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Everything posted by Amyers22

  1. That's exactly what I plan on doing to start.
  2. Thank you guys so much for sharing your advice and experiences. I do believe I'm going to have to order a few products to try out and go from there. Your explanations have really given me good insight on the value of the products.
  3. So I've been reading a lot of good reviews on these products. My questions is for those of you that use these products which products do you specifically use? How often do you use them? Are there any other brands or products you use in conjunction with these products? For example I use Mosura TDS up and MK Blue Diamond to remineralize my water and I really like these products. Which shrimp daddy products could I use in conjunction with these?
  4. I've actually been doing the same exact thing! Well I don't dose Bacter AE. Along with HAN baby food I put in a small amount of Borneowild Bebe. I retested my water this evening as I did a small water change this morning. My GH is down to 7 and my TDS is down to 150. I'm going to wait two day and do anther small water change with pure RO. So far this current Bach if babies is much more active and seem to scavenge all over the breeder box. I also have substrate in there win some moss, a piece of cholla wood, a few alder cones, and a bee ball. They seem to be bigger than my last babies and have lived longer so I'm keeping my fingers crossed that they can hang in there until my next water change. I currently have 12 berried females in the tank and two are due to release there babies in the next three or four days
  5. I've actually been doing the same exact thing! Well I don't dose Bacter AE. I retested me water this evening as I did a small water change this morning. My GH is down to 7 and my TDS is down to 150. I'm going to wait two day and do anther small water change with pure RO. So far this current Bach if babies is much more active and seem to scavenge all over the breeder box. I also have substrate in there win some moss, a piece of cholla wood, a few alder cones, and a bee ball. They seem to be bigger than my last babies and have lived longer so I'm keeping my fingers crossed that they can hang in there until my next water change. I currently have 12 berries females in the tank and two are due to release there babies in the next three or four days
  6. What are the ideal parameters for these shrimp. I've seen a wide range of parameters from different breeders. I had been losing all my batches of babies and realized my GH was too high as well as my TDS. Slowly I have been lowering them. I have a new batch of babies that are almost two weeks old. Here are my current parameters: GH 8 TDS 161 pH 6.5 KH 0-1 Nitrates 0ppm Nitrites 0ppm Ammonia 0 Temp 73.2 Do I need to lower the GH more? I have purchased and will be using MK Blue Diamond and Mosura TDS up to remineralize my RO water. I thought ideally my parameters needed to be a GH of 5 and a TDS in the 130's. Thanks in advance
  7. Thank you for the info! I love the two I have.
  8. Thank you I purchased that particular blue bolt from Shrimpscales here on shrimpspot. He got me started with some of my first Taiwan bees and they are beautiful!
  9. It will buffer your pH pretty low if you're using RO water with a remineralizer. If you use tap it won't be quite as low, but in my opinion would defeat the purpose of this particular substrate. It says on the packaging not to use products that enhance the pH or TDS. I personally use a TDS supplement to get my parameters perfect, but I haven't had any issues. I love it and you can definitely make it work. My plants grow very well in this substrate.
  10. This is what the fine black controsoil looks like in my tank. There are a few Borneowild humic balls in there, but are noticeably larger than the substrate.
  11. I have controsoil in my 20 long planted shrimp tank. I chose fine. I think the size is perfect. In my opinion the ex-fine was too small and wouldn't be "heavy" enough.
  12. Do you have a picture? I have blue ramshorn snails and I randomly have two pink ones, but haven't seen anymore for a few months. I love the pink.
  13. Can you place a seashell in your shrimp tank as a decoration or will it breakdown overtime and release something harmful into the water column or change the parameters?
  14. Thank you for the update! Sounds like a decent light overall!
  15. Awesome thanks for the replies Do I need to have an air pump for this to work?
  16. How do you like your light fixture so far? Any updates on plant growth or your overall thoughts on the product?
  17. Can someone give me a run down on this product. What does it do? How do you set it up? Is it loud? Where is it placed in or on the tank? Is there any product you must purchase for this product to work? Is it beneficial for caridina shrimp? Thanks in advance
  18. I have the same question. I only knew of shrimpfever.com, but they are sold out at the moment. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  19. What do you mean? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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