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Everything posted by TheGardenofEder

  1. I'm going there in an hour going to buy two more 55g
  2. Dang whys it so hard to find snails.
  3. set up a breeder box for my tb tank. I took my female blue jelly and my male green hulk and put them in.
  4. This is my favorite baby, the shell is so much thicker then the other cbs babies and this one seems to have nice stripes it would be cool if this turned out to be my first tibee.
  5. You got anything on what to do once you've spotted a problem?
  6. Found a baby and a flower in my blue diamond tank. The baby is almost a juvie so he's from the first batch from my dark brown female. The red female is still berried. I have no clue what this plant is a buddie of mine gave it to me when he gave me his 20g But the flower is so cool looking. Also look at this beast of a shrimp with one eye, my puffers must of got it, it looks healed over so all is good.
  7. Welcome to the forum you've certainly come to the right place
  8. I can't wait till my ten gallon is ready so I can put these two in their own tank.
  9. Can I see pictures? And how much a piece for them?
  10. 1. Desert Shrimp Depot 2. Cindygao0217 Please keep a nice format
  11. I'm looking for pink and blue rams, rabit snails, and anything else that might peek my interest. I'll pat money or we can make a trade don't matter to me.
  12. I have a lot of berried mama's right now. Here's just a few. Also thought I'd share what I do with my plants when I tare down tanks and switch the substrates. All these plants will be ready for their new homes in a few days. This is a 55g tank holding my anubis, hornwort, xmas moss, buces, java ferns, dhg, some bronze crypts, and some more that I do not know the name of. All of these plants except for the hornwort are going into my 6 ten gallon caridina set ups. All 6 tanks have dgh right dgh and that's it. I've been really sick lately and haven't been able to work on the room I'm hoping today is the last day and I can get the walls done and painted this weekend.
  13. This month I will give away 15 red cherrys as well as a nice bundle of plants to one lucky winner. Winner will be responsible for shipping $12 usps priority two day. Please make a list and I will randomly pick a number at the end of the month. Good luck.
  14. It might be oebt cull some of my babies come out white as well.
  15. The prices get beter the more you buy and as always free shrimps with every sale.
  16. There is no molt in my berried female tank.
  17. All of my shrimp that I have to offer have been bred by my self and culled to get the quality that I desire. All stock can now be found on our site at TGOESHRIMP.COM Usps two day priority shipping is $15 and $35 for express. I cover all doa as long as you send me a clear picture of the dead shrimp in bag with my shipping label in the picture one hours upon delivery. All boxes will be insulated, I can provide heat and cold packs at $2 each. I'm currently working on expanding and will have more shrimp available soon.
  18. Omg I'm so jelous do you know who the parents are?
  19. My RRBB have really started to take over the colony.
  20. I barley ever see my cardnial shrimp and when I do they are always in the back of a little cave and I can never get good photos.
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