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    Memphis118 reacted to ClownPlanted in Optimal temp for PRL CRS   
    The lower the temp the less active and slower they grow but tend to live a bit longer.  The higher the temp they are more active and grow faster.  But when talking about the temp difference between 70 to 73 which is what is recommended for them the difference is very little.  I have always kept mine at 72 and since they do well at that temp I have no reason to change it.
  2. Like
    Memphis118 reacted to ClownPlanted in Optimal temp for PRL CRS   
    I keep my crs and prl tanks at 72 and they absolutely thrive. Tons of berried and babies.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. Like
    Memphis118 reacted to ILikeAsianBooty in Optimal temp for PRL CRS   
    73 :]
  4. Like
    Memphis118 got a reaction from JonRon in ADA 60p PRL Shrimp Tank   
    Updated FTS.... also added a Boss Shrimpy Pops stick in I got from Han from Hans Aquatic, and the shrimp absolutely love it.

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    Memphis118 got a reaction from wyzazz in ADA 60p PRL Shrimp Tank   
    Updated FTS.... also added a Boss Shrimpy Pops stick in I got from Han from Hans Aquatic, and the shrimp absolutely love it.

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    Memphis118 reacted to chappy6107 in Amanos With Neocaridina   
    it is possible yes.  many have had luck keeping Amanos with Neos.  They will steal food from the neos and in some cases have been known to attack neos.  probably just depends on the specific shrimp.
  7. Like
    Memphis118 got a reaction from afeather in ADA 60p PRL Shrimp Tank   
    Took some new pictures today of the tank with my Samsung S8. Shrimp are looking healthy and happy. Hopefully babies come soon!
    All shrimp are from Joe's Aqua, Ellen Wang PRL E2

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    Memphis118 reacted to wyzazz in Question about water changes   
    Do it gradually, smaller moves/fewer/slower changes are always better for shrimp health.
  9. Like
    Memphis118 reacted to ClownPlanted in Question about water changes   
    To gradually bring it down do 10% water changes more often.  Maybe 2-3 times a week is fine since the amount is lower.  You do not want to add too much GH to make the tds higher but instead do the lower 10% wc with the 80 tds water.  Then in a couple weeks they should be in good range.  Also make sure the temp is fairlry close to the tank water.
    The way I do water changes in my shrimp tanks is I have an adjustable water pump I use to fill the water from a bucket.  I set it to be extremely slow and takes about an hour to fill about 2 gallons of water.  This ensures that the shrimp have time to adjust to any differences.  I highly recommend this.
  10. Like
    Memphis118 reacted to chappy6107 in Question about water changes   
  11. Like
    Memphis118 reacted to wyzazz in Question about water changes   
    Great advice @ClownPlanted !  I use a Tom's Aqualifter and more recently a 4 head dosing pump (Jebao DP-4) to do my water changes and that seems to work well for me.  
  12. Like
    Memphis118 reacted to aotf in I Messed Up Again Vol. 3 - Rock Edition   
    I covered half a rock with a thin layer of epoxy. I did my best to rough it up with a toothbrush but it is noticeably shinier and smoother than the untreated portion. The upside? It actually looks better both dry and wet, providing more contrast and making the colors of the rock more visible. My only concern is that mosses are going to have a hard time adhering to the rocks.

    I'm strongly leaning towards covering all my rocks since I'd have to replace them anyway. The next test will be to see what happens to kH with more epoxied seiryu in the tank. I'm thinking that if I can cover 95-98% of the rock surfaces with epoxy, kH creep should be negligible to manageable.


  13. Like
    Memphis118 got a reaction from DETAquarium in ADA 60p PRL Shrimp Tank   
    Time to add some shrimp! 
    @DETAquarium Thanks for the recommendation! I ended up getting 12x Ellen Wang PRL E2 Crystal Red Shrimps.
    Convenient for me, since Joe, who I got it from, lives about 5 minutes from me, so I was able to drive and pick these guys up. Fingers crossed these guys stay alive and thrive! 

  14. Like
    Memphis118 got a reaction from Vinn in Vinn's Shrimp Journal   
    Looking good, can't wait to see them once they are in the tank!
  15. Like
    Memphis118 got a reaction from ClownPlanted in ADA 60p PRL Shrimp Tank   
    Thanks for the information! As far as the PH goes, I believe online it says that the soil buffers from 5.8 to 6.0 (correct me if I am wrong) in terms of 5.8, I don't think I have anything that is lowering the PH except for the soil.
    Temperature wise, I thought that 69-70 would be a good range, but I can easily up that to 72-73! 
  16. Like
    Memphis118 got a reaction from Shrimporama in ADA 60p PRL Shrimp Tank   
    This is my first low tech tank that I've done that wasn't using Co2, hopefully all goes well.
    Tank: ADA 60p (17 gallons)
    Filter: Eheim 2215 with Lily Pipe return and inflow
    Heater: Hydor 200 watt inline heater
    Substrate: 8L SL-Aqua Nature Soil
    Lights: Twinsar 600e with Dimmer
    Complete Apex monitoring system
    PH: 5.8-6 
    Temp: 69-70 f
    KH: 0-1
    GH: 4
    TDS: 81 (still cycling I will up this before shrimps get in)
    Christmas Moss
    Flame Moss
    Staurogyne repens
    Fissidens fontanus (coming soon)
    So far everything has been quite stable, and just waiting for the cycling to finish before I add some PRL Shrimp in this tank. 

  17. Like
    Memphis118 got a reaction from chappy6107 in Torn between substrates SL vs ADA   
    Thank you,
    I will most likely lean towards SL Aqua unless I can get a good deal on ADA aqua soil. 
  18. Like
    Memphis118 got a reaction from KJensen in More aeration higher PH?   
    Sorry, less than 10 ppm Nitrate. 
    The soil I am using is http://www.amazon.com/Mr-Aqua-Water-Plant-Aquarium/dp/B007BJ21MI
    and I havent read anything about it that would have any kind of co2 that would be buffering the PH down. Currently it's at 6.67, which isnt bad for CRS, but I am just not exactly sure why shutting off the airstone, will give me 6.1-6.2.
    I also searched around online, with no luck. 
    On another note, if I decided to leave the airstone off, my tank will have little to no surface break. Would that effect the shrimp in any kind of way?
  19. Like
    Memphis118 got a reaction from mayphly in 17.1 Crystal Red tank (low-tech)   
    My original 30 gallon started leaking, so I had to create a new home for my Crystal red shrimps:
    Tank: 23.6" x 11.8" x 14.2"
    Filter: Rena Xp3 with DO!Aqua Poppy glass return
    Heater: Jager 120 watts
    Substrate: 20 lbs of Mr.Aqua Plant soil
    Lights: 24" Satellite LED + 
    Complete Apex monitoring system
    PH: 6.3
    Temp: 68-69f
    KH: 0-1
    GH: 5
    TDS: 175
    Various Anubis
    3x marimo ball
    Flame moss
    4x Otos
    Crystal red shrimps from SS-SSS

    I am currently still deciding what to put in the back left corner. It's left empty on purpose, because I cannot decide what will fit there best,
    Feel free to shoot me some ideas!
  20. Like
    Memphis118 got a reaction from Crazyfishlady in 17.1 Crystal Red tank (low-tech)   
    My original 30 gallon started leaking, so I had to create a new home for my Crystal red shrimps:
    Tank: 23.6" x 11.8" x 14.2"
    Filter: Rena Xp3 with DO!Aqua Poppy glass return
    Heater: Jager 120 watts
    Substrate: 20 lbs of Mr.Aqua Plant soil
    Lights: 24" Satellite LED + 
    Complete Apex monitoring system
    PH: 6.3
    Temp: 68-69f
    KH: 0-1
    GH: 5
    TDS: 175
    Various Anubis
    3x marimo ball
    Flame moss
    4x Otos
    Crystal red shrimps from SS-SSS

    I am currently still deciding what to put in the back left corner. It's left empty on purpose, because I cannot decide what will fit there best,
    Feel free to shoot me some ideas!
  21. Like
    Memphis118 got a reaction from CharlesWex in DO!Aqua Poppy glass   
    I have been doing some research on ways to reduce flow rate a bit, while ascetically looking nice in the tank. I came across a return pipe called Do!aqua Poppy glass, but wondering which one to get.
    Poppy Glass PP-1 13D  Poppy Glass PP-2 13D Poppy Glass PP-3 17D   I currently have a Rena Xp3, in a 17 gallon.   Which poppy glass should I get that will fit on this filter / tubing size?  
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