ctaylor3737 reacted to ctaylor3737 in For sale plants, carpets, stems   
    It does pretty well in most conditions. It grows in my high light and low light. As with most it will thrive in co2. I actually have it in my carbon tank also.
  25. Like
    ctaylor3737 reacted to Liberty1776 in 20L Taiwan Bee Tank   
    Sweet tank!  Nice lineup of shrimp you got planned out too.  I like the color and look of blue bolts a lot, and I haven't read much on mischlings yet, but from what I understand you get some awesome different kinds of shrimp from the offspring. 
    What else do you plan on adding in the tank?
    As far as the undergravel filter, I think with plants it wouldn't be necessary, I have to find the article, but theres a breeder in one of Chris Lukhaup s magazine breeders n keepers, where the shrimper put some kind of powder under the gravel in lieu of the undergravel filter.  I will try to find that article and get back to you... its the route I wanna take when I get my next tank up and running. 
    Looking good , gonna follow this one ^^
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