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Everything posted by TheGardenofEder

  1. I just woke my son going wood tb baby tb baby tb baby! It looks like a baby red bolt definitely not what I thought I was going to get at all I can only find one.
  2. My albino bristlenose and cory cat tank is doing great. I have baby plecos everywhere I almost got all the babies from the first batch out but one left. I think I'll leave him or her in there to compare sizes Or different ages. Also my albino cory cats look like they will be matured soon. I did get some albino fry from my normal corys. Today is a big day for me the mail man is going to break his back. I have a pond pump coming in for a new pond set up (around 2200 gallons above ground)with a grow bed. Also my package from Han should arrive today got a lot of nice plants coming. Also waiting for some 300 ft of air tubing, brine shrimp kit, daphnia culture, and some more small parts. Last but not least Miwu sent me 20 michilings, 2 tbs, 2 red nose, 3 rabbits snails, and 3 pygmy cory cats. All their homes are ready to go I'll post pictures once they are all acclimate or in the process of.
  3. I found that out about my moss balls right after I got them so they all ended up in my syren tank because they destroy all my plants and they just kick those around like soccer balls all the time.
  4. Welcome nice tank set up love the big bush of moss.
  5. Here's my group of blue velvets crossed with blue rilli. Last but not least some red cherrys.
  6. Some shrimp updates. one of my pandas I'd turning out to be a shadow Got a nice pic of my berried blue jelly My yellow population seems to be getting darker color My red rilli population is back to where I like it. I have some saddled carbons I put my low grade crs with my blue diamonds And my chocolate shrimp seem to be growing to maturity soon.
  7. I have a lake near my house that has some piranhas.
  8. Finished with the substrate for my cardnial shrimp tank. I just Need to get some caves for them to hide out in. Also this is my first high ph tank and I'm still trying to figure out what plants to use. Normally I'd be bugging han for this information but he is currently taking a week break. So I'm trying to look them up in my spare time which is never. Anyone got any ideas?
  9. I think he might but it seems he's been offline for a bit.
  10. Where did you get them? I see some red in the shrimp in the very back as well. Chances are you were sold blue rillis as blue velvets.
  11. They are all in the tank and grazing on all the bio film. I get 20 michilings on Monday. I'm going to grab a few in tank breeder boxes to hold some if my cbs and crs until I set up new tanks for them.
  12. Oh man I like the moss is pics 5 and 6. Ill take some of that as soon As you got extra to spare.
  13. I started with babies from petco now I have my own babies but I'm done with the betas and was going to sell of some breeding pairs of anyone was interested they are still young only one batch of fry each. They just take up too much room and not a lot of reward in the end.
  14. Starting to aclimate my tbs for Their new tank.
  15. I got some more carbons from soothing. I might be throwing some crs in the tank as well.
  16. My female blue jelly is keeping her blue, while I have a panda who looks to be gaining some blue in the middle.
  17. One month into my cycle here's the parameters Ph is 6 ammonia is 0 nitrite is 0 nirates is 0 It's finally done!
  18. A lot of babies they all look like they are cbs though, there's no way they are michilings, how ever my next berried female there is no telling who the father is of my tb or the next to get saddled up. Tomarrow will be one month of my tb tank being cycled. ammonia is less then 1 ppm, same as both nits. There is a ton of tiny critters all over the glass and substrate. Also see these little spastic bugs swimming in fast circles from time to time. The hawaiin moss is taking off I can't believe how good it is doing. I took a break from the hobby as well as a day off work to spend with the family. Wish I brought my bathing suit saw a bunch of plants in the lake I wanted. I did find a bunch of nice moss for my frogs. I got enough I was going to try and grow some submerged. How ever I'm home now and already feel like I've sat on the couch too long I think I might start moving tanks out of my fish room for the remodel.
  19. All done I still don't know what I'm going to put in the middle tank.
  20. I lied I boiled my hands so I could plant today. I should have a good full set up when the sun isn't in my face for the picture.
  21. Hmm 20 hours and you think the panda is the dad? Dont the eggs get fertile in the saddle? And then drop several days later
  22. I still got paint and the chemicals I used to wash the paint off my hands so I won't be planting anything for a few days. Also I ran out of ro water so your going to have to settle for this as the final photo for now at least for a few days or so.
  23. finally got my lights in today for my 20g tb tank just in time to set up the new rack. It's dry so I'm going to start draining water and moving tanks now.
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