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    TheGardenofEder got a reaction from Johnnydok in The Journals of ThegardenofEder   
    My soil came today! How long do I have to cycle till I can put plants in there?
  2. Like
    TheGardenofEder got a reaction from zodiac in Tantora Restocked and MORE New Products!!   
    I love the unpacking skillz
  3. Like
    TheGardenofEder got a reaction from Soothing Shrimp in The Journals of ThegardenofEder   
    My chocolates, my carbons, and my diamonds.

  4. Like
    TheGardenofEder got a reaction from Danky808 in The Journals of ThegardenofEder   
    If you can't tell I try and incorporate shrimp into everyone of my tanKS however we all know that this is just not possible in every tank. Now I Did start off with a few Red cherrys in their tank how ever when they grew up I had to separate them from my newts and other fish because I found out they can eat prity large foods. these are my lesser syrens they will get a bout 2 ft in length and they are both about a year old. If you look at all my set ups they are all there with the intention to breed, I don't know why but breeding animals and watching something grow up that you were apart of is one of the most amazing things and I'm happy to say I've got quite a few species under my belt but I have a lot more on my bucket list. So when ever I get into something I always got to buy at least 4 to try and get a nice breeding pair. Well one day my syren tank got a little algee so I threw in a pleco and one morning I woke up to the pleco on both of my male syrens, lesson learned something I never read on the Internet, now I don't keep plecos with any of my amphibians for that reason. So I have two very nice females right now. They are native to Florida and I work a farm where I have seen them before in her pond and I try every time to find one with no luck yet but hopefully one day I can get these guys to breed but kinds hard with two females. If anyone knows someone who has a male I'd love to purchase it. I'm almost done catching all my beta fry out of one of my tanks and then im finishing my 20g rank and I'll post pics when I'm done.

  5. Like
    TheGardenofEder got a reaction from h4n in Tantora Restocked and MORE New Products!!   
    I love the unpacking skillz
  6. Like
    TheGardenofEder got a reaction from jesseter in Questions on selective breeding of Bloody Marys   
    You should not get wilds at all can I see pics? The females will tend to be darker so find those females and stick them in a tank, then find your darkest male and use him to selective breed, take your darkest ofd spring and repeat prosses, each time you will breed more true how much realy depends on too many factors. If your in the market and want to buy darker bloody Mary's then you already have will always improve chances and percentages of dark offspring.
  7. Like
    TheGardenofEder got a reaction from h4n in Order received   
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    TheGardenofEder got a reaction from Soothing Shrimp in Does this mean more should get berried?   
    Some mature faster theN others it's like baby teeth one comes in then before you know it eventually you got a full house
  9. Like
    TheGardenofEder got a reaction from Alfrediacag in The Journals of ThegardenofEder   
    It finally worked. No I don't particularly like orange just looks like the crays boss the shrimp around.

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    TheGardenofEder got a reaction from cyris krow in The Journals of ThegardenofEder   
    I think this guy just made carbons my favorite neo

  11. Like
    TheGardenofEder got a reaction from mayphly in The Journals of ThegardenofEder   
    Geting ready for my koi to spawn so I took my plecos and my cat fish out so they won't eat the eggs. Here's my bigger pleco.

  12. Like
    TheGardenofEder got a reaction from RyeGuy411 in how is my cycle doing?   
    I just read your post about your mosses and that was the selling point for me I got the whole product line minus food
  13. Like
    TheGardenofEder got a reaction from CharlesWex in how is my cycle doing?   
    I'm two weeks into my cycle here's the parameters
    ammonia is 5 ppm
    nitrites are 0 ppm
    nirtate is at 0 ppm
    This was not the case a few days ago did my bateria colony crash? The only difference I did was add plants and my nits went 0. What do I need to do?
  14. Like
    TheGardenofEder got a reaction from aquariumlover10 in The Journals of ThegardenofEder   
    A picture of a new cpo I got the other day. He's going in with my other 3 in the 30g as well as some pumpkin shrimp in the future.
  15. Like
    TheGardenofEder got a reaction from Shrimpsicle in The Journals of ThegardenofEder   
    Here's a picture for those who entered to win my roak and want the axolotls instead of the other packages or maybe just one axolotl. Here's my juvinile albino axolotl in a ten gallon tank with play sand and large rocks for him to hide under. The plant is pothos.

  16. Like
    TheGardenofEder reacted to h4n in Is the forum running "slow" for anyone else?   
    Ya it thought it was just a combo of my crappy internet and new computer haha
  17. Like
    TheGardenofEder got a reaction from Deroyhott in how is my cycle doing?   
    I'm two weeks into my cycle here's the parameters
    ammonia is 5 ppm
    nitrites are 0 ppm
    nirtate is at 0 ppm
    This was not the case a few days ago did my bateria colony crash? The only difference I did was add plants and my nits went 0. What do I need to do?
  18. Like
    TheGardenofEder got a reaction from Louie in The Journals of ThegardenofEder   
    I tend to have a lot going on when it comes to shrimp, fish, and other aquadic ventures. I'd like to share my story from my struggles to my achievements. I've always had pets growing up of those included many fish tanks, but this is a shrimp forum so that's where I'm going to start. It all starred with just a ten gallon red cherry shrimp tank. I started with ten red cherrys I got from a lps. At first I was really happy but the more my shrimp grew up the less color they had and I was just not pleased, the clear ones I fed to my oscars because I swore they were ghost shrimp at the time. Needless to say I spent some more money and got 20 high grade red cherrys and that's when the madness Started. My tank quickly turned into a mad house of over populated red cherrys of all grades this drove me nuts.
    so I went got me two more tanks and started culling shrimp into different grades. Eventually I ended up with one high grade tank and one low grade tank and threw the low grade tank into my lilly pond out back. I now have two red cherry only tanks. A 10 gallon and a 55 gallon. I have 46 fish tanks that's just two I'll do a new segment every few days giving room for questions and suggestions if you know something I have and would like to see it let me know because I might be saving that for last. Also please I'd like to hear all suggestions and criticism please.

  19. Like
    TheGardenofEder got a reaction from Deroyhott in worms?   
    Found these in one of my tanks at first I thought it was black worms the we're ment for my chiclids. But I don't think that happen it's highly unlikely. What is this worm and should I be worried if so how do I remove with out hurting my shrimp?

  20. Like
    TheGardenofEder got a reaction from Soothing Shrimp in The Journals of ThegardenofEder   
    This is my 55g African chiclid tank. I have 6 3 inch to 4 inch chiclids, a nice size algee eater, a molly, and a pleco.
    Also there some pics of one my red cherrys I've been trying to selective breed. I got one berried don't know where she went but she's my darkest And largest.

  21. Like
    TheGardenofEder got a reaction from Soothing Shrimp in Black/ Red specks on Blue Velvet's   
    No worries about wilds if you don't want to cull your tank will be just fine with all the different rillis in one tank
  22. Like
    TheGardenofEder got a reaction from infamouz23 in The Journals of ThegardenofEder   
    I tend to have a lot going on when it comes to shrimp, fish, and other aquadic ventures. I'd like to share my story from my struggles to my achievements. I've always had pets growing up of those included many fish tanks, but this is a shrimp forum so that's where I'm going to start. It all starred with just a ten gallon red cherry shrimp tank. I started with ten red cherrys I got from a lps. At first I was really happy but the more my shrimp grew up the less color they had and I was just not pleased, the clear ones I fed to my oscars because I swore they were ghost shrimp at the time. Needless to say I spent some more money and got 20 high grade red cherrys and that's when the madness Started. My tank quickly turned into a mad house of over populated red cherrys of all grades this drove me nuts.
    so I went got me two more tanks and started culling shrimp into different grades. Eventually I ended up with one high grade tank and one low grade tank and threw the low grade tank into my lilly pond out back. I now have two red cherry only tanks. A 10 gallon and a 55 gallon. I have 46 fish tanks that's just two I'll do a new segment every few days giving room for questions and suggestions if you know something I have and would like to see it let me know because I might be saving that for last. Also please I'd like to hear all suggestions and criticism please.

  23. Like
    TheGardenofEder got a reaction from Soothing Shrimp in The Journals of ThegardenofEder   
    I'm also in the process of putting a bell syphon in the grow bed of another one of my ponds. I'll show pictures in the spring when it's finished. Currently it has 100 koi or so in the top 1000g tank, a 2 ft pleco and 1 ft pleco and two 1 ft cat fish. Then that flows into my grow bed roughly 300g(it was just a flow bed but I'm in the process of adding a bell syphon) I have mint, sage, kale, cabage, and some angle trumpets in the grow bed. Then that flows into another 1000g tank where I grow my tropical lilly and some cherry shrimp. However this year I'm going to add platys into the bottom tank. These are my platys and their fry.

  24. Like
    TheGardenofEder got a reaction from christinenha in Visiting ATM (Tanked) & Brett Raymer in Las Vegas   
    Damn so jelous I'd have them build my tank but if do my own fish and aquascape
  25. Like
    TheGardenofEder got a reaction from JamesHe in The Journals of ThegardenofEder   
    I'd imagine they watch them the whole time then once the act is over they just remove them back into separate tanks. While we're on the subject of crays here's a marble cray I got from^soothing. So I have 4 cpos now as well got one at a lps on v day. I have 7 alleni and 1 marble and that's it for my crays. I'll update once I build a cray rack. Currently all of my alleni are in my living room but they are going in my fish room when it's done.

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