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Everything posted by TheGardenofEder

  1. Their a good place to start if you haven't had tbs before. Usually when I sell michilings I sell with a few tbs to increase the chances of a future tb population. Then you would cull the michilings, I'm using some of my michilings with tibees so their not worthless even to more experienced breeders.
  2. This is just me dipping my toes in the water once I start building some monster tanks I'm going to set up a big frag tank to start selling corals. Hopefully one day I can set up my 32 ft x 32 ft green house just for corals and freshwater plants. Then this tank will be my snowball tank. Found some baby's in mu tt and panda tank. Also moved all my crs x tt tibees into that tank as well. Moved all the tts into my blue dream tank. Moved two more bbs into the blue bolt tank. Moved all my michilings into my tibee tank as well. I got some mini dwarf crays from miwu and some ghost bees from james. Thank you both they look great. My orange sakuras are all reberried and the babys all have stunning color. I tore down my old 20g puffer tank today and put in new substrate and some cholla wood and all my large rams till I get them a bare bottom with my long fin abn.
  3. Hey I have several betas from shows and my local club AL proven breeders I just didn't like the fry care.
  4. A little update on my nano reef tank. Added a few more corals and an anemia. Added a damsel fish now that the tank has been stable for a couple weeks. I put two mangroves into the tank and the nits all went to 0 real fast. I thought this was going to be a bit harder but I'm very happy with it so far and kinda looking forward to a bigger tank in the future.
  5. They ate some of my buce leaves but I moved them recently because of how many eggs were in the tank didn't want an explosion of large rams in one tank.
  6. It is currently up to date all I have available right now are michilings sorry.
  7. Nice picture of a blue cardnial. Won an auction on some white crystals from james today and some crays from miwu the other day so going to add some new varietys to my collection.
  8. All animals going to Hawaii have to be quarantined. I'm from Hawaii and their very agesnt none native species. They have no rabies so dogs have to be quarantined for 9 months I believe. My parents just moved there and they had a red head macaw and everything they read up on wad it was very crule for the animals as well so they gave the bird to a friend.
  9. Just added 20 blur bolts, 2 extremes, 4 wines, 1 red kk, 2 shadow pandas, 2 black pintos, and 15 yellow kk and oebt tibees. Thanks shrimpscales for the tbs and Jojo for the tibees. I put the 20 bbs into my shrimp daddy tank. Also I got some new shrimp net remin for my tigers to test them out.
  10. Today will probibly be the last day this bb holds the bluest in my colony. ^This guy has one extreme for me in the mail.
  11. Over 200 shrimp on their way to new homes. Sadly I have hardly any shrimp now. All is good though lots of berried females everywhere.
  12. So sorry don't know how I didn't see this yes they get 3 to 6 inches but 6 is rare
  13. I've got a handful left someone just bought almost all my males so youll get a high female ratio
  14. I think all mine are females too. I threw the one that I was positive it was a male with my aura tibees and now she's berried so no males. Sold out of most my shrimp today got rid of a lot of culls and payed for some tbs and pintos who can complain about that. I would just like to thank the shrimp community everyone has been so helpful and motivating I feel like I'm finally getting a hold of everything and am only going to continue to try my best to keep everyone updated and informed on everything that's going on. There will be a lot of changes and additions in the near future. Also a big thank you to those who have helped me on the way there is way to many of you to mention you all know who you are. And a huge thank you to my girlfriend who helps out with just about everything I have going on with out her there's no way I'd be able to maintain everything that I have.
  15. Sorry to say I've sold out of most my shrimp.
  16. http://www.shrimpspot.com/index.php?/topic/3234-shrimp-stock/#entry56416I'm a sponsor on the forum.
  17. Had a bad storm yesterday and it took out some of my led lights. So I'm having a 10% off my whole stock list now till the end of the month. Those who want shrimp will be getting more extras then usual for your support as well. Thank you all.
  18. Got a picture of the berried blue jelly and also of my two berried snow whites.
  19. So I had 5 aura tiger x snow white in a tenner and decided to throw in a blue jelly kk male into the mix. Well today I look to see eggs under the blue jelly, can't believe she's a female even with her eggs she just nkw shows a hump under her belly. Very excited for these baby's to be born and show their paterns.
  20. So I got everything ready for my red wine michilings to come tomarrow their going in the tank with the rainbow fry. Today I threw in some tangerine tiger shrimp into my shrimp daddy tank as tester shrimp till I make it my pinto tank. Seen some hair algee in the tank so I'm going to reduce the light cycle. My chocolates are doing great I've noticed more baby's in the tank today and the first batches are almost to maturity now as well as the crs I threw in their tank. The royal tigers are still a few weeks away. My orange sakura are also taking off I'm seeing a lot of nicly colored baby's I'm hoping to get them just as nice as my yellows and reds. My oebt are all maturing and my btoe are doing nicly. My diamond shrimp baby's are showing some great colors and all females are harried again. Some of the juvis might be mature I'm going to have to cull the males here shortly. I also had someone up north get a hold of some petrified wood for me, it's going to be a month before he comes back down but I'm very excited I've been wanting to so a scape with petrified wood for a long time and my mini xmas moss is starting to take off and I should have plenty for the scape by then as well as lots of mini pelli. Lots of new projects to be done just need to find time to do them.
  21. So I finally tore down my old blue diamond tank and set it up for some cpos but I might take the cpo out and throw some guppys in there instead along with some malawa shrimp.I'm going to the world guppy compition next month and I'm going to take home a nice pare with me hopefully an all red with some neat fins. There will be guppys there you just can't get in the United states. I hope to keep some nice genes for my local club. I took the rocks out of my juvi axolotl tank and put in some drift wood instead with some anubis and java moss thought it was an upgrade.
  22. Thank you! So I'm sold out of my cardnial shrimp but good news lots of berried females and lots of baby's trying to grow up. Also my blue diamonds are on their way to a nice size colony I need to do some culling here soon but for now I'll enjoy the numbers. Hopefully my tigers will give birth soon. Hopefully we will get everything finished in a couple of weeks and I'll start doing some videos. Right now we just tore down the pea puffer tank so I can make it a snow ball tank. Right now it's blue dreams, orange sakuras, chocolates-crs-royal tigers, blue diamond-btoe, on the top then it's yellow neo, carbon rilli-oebt, the tore down puffer tank, red rilli-blue rilli, and tore down yellow neo tank with a few yellow juvis. All of them have berried females except the crs and royals they are still juvis. Still need to think of a neo for the old yellow neo tank. Ither black rose, orange rilli, green jades, blue velvets, blue pearls, or something else idk.
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