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Everything posted by TheGardenofEder

  1. Thanks man I get a lot of motivation from everyone here on the forum and I really appreciate every bit. I'm going to try and hurt through work today to try and get home to set up my 6 soil experiment tanks. These 6 tanks will be for crystal and tbs. How ever I'm almost done with my other rack and here's some updates on the shrimp tanks on it. My carbon tank is first. Next is my red rilli cull tank, with some pea puffer fish. Then my red rilli that never seems to be out of stock even now after I cleaned out 250 in the last three months. My yellow neo tank, they are munching on the food Poopians gave me. My high grade red cherry tank, only a few sakuras left, most are fire sakura but I do have a decent amount of painteds on the tank. My chocolate shrimp got an upgrade from 10g to the 20g rack. Last but not least is my blue rilli tank is getting upgraded as well but you can see I have no plants in there yet.
  2. I thought about this on the way to the post office, I was like kids are not in the car set volume to 45 as I get to 24 I'm like wait!!!!!! I got 64 little guys back there so I had to wait till I dropped them off and enjoyed my ride home.
  3. First berried malawa shrimp. Today has been busy I broke down 10 tanks switching substrates and moving fish. My 200 gallon 20g rack is now 6 out of 8 tanks just for shrimp. The other 20 will be gone once the pond and fish room are done. I got all 6 10g tanks ready for ada tomarrow. Also broke down my old 55g cherry tank and going to make it a discus or electric blue depsy tank.
  4. Just slowly aclimate them and everything will be fine.
  5. Looks like I'm about to drop another grand and up my set up another 1000 gallons I got a finish my fish room by the 29th, well that don't give me much time lol.
  6. 1. GBR 2. Crazyfishlady 3. Steve R. 4. Metageologist 5.cindygao0217 6. Shrimpin' Granny 7. zodiac 8. Sumo82 9. Spialz 10. Elo500 11. TheGardenofEder
  7. They say no two bags of soil are the same so too keep everything equal I plan on mixing the three bags together. Anyone else got any ideas or tips?
  8. 3 bags of soil and I'm ready to do some testing. I've already got one bag of soil in a 20g. I'm going to do 6 ten gallons useing the 3 new bags.
  9. All parameters are fine, I even moved them from one tank to another and same problem.
  10. My long fin albino bristlenose pleco is finally out of the cave. He's been in his cave breeding and being a good father since november.
  11. I came across an amazing deal for dwarf hair grass. Also came across some really bright orange cpos and some are solids for soothing.
  12. Sorry don't know that all I read was brown algee is good where green algee was bad. I think shrimp daddy said it I would ask him.
  13. Brown algee is good and benifital for shrimps. The small bugs are more then likely seed shrimo, they are also good for the tank as long as they don't get out of control. Just get a scape and take the algee off the front of the tank if you don't like it.
  14. Really nice job. Can I get a direct link to the lights you got please?
  15. Lol that's just my living room well one wall of my living room, I got 14 more tanks in my living room you can't see in that picture. Im really going to get started on my fish room once my son's birthday party is over. Petco needs another sale I'm going to need more tanks soon.
  16. gave the chiclid tank a new look. Also with the cardnial tank set up my living room has a different feel to it now.
  17. Also I got some blue bolts and red pandas from shrimp scales for my tb tank. Can't find the pandas but got some nice shoots of the bbs some of them almost have full blue coverage.
  18. Got some cardnials for my tank that I set up not that long ago. I can tell these guys are Gona be hard to photograph all they do is hide in little caves. Thanks maphly for the beautiful shrimp.
  19. It's too hard to sell and honestly don't worry about it too much I have shrimp that I've never seen not berried the eggs hatch and the saddle drops right away and she's berried again. Sometimes shrimp will drop a whole clutch but one egg that will survive. You have red cherrys the parents don't really matter until you start to selective breed and even then you don't really need to know who the mother is just cull the babies that don't have the color your looking for. The babies look prity young if they survive for another few days or indefinitely then your shrimp have become more hardy and maybe your female hatched all the babies and only the hardy ones survived if your water parameters are not ideal.
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