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Everything posted by Amyers22

  1. I'm finishing up with my bachelors degree in nursing in December. If by then no one has attempted breeding them I am certainly up for the task! These tiny guys look so awesome!
  2. Has anyone successfully bred these tiny guys? They're so beautiful and purple and tiny! I'm really hoping someone has figured out what salinity is needing during the larval stage if any at all.
  3. Thanks for the reply! I may gradually increase the temp to around 74. That's a happy medium!
  4. What is the ideal temperature for the keeping and breeding of crystal red shrimp and Taiwan bee shrimp? I currently keep my tanks between 72.5 and 73.5. I noticed when my temps were around 75 I had more berried females, however I noticed that my shrimp have been more active since lowering the temps.
  5. Amyers22

    IMG 6072

    From the album: My Shrimp

  6. Amyers22

    My Shrimp

    Pure Line Crystal Red Shrimp and mixed Taiwan Bee Shrimp
  7. Amyers22

    IMG 0421

    From the album: My Shrimp

  8. Amyers22

    IMG 0422

    From the album: My Shrimp

  9. Amyers22

    IMG 0447

    From the album: My Shrimp

  10. Amyers22

    IMG 0465

    From the album: My Shrimp

  11. Amyers22

    IMG 0514

    From the album: My Shrimp

  12. Amyers22

    IMG 7895

    From the album: My Shrimp

  13. Amyers22

    IMG 0565

    From the album: My Shrimp

  14. 1. Duff0712 2. Shrimpie 3. 07armando17 4. Shrimpfreak 5. RyeGuy411 6. Chiumanfu 7. TheGardenofEder 8. Jaykidding 9. Marali 10. Dr0p 11. Crazy4fids 12. Elo500 13. Amanda Panda ♥
  15. Hello y'all! I've been shrimpin for a year and a half. This hobby is soooo addicting.... and expensive.... and AWESOME. Love to see some fellow ladies out there that share the shrimpy fever
  16. I've been contemplating Cardinals for over a year now. I kept two in a nano for a long time. I think I'm going to start the research process and tank setup for these. I want to make sure I use the correct products and materials. That's an awesome deal. I will definitely get in touch with you once I get my tank cycling! Absolutely beautiful shrimp.
  17. What do you use flourish excel for? To replace minerals? I've been afraid to use it in my tanks because I thought I read somewhere that it's not safe with baby shrimp. Maybe I'm going crazy lol. I have this on hand so when I saw this in your first aid kit I was very curious to see what you use it for
  18. Yes, 100% sure. I work at an aquatics store and we got three or for shipments of these little guys. I put them in with our large PFR population and never noticed this happening. I moved some to 1.5g nanos by our register to show them off and stuck half a dozen blue jelly neos in with them and that's when I first noticed them going after shrimp. I figured it was because they were in a smaller space and still decided to get some of my own. I stuck them in my PRL tank and came home to one of them attacking a freshly molted shrimp. After the shrimp died it proceeded to pick pieces of the shrimp apart. So I moved them in with my snowball shrimp and started seeing it again. I watched one of my shrimp molt and just minutes later a micro crab came over and grabbed the shirmp. It did enough damage in that 2.5sec before I intervened that the shrimp died. All of the "attacks" that I have witnessed have been on adult shrimp. I moved them to my nano. They are always out and about.
  19. What's the most accurate way to get a GH reading. I've been using test strips, but I know they can be inaccurate and I don't know how to convert ppm of the test strip to a reading such as a GH of 4. Is there such thing as a GH pen like a TDS and pH pen? I know there is a API master test kit, but if there is something I can purchase that reads only for GH and is accurate I would rather use that. Thanks in advance
  20. I have several of these in a tank with snowball shrimp and I have seen one of the crabs kill a freshly molted adult shrimp on three different occasions. I have even seen one try to grab a shrimp that was passing by it. So as far as baby shrimp go, I don't know how safe they would be. I do know from experience that they are not safe with adult shrimp. I had them in my 20g long and witnessed it happening so I moved them from that tank (PRL tank) to my snowball tank which is a 5 gallon and saw it happening again. I'm moving them to a 1.5 planted nano where they can be by themselves.
  21. I'm excited to hear what you think of them! I really want sell my current fixture and purchase the new one!
  22. That's awesome! I say leave them in and share photos of their progression!
  23. First, hows your plant growth? Are you having any problems with algae suspended in the water? My current fixture is really bright. Do your fixtures get very hot? Do you use the 24/7 setting? Overall, how do you like the fixtures?
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