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Everything posted by TheGardenofEder

  1. Found a berried crs x tangerine tibee and another tangerine tiger so that makes 3 now. Going to start up a new cardnial shrimp tank soon so I have two tanks going.
  2. So everyday I try and do a good examination of all my tanks to make sure there are no problems, berried shrimps, babys, or something my kids threw into my tanks. Well yesterday I was looking into a tank that had hydra so I didn't want to trow any tibees in so I threw some rainbows that I got from a local fish club and had no where to put them so I decided to throw them in the tank with hydra. Well last month some time I took them out and moved them into my electric blue ram tank. Well when I was looking in their old tank for hydra I found a bunch of rainbow fry. So with out trying (didn't think they were mature enough) I got fry. Also I got a bunch of shrimp off mayphly yesterday and I'll get pictures of those in a week or so when they color up. Today I got some blue dreams and boy am I excited about these, got a good amount two of them are saddled and one is berried. I just got them and can't believe their color. I will take pictures in a few days when i feed. If only I could find some green neos and some snow ball shrimp my neo rack will be completed and I'll just have to add tigers to all of them in time as well. Each 20 gallon will have a type of neo, tiger, moss, and buce. There are 10 tanks on the rack. I got another light coming in tomarrow. I also got my hands on some sl aqua products for my spondge filter tanks to substitute for my mk for a bit because everyone seems to be out of products for a while. Magic powder seems to be a hit. The purity has been a piled and I'm going to dose it heavily in my old yellow neo tank to kill the worms before I use no planariea, also I will find out if this works on hydra.
  3. Get purify to kill planariea I just used fenben azolla and it was one of my worst experience every lost so many tbs and all my oebt.
  4. So last night there wasn't much of any fish or shrimp that I was interested but I did manage to get some large rams horn snails and some nice angle fish. Also a very berried cardnial shrimp.
  5. 1. Anhnguyen310 2. James Aquatics 3. Poopians 4. thekonexperiment 5. TheGardenofEder
  6. Had a couple packages going out today. Seems to be breeding season in my tanks almost all my breeder females are berried. Going to an auction tonight so if I get anything I'll post it tomarrow.
  7. It's just a 5g with an hob with matrix. I'm getting mangroves and a power head soon though.
  8. Got 4 corals, 3 peppermint shrimp, 1 flame scallop, 1 scrarlet red crab, 1 random crab, and still more to come with the 5g salt water tank.
  9. I have just upgraded my stock list to include cardnial shrimp $10 each, michilings $4 each, and pm me with what size mat of dwarf hair grass or dwarf baby tears and we will go from there.
  10. I only rinse with ro water when the flow is reduced.
  11. Haven't posted any single shrimp shoots in a while.
  12. Took all my guppys out of my 20g and put them with my acura. Redid their tank with some teddy bear cholla just need to pick some moss and buce out now. I finally was able to catch all my electric blue jack Dempseys and threw them in their tank. Also tested my shrimp daddy tank 1 month today every is 0 the tank is done cycling and when I find out what fancy ringers are males I will throw them into the tank as testers. This will eventually be my pinto tank.
  13. I didn't post anything yesterday so I'll do two posts today. My tiger shrimp have started too mature and I'm seeing some saddles. So I've been catching male tbs for them. I caught a male bkk jelly and threw it with my tangerine tigers and the next morning one was berried.I moved another blue jelly male into my aura x snow whites that's I got from andrew. I have a berried snow white so my whites sre finally maturing. I threw my yellow neos into my old blue rilli tank. I but my btoe in with my blue dreams along with a male crs. I threw my royal blue tigers with orange eyes in my red crystal and chocolate tank. I'm going to wait a week or two and try and catch as many yellow neos out of their tank before I treat for worms. I'll post more once I get some work done.
  14. Drop I just want to point out that my orange shrimp are one of my most hardy shrimps their neos and I have several tanks that left alone with scuds and hydra and seemed like my shrimp did so much beter. I feel like now that I messed with the tanks killed off the hydra removed the scuds my shrimp just don't do as good so I've been reduing tanks with the hopes of minimum care just go back to when I saw a problem I took care of it unless that happens I do nothing. The no food thing is blwoing my mind one thing I recently did was up the amount of food I believe I was truly underfeeding. What shrimp are yu having a problem with Shrimplet mortality rating?
  15. Got the live sand and rock in the tank yesterday tomarrow I'm going to add some frags, crabs, maybe some shrimp. I'm going to try and do a project every day for a while I've got a bunch of them just calling me.
  16. Just set up a 55 gallon electric blue jack Dempsey tank.
  17. New tank going uo tomarrow got everything I need for it minus the live rock for the middle. It's going to be a saltwater tank with upside-down jelly fish and some shrimp.
  18. My 7.5g fluval shrimp daddy tank is coming along nicely.
  19. Just broke down my blue rilli tank and started fresh substrate threw the wood and moss back in and I'm planning on throwing my yellow neos in there so I can do the same to their tank. Also I raised the tds and gh in all my tanks except for my red rilli tank I droped the tds and gh a bit trying to see if one or the other works for me.
  20. No I believe that is one create I saw a documentary video about one that was very long and they said there was blob ones too. I can't remeber what their called starts with a z I think.
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