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    ctaylor3737 got a reaction from metageologist in 20L Taiwan Bee Tank   
    I am currently cycling a Taiwan Bee tank.
    Aqua Clear 30
    ADA Amazonia
    2- Double sponge filters
    Moss and possible Anubia
    Salty Shrimp- RO water
    Should, I use an under gravel filter?
    Low light, no ferts no co2.
    Plan on getting mishlings, blue bolts, bkk, WR and going from there.
    I'll post some pictures soon.
  2. Like
    ctaylor3737 reacted to stealthypotatoes in LOWERED PRICE (PACKAGE)- Rotala Mexicana sp. 'Green'   
    This beautiful plant is native to Australia. It grows fairly quick in my High Tech 20H. 
    This is the real Rotala Mexicana sp. 'Green" not some knock off plant that is sold as it.
    Needed to do a big trimming!!!
    $16 including shipping for the package below!!! Usually $7 per stem

    I have some other plants too! if you are interested, PM me!
    No snails or algae on this plant
    I'm also interested in trades:
    Dwarf baby tears
    Fissidens Fontanus
    Rotala Mexicana sp. 'Red'
    Eleocharis Belem
    Alternanthera Reineckii 'Mini'
    Ludwigia Repens 'Mini'
    Rotala macrandra 'Variegated'
    Syngonanthus Belem
    Ludwigia Senegalensis

  3. Like
    ctaylor3737 reacted to mosspearl in Guess what I assembled today. ..   
    Thanks, Chris. I appreciate you sharing your experience.
    My stepdad has offered to put a brace in for me... I showed him this thread and asked if he could do it for me. Now if I can get him to do it before he leaves for Alaska, everything will work out great.
    I have my Evolve8 and a large fishbowl on one shelf and so far, so good... crossing my fingers that nothing happens before he can get here. They've been on the shelf now for a little over a month. I've ordered a Truaqua 8.7 gallon that should arrive tomorrow. Won't fill it up until the shelf is fixed. Just gives me more time to figure out the lighting and stuff, right?
  4. Like
    ctaylor3737 reacted to Liberty1776 in For sale plants, carpets, stems   
    nice selection of plants you got available!
    what kind of care is needed for the marisela minuta? i would like to try it out for my carbon rili 10g tank.
  5. Like
    ctaylor3737 reacted to Liberty1776 in Hello Everyone!   
    Welcome aboard     its always nice to see more shrimpers, especially one with a selection such as yours!  cant wait to find out more about your experiences in keeping shrimp.  I am learning a lot here at the shrimpspot, its been very informative and enjoyable to speak  with other breeders n keepers and hearing everyones input and suggestions on certain things.  Theres a lot of knowledgeable good people on here, and I say the more the merrier
  6. Like
    ctaylor3737 got a reaction from FireRedShrimp in cool planter for a tank   
  7. Like
    ctaylor3737 reacted to Soothing Shrimp in WTB PFR   
    LOL  Not my club, but I am a member there.
  8. Like
    ctaylor3737 reacted to Soothing Shrimp in WTB PFR   
    I think shrimp may be in short supply this year, dude.  Due to the winter fluke storms throwing breeding off kilter.
  9. Like
    ctaylor3737 reacted to wicca32 in why is every one wanting mischlings?   
    am i missing something? when i was talking with a couple breeders that had been around for a while they said it was kinda working backwards to have them? it waters down the tb genetics. since tb are stronger now than they used to be it was better to start with tb and not mess with mischlings. thats why i jumped in with both feed and skipped the mischlings. 
  10. Like
    ctaylor3737 reacted to Puddles in Mischlings for sale   
    I've gotten about 15% or so. I don't know if that's good or bad. As a side note I am currently sold out.
    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  11. Like
    ctaylor3737 reacted to featherblue in Hi all   
    This is one of my ladies. The minimaxi nems were arguing over who got the good spot on the rock
  12. Like
    ctaylor3737 reacted to Mikeyp85 in cool planter for a tank   
    I like the little things. The prices on some of these things though.. Smh.
    I like the creativity. By reading this post, I got an idea to make a hanging moss cloud on my back wall o my ten gallon. With a little piece of driftwood , some suction cups and some moss. Took 10 mins and my shrimp are loving it!

  13. Like
    ctaylor3737 reacted to FireRedShrimp in Hello Everyone!   
    Very nice! I have some discus as well, they are a fun fish. I love their curious personality
  14. Like
    ctaylor3737 got a reaction from FireRedShrimp in cool planter for a tank   
    I,got some clear soap dishes,at bed and beyond. $1. Got some stainless ones to that I used a fish bag to hold,the substrate. Have dhg growing in it,right,now. Dishes have fissidens to grow like a floating island for shrimp.
  15. Like
    ctaylor3737 got a reaction from FireRedShrimp in Hello Everyone!   
    I am usually on The Planted Tank so some of you may recognize me, I have been watching the forum to see if the activity picks up and it seems to have started to. I am from Upstate New York and I have alot of planted tanks. I am into Discus alot and have gotten into shrimp in the past year.
    I currently have tanks with Sulawesi Cardinals my fav! Red Crystals, Black Crystals, Yellows, Oranges, Cherries, Carbon Rili, Orange Bee. I also have a few community tanks and breed plecos on the side.
  16. Like
    ctaylor3737 reacted to Subtletanks91 in FS: Lowkeys Shrimp food - Hiden lo Asa Secret Food, Tibees, Plants   
    Post some photos of the shrimps please
  17. Like
    ctaylor3737 reacted to Dukendabears in Anyone know where I can get some King Kong Shrimp   
    Doc, i have a few smaller juveniles/ larger peewees i could sell, like 5 max
  18. Like
    ctaylor3737 reacted to FireRedShrimp in Hello All :)   
    Thank you Doc!
    Soothing Shrimp, she just turned 11m today and I can't believe it!! I think that's great that your little ones enjoy them, one day they may ask for a tank of their own! I know as a child I used to drive my parents batty with questions. I hope that my lo asks lots of questions as well, because after all, that's how we learn.
  19. Like
    ctaylor3737 reacted to DETAquarium in Hey from DETAquarium   
    Good Morning Everyone,
    I just wanted to introduce myself briefly. I really just started within the past year or so keeping shrimp on and off. I have recently setup two new aquariums for just shrimp, and plan to add two more in the future. I have a youtube channel documenting the progress I have done so far: https://www.youtube.com/user/DETAquarium
    I look forward to meeting each and everyone of you. I am very excited to really dive into keep and breed shrimp as my primary focus.
    Thank you,
  20. Like
    ctaylor3737 reacted to OblongShrimp in WTB PFR   
    edited the title just to be clear that you are looking to buy
  21. Like
    ctaylor3737 reacted to Doc4PC2 in Han Aquatics / The Shrimp Spot give away contest!!!!   
    Wow, the list is growing. I love to see it!
  22. Like
    ctaylor3737 reacted to Soothing Shrimp in WTB PFR   
    Chris, always ask for a photo of the breeder's pfr.  There's been quite a few instances of sakuras/fire reds being sold as pfr lately.  Gives us all a bad name.
  23. Like
    ctaylor3737 got a reaction from ShortGirl in Got my Winnings Today from ShortGirl   
    Awesome! I know shortgirl in RL. We traded a few times! Good people
  24. Like
    ctaylor3737 got a reaction from Liberty1776 in 20L Taiwan Bee Tank   
    I am currently cycling a Taiwan Bee tank.
    Aqua Clear 30
    ADA Amazonia
    2- Double sponge filters
    Moss and possible Anubia
    Salty Shrimp- RO water
    Should, I use an under gravel filter?
    Low light, no ferts no co2.
    Plan on getting mishlings, blue bolts, bkk, WR and going from there.
    I'll post some pictures soon.
  25. Like
    ctaylor3737 reacted to h4n in Han Aquatics / The Shrimp Spot give away contest!!!!   
    come on people share this around!!!!!
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