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Everything posted by wot_fan

  1. From the album: wot_fan's shrimp

    This is one of my berried CRS. The shrimplets should hatch in a few days.

    © wot_fan

  2. From the linked article Other fish, like tuna -- agile predators near the top of the food chain -- can warm their muscles through similar processes, but their bodies cool when they dive to deep depths. They must return to the surface to warm back up, NOAA said. But the opah uses a unique set of gills that resemble a car radiator, which allow the fish to stay in cold depths full time.
  3. This is what I use to lubricate the o-rings on my Fluval canister: LINK
  4. Shrimpy Daddy has an article on his site that you might want to check out. LINK
  5. For the USB fans you will need a USB power adapter like this one.
  6. wot_fan


    From the album: wot_fan's shrimp

  7. wot_fan


    From the album: wot_fan's shrimp

  8. wot_fan


    From the album: wot_fan's shrimp

  9. From the album: wot_fan's shrimp

    This is my only adult female orange rili. This was taken 4-5 days before the eggs hatched. Most of the shrimplets in the pictures I have posted are from this batch of eggs. I think this is the best shrimp picture I have taken to date.
  10. LOL, That is my first shrimp tank and I didn't want to have too little filtration. I figured you can't have too much . I have even more on my 29G CRS tank (3 x HOBs, a canister and a sponge filter). On the 45cm cube I am cycling now I only have a canister. So I am learning .
  11. I bought some cheap 80mm USB fans from Amazon and made a frame out of 1/2" square dowel rods to hold them. I used 2 pair but think 1 would have been enough. I added some plastic mesh to keep my cat from trying to use the tank as a water dish .
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