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Posts posted by wot_fan

  1. I am currently using Sera's nitrate test and I like it better than API.  If you don't shake the API bottle sufficiently, you skew the results of the current test as well as every test after that since the reagents in the bottle are no longer in the correct proportions.  Sera test keeps the regents separate so even if you put too much of one in a test, it won't affect the next test.


    That being said, I will try the Salifert nitrate test when my Sera test runs out.  I have read a lot of great things about this test.  There  is a good thread (The Nitrate Test From Heaven) on SKF about it but I don't know if it is OK to post links to other forums.  

  2. I purchased a Hanna Instruments (98128) pH pen based on Shrimpy Daddy's recommendation a couple of weeks ago.  It is one of the more expensive pens I looked at but it also has a couple of features that most of the others didn't.  The biggest is that it is accurate to ±0.05 (most are ±0.10).  The other great features are auto-calibration as well as temperature compensation.


    When I first received the pen I calibrated it and tested one of my tanks against the API liquid test I had been using as well as a Sera pH liquid test.  According to the API test my pH was 6.5. The Sera test showed 6.1 and the pH pen showed 6.05.  The API test was very inaccurate in my single test.


    One of the downsides of the pen is that it takes awhile for the reading to settle.  It can take a minute+.  The liquid tests are much faster.  Overall this is a minor inconvenience for me to know that my test results are accurate.


    Hope this helped.  Good Luck.

  3. Hi Revolutionhope,


    I have had inconsistent results using the API nitrate test.  The problem I have with their test is if you don't shake the bottle sufficiently, not only will the current test results be affected, all future test will be as well since the ratio of components in the bottle are no longer correct.  I now use the Sera test.  It is more steps, but I like the fact that if I use too much or too little of a reagent and mess up a test, it won't affect future tests.


    As for lowering nitrate in your tank, I think the best way is through water changes.  I do recommend you add Purigen.  My understanding is it won't reduce the nitrate already in your tank but rather it will prevent organics in the water from entering the nitrogen cycle.  In other words, these organics won't be creating future nitrates so once you get your nitrate level down it will stay that way.


    This is just my opinion of course.  Good Luck.

  4. totally new here myself, glad someone brought up the topic of photography. I have a Cannon digital rebel and some macro lenses, so it's good to know I have a decent start on that part of this whole venture.

    Anyway, from one new member to another, welcome!

    Welcome to you too :).  


    There are a lot of good photographers here.  If you aren't happy with the results your are getting, just post some of your pictures and ask for advice.  The advice I received has improved my shrimp photos dramatically.  Good luck.  

  5. Hi Shrimple minded.  Thanks for the complements.


    Overall, I am very happy with the way my Rili tank is turning out.  Since you have read my journal, you know it has had its problems.  Thank goodness for forums like this and SKF.


    When I decided I wanted to keep shrimp I joined the first forum I found (SKF) and started posting questions.  I found the Shrimp Spot a little later.  Since my questions were being answered at SKF, I haven't had a reason to post here.   I have met some really cool people on SKF but I would like to also get to know some people from this side of the pond :).

  6. Hi everyone.


    I have been lurking here for the last couple of months and figured it was time I introduced myself.  I have already learned a great deal from posts here and those on SKF.  I know I have just scratched the surface though.


    I started my first tank for Orange Rilis in January.  The tank has had its ups and downs but thanks to the helpful members of SKF (especially Shrimpy Daddy), it is on track now.  The colony currently consists of half a dozen adults and 20+ shrimplets.


    A week ago I started a CRS tank using Shrimpy Daddy products.  It has only been a week, but the 8 CRS I have seem to be happy in their new home.  I am really looking forward to my first CRS shrimplet.


    Here is the 20G Rili tank



    Here is the mother of most of my shrimplets taken a few days before the shrimplets hatched.



    New born shrimplet



    Week old shrimplets



    Month old shrimplet



    My 29G CRS tank



    5 of my CRS.  These were taken a few hours after they were added to the tank.  


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