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Everything posted by TheGardenofEder

  1. Han I'm patiently waiting for your package to get here in the mail.
  2. I tryed you first han but you were out I had to go with what I could find
  3. Yes I built all of my tank stands and racks. My son broke the front door to the bttom right tank and I've done a lot of aquascaping these pictures are old I'll take new ones when I fix my son's damage
  4. The next tank I'd like to share is my red rilli tank. I made these rillis my self crossing some of my cherrys and blue velvets. These are by far my hardest and most productive shrimp. They reproduce like crazy I always have babies running around everywhere and my 4 main females from my first clutch are always berried I've never seen one of them with out eggs. They eat more then my cherrys do as well. Eventually I was able to pull enough blue culls out to start up my own blue velvet tank. I had only gotten a few blue velvets but never enough to have them into their own tank till the rilli started giving me all blues. I try to make note of the amount of all red and all blues I get from ever clutch, it's about two blue, one red, and I get another blue with a red head and a red with blotchy paterns, the rest are nice rilli paterns about 20 of them.
  5. I was going to get a bag off han but he's sold out and I can't find someone that is in the same ball park price as him. Where's a hood place to get this at?
  6. Here is my set up in my living room on one wall anyways. All running off of one air pump.
  7. They are scattered all across my house I have a room that's in the works right now I'll post pictures once some progress can be seen. I will post some pictures of my racks if you haven't seen them somewhere else already in the diy section.
  8. I tend to have a lot going on when it comes to shrimp, fish, and other aquadic ventures. I'd like to share my story from my struggles to my achievements. I've always had pets growing up of those included many fish tanks, but this is a shrimp forum so that's where I'm going to start. It all starred with just a ten gallon red cherry shrimp tank. I started with ten red cherrys I got from a lps. At first I was really happy but the more my shrimp grew up the less color they had and I was just not pleased, the clear ones I fed to my oscars because I swore they were ghost shrimp at the time. Needless to say I spent some more money and got 20 high grade red cherrys and that's when the madness Started. My tank quickly turned into a mad house of over populated red cherrys of all grades this drove me nuts. so I went got me two more tanks and started culling shrimp into different grades. Eventually I ended up with one high grade tank and one low grade tank and threw the low grade tank into my lilly pond out back. I now have two red cherry only tanks. A 10 gallon and a 55 gallon. I have 46 fish tanks that's just two I'll do a new segment every few days giving room for questions and suggestions if you know something I have and would like to see it let me know because I might be saving that for last. Also please I'd like to hear all suggestions and criticism please.
  9. I leave my snails in the tank when the population gets too high just put a piece of algee waffer on a dish wait till there's a ball of snails and pick of the dish, I feed my snails yoo my puffer fish or throw them in my assassin snail tank.
  10. I'm still waiting for the substrate to get here and my shrimp will be here next week so I'm like 3 weeks behind
  11. I'm going to be getting some tbs in the near future and I was planning on just throwing them with my crs, cbs, and oebt tank, but the more I keep reading the more I think I want to out them into a different tank. my question is should I just put them with my other shrimp till I get my substrate and cycle it then put the tbs in it when I'm ready? Or.. can I put them in a bare bottom tank? I'm useing ro water with as gh+ to get the water parameters correct, I was also planning on throwing in some Bacter ae(my first time useing this product I still haven't gotten it in the mail yet), a lot of cholla wood, ial, alder cones. Or would o still have to cycle the tank? Also can I use the bacter ae with my already established and populated tank? Any other quick set up ideas that I can use while I cycle my ada
  12. Sweet got in at the last one. Thank you!
  13. Just read this whole thread, I know your busy but when you can please let's see them purple shrimp.
  14. I'm sure I'm not the only one that has gone to a lps and brought home some mystery plant. Now I got some ideas of what this could be but but I just can't narrow it down. This will be first of many. Anyone else feel free to ask if you have any mystery plants as well.
  15. I did it today I use an air hose into a glass jar, I was geting brine shrimp though and accidentally put to much in and tryed syphoning them out and got two babies axolotls with it. But I saved them threw them back
  16. There is a baby in that last picture below the leaf
  17. It took 8 days for them to hatch. Right now about 10 of them have hatched out of around 70 eggs. Axolotls never come out of the larvae stage. They can lose legs and regenerate(I've seen this first hand from one I revived with only 3 legs at repticon). When they are ready I will be selling them I already got my liscence.
  18. I started to see eyes on the top left egg then behind it under the leaf I found a larva swimming by.
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