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Everything posted by TheGardenofEder

  1. This was unexpected. Eggs from my blue rams that were just in a holding tank.
  2. Going to start building any day now. I'm running out of new set ups to show but I still got a few more. Here's my beta collection. I was breeding them just to say I've done it. How ever I've gotten three batches of fry now and probibly going to shut this whole project down. I'm going to use their tanks for my cray fish projects.
  3. They should be coming in any day now I'm just prepared early.
  4. My current bee tank not about looks here just practicality.
  5. I'm out of room till my fish room is built which is currently the home of an empty 40g and two empty 55g so I'm useing these to hold my containers for my axolotls. I put guppy grass in some of the containers, the other containers I'm going to put nothing with the axolotls. Also I had a small batch of eggs today maybe she's Gona lay more later today.
  6. Here's an update on the axolot babies I was cleaning some cages here's about 40 of them in a holding container, also my other batch of eggs are doing great as well. I can't wait to see some legs growing on these larvae.
  7. Here's a new tank set up. Right now I have a few Red cherrys in there, I'll probibly keep some of them in there but for the most part this will be a tiger tank. Also here's a picture of a blue diamond.
  8. My malawa shrimp tank with some of my baby abn.
  9. Found a yellow rilli in my tank today. Also noticed a few with striped backs I might have to start a new project.
  10. Some mature faster theN others it's like baby teeth one comes in then before you know it eventually you got a full house
  11. You should not get wilds at all can I see pics? The females will tend to be darker so find those females and stick them in a tank, then find your darkest male and use him to selective breed, take your darkest ofd spring and repeat prosses, each time you will breed more true how much realy depends on too many factors. If your in the market and want to buy darker bloody Mary's then you already have will always improve chances and percentages of dark offspring.
  12. I think this guy just made carbons my favorite neo
  13. A little update on my rillis, stock was running a little low but as you can see I'll have plenty in no time.
  14. Geting ready for my koi to spawn so I took my plecos and my cat fish out so they won't eat the eggs. Here's my bigger pleco.
  15. Here's my my Dendrobates tinctorius 'Citronella' poison dart frog tank. I have two I belive is a pair. They are on a 29g Tall tank in my kids room he loves them.
  16. I just read your post about your mosses and that was the selling point for me I got the whole product line minus food
  17. I'm just debating between mk or shrimp daddy products to help my cycle.
  18. It finally worked. No I don't particularly like orange just looks like the crays boss the shrimp around.
  19. A picture of a new cpo I got the other day. He's going in with my other 3 in the 30g as well as some pumpkin shrimp in the future.
  20. I used tap water at first bUT my ph was to low so I made alkaline water with baking soda
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