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Everything posted by TheGardenofEder

  1. Got a lot of really nice shoots this morning. First two are green hulk. Third picture is an oebt and a really nice blue bolt. Then a pic of a really nice baby cbs. My tbs and crystal shrimp love carrot. Last picture is of my two wine pandas.
  2. There's like a foot of space missing where there use to be a razed floor with drawers under it and the cords were covered. I removed most of the floor and the drawers so now that part of the wall is exposed. I'm just going to cut out 10 inches of dry wall tuck the cords in and dry wall all the way down to the floor. It might be hard to tell by the pictures
  3. Finished the mud on the main wall. Also the wall to the left of it I was going to leave it be, but this dry wall really isn't as difficult as I thought so I'm going to cut it out and hide the cords and bring dry wall all the way down to the ground. Also I'm going to make a wall for the step.
  4. Algee wafers mostly, zucchini, fish food, blood worms, black worms.
  5. This makes me very happy to hear, I had that cray for a long time, did you ever figure out what that Crack was, he was due for a shed so did he shed yet?
  6. No I have to go to work won't get home till late. Also I have to give a lot of credit to my fiance she does a lot to help with just about all of my products there's no way I'd get most of this done that fast with out her.
  7. Got the dry wall up, I'm going to tape it up and paint it tomorrow. Maybe start on a stand set up.
  8. You got bare bottom as well I'd just use that as a feeding tray.
  9. I guess I can go to home depot and get some dry wall.
  10. Finished a lot of the pond need to rig the water pump now.
  11. Ya I've been seeing some of these guys around lately I've been removing them with a little pipet.
  12. I'm 23 I have two kids and run my own landscapeing buisnes, I got a lot I want to do before I lose all this energy, just trying to get as much done as I possibly can while I'm still young.
  13. Got all the desk and built in dressers out along with the raised floor. Cut all the dry wall that had been tore up from my soccer ball as well as removed some old Insulation. I also started to remove some of the tile on the floor. This is my first time doing any dry wall work so I'm just taking my time making sure I don't miss anything. Going to work on a new pond today.
  14. Got some nice shots of one of my RRBB male and female.
  15. Now just need to fill them all up and cycle for a month.
  16. Time to start the rest. Haven't even opened the products yet.
  17. Substrate for the two tanks are done I'm adding water two inches above the substrate to soak for 4 hours then begin the rest the cycle. It took me 22 minutes to look up the process and get to where I am at. Blue diamond shrimp on the left tenner and the malawa are second from the right. The two empty tanks are going to be CBS and green hulk/blue jelly culls.
  18. My African chiclids are Gona love that. Just got home from work Gona start tanking.
  19. You can mix red rillis and pfd with nk problems with wild types at all.
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