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Everything posted by TheGardenofEder

  1. The wider variety of parameters, temperatures, and other variables makes your shrimp more hardy, my cherrys seem to do good in any envenvironment but my blue velvets need cleaner water.
  2. They only take about two days to hatch where the eggs dont get messy when they hatch they would just swim out the bowl there is a sponge filter in there with them
  3. It's a planted angle fish tank there just so happens to be a few Amano shrimp and some cherrys.
  4. I usually throw plants in once they have hatched
  5. TheGardenofEder

    co2 diy

    When I was a kid I used a soda bottle, water, yeast, sugar, and some air hose to make co2 for my plant project and I found somewhere online and they use an air stone and throw it in fish tanks. I have a really nice planted tank with out any co2 and would like to see some outstanding growth. Am I wasting my time making this is there a cheap alternative product that works great. Also any fertilizer I can use that's shrimp and fish safe?
  6. So this is like my 4th clutch of eggs now. Every time I get eggs I try a new way of hatching them. I've tryed bare bottom breeder box, and it got way to dirty too fast, so I added gravel and then noticed the babies got traped under the gravel, next time I used sand in a tank, and here's a 5g tank with sponge filter I feel this will have the best success. Anyone have a beter idea or process.
  7. I just dnot eat it my self and every time I'm at the grocery store I forget to get it. So I end up going to the grocery store just to buy zucchini people must thing I'm wierd.
  8. This was Gona be my next project just waiting for my tanks to populate just a little more
  9. 1. Thegardenof Eder This would help a lot
  10. Looks like my wild neos to me but I think some of my wild neos look like tigers even though I know they are not they are just neos when they are babies they are really cool blue color
  11. Well if u ever get green babies I would love some I could give u a long fin male in trade for some down the road as well
  12. The oyster feed I use is for chickens and I belive is dusted with calcium as well so I do not wash it
  13. Ive run out of space for my tanks. I need to rip down a wall and build a rack here soon.
  14. I bred enough leopard geckos to know what I'm talking about and the only thing I can say is please don't use a heat lamp
  15. I had to move guppys out of my tank because they attacked my babies. I never seen a green bristlenose he's really nice here's my male
  16. I don't use a lot the crays kinda eat at it my neos are all prity large in that tank
  17. I use oyster shells to help my crays shed does anyone use this for shrimp. I get a bag of them really cheap at roual king it's originally ment for chicken feed. I have a tank of baby crays and a nice colony of neos in there as well so I know it's shrimp safe.
  18. I never noticed them eating my shrimp guess I'll start feeding them off
  19. I went to go clean out the cave picked it up and theres a huge clutch of eggs in there I'm Gona need to start growing my own zucchini
  20. I got some tea coming from puddles I plan on useing it to get rid of my black beard algae I have a lot of moss in the tank as well
  21. I have them gastropods and scuds in every tank I out my horn wort in they cling to it I got them from a local river threw the hornwort in the tank and saw them I enjoy seeing them my girl friend freaked one day when she saw one it was like seeing the lock Ness mosnter she said it was killing my shrimp I laughed when I saw it was just a scud
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