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Posts posted by Amyers22

  1. In my last order you sent my a sample of the garlic and the fruit mix. My shrimp absolutely loved both. I also ordered a sample of the snowflake and they go crazy as soon as I put it in the tank. My newest order should be arriving tomorrow with the sampler pack. I'm so excited to try all your other foods!

  2. It may be the mom in me but I try to learn and then acquire things to have in advance for sickness ...

    I did it for my bettas so now I am trying to get a few 'basics' or 'must haves' for the shrimp for situations that will not allow 3+ days for shipping.

    Here is what I have on hand - or plan to get. What do you keep and why? Any suggestions?

    - IAL in dried leaves and tea kept in container in the refrigerator

    - aquarium salt


    - mulberry leaves (dried)

    - kanaplex (just got this)

    - flourish excel (do not have yet but plan to get)

    (Edit because I forgot these two)

    - Fenben

    - no planaria

    What do you use flourish excel for? To replace minerals? I've been afraid to use it in my tanks because I thought I read somewhere that it's not safe with baby shrimp. Maybe I'm going crazy lol. I have this on hand so when I saw this in your first aid kit I was very curious to see what you use it for :)

  3. I have several of these in a tank with snowball shrimp and I have seen one of the crabs kill a freshly molted adult shrimp on three different occasions. I have even seen one try to grab a shrimp that was passing by it. So as far as baby shrimp go, I don't know how safe they would be. I do know from experience that they are not safe with adult shrimp. I had them in my 20g long and witnessed it happening so I moved them from that tank (PRL tank) to my snowball tank which is a 5 gallon and saw it happening again. I'm moving them to a 1.5 planted nano where they can be by themselves.

    Yes, 100% sure. I work at an aquatics store and we got three or for shipments of these little guys. I put them in with our large PFR population and never noticed this happening. I moved some to 1.5g nanos by our register to show them off and stuck half a dozen blue jelly neos in with them and that's when I first noticed them going after shrimp. I figured it was because they were in a smaller space and still decided to get some of my own. I stuck them in my PRL tank and came home to one of them attacking a freshly molted shrimp. After the shrimp died it proceeded to pick pieces of the shrimp apart. So I moved them in with my snowball shrimp and started seeing it again. I watched one of my shrimp molt and just minutes later a micro crab came over and grabbed the shirmp. It did enough damage in that 2.5sec before I intervened that the shrimp died. All of the "attacks" that I have witnessed have been on adult shrimp. I moved them to my nano. They are always out and about.

  4. What's the most accurate way to get a GH reading. I've been using test strips, but I know they can be inaccurate and I don't know how to convert ppm of the test strip to a reading such as a GH of 4. Is there such thing as a GH pen like a TDS and pH pen? I know there is a API master test kit, but if there is something I can purchase that reads only for GH and is accurate I would rather use that.


    Thanks in advance :)

  5. Random question but are these guys shrimp and baby shrimp safe? 

    I have several of these in a tank with snowball shrimp and I have seen one of the crabs kill a freshly molted adult shrimp on three different occasions. I have even seen one try to grab a shrimp that was passing by it. So as far as baby shrimp go, I don't know how safe they would be. I do know from experience that they are not safe with adult shrimp. I had them in my 20g long and witnessed it happening so I moved them from that tank (PRL tank) to my snowball tank which is a 5 gallon and saw it happening again. I'm moving them to a 1.5 planted nano where they can be by themselves.

  6. I'm excited to hear what you think of them! I really want sell my current fixture and purchase the new one!


    All great questions. I've had it for less then a week and I just put plants in today. I feel like I would need a few weeks at least to be able to get a real impression of the lights.

    I can say they don't seem to get very hot. They do appear to be able to get quite bright on the max setting.

  7. Just curious as to what Taiwan bee and crs keepers are using to remineralize RO with. I've been using BorneoWild GHup. Is this an okay product to use? Is there something better to use?


    I have a 20g tank that I use RO and a small amount of tap water mixed with the GH up. I also have 1 minerock in the tank and bee balls.

  8. I have a 12" planted plus. It grows plants well, but I do find that it gets a bit hot!

    Mine gets a little hot too, but I haven't noticed any substantial evaporation in my tank which is good. I really like the new planted plus fixture that was just released. Check it out on amazon! The features are pretty cool and the price is pretty much the same as the original planted plus. I have had mine since December and have only been running it for a month total. I really like the light and am considering selling mine and getting the new fixture. I wanted to see if anyone has tried it out yet and liked the new features.


    I really suggest getting the biggest box you can physically fit. The large comes with dividers so if you want to confine some shrimp to small quarters, you can. You can split it into two or three compartments. Having the large size gives you flexibility when plans change. I started using my large breeder box for selective breeding but now I use it for growing out different strains of moss and holding culls. I really appreciate having more space with the new purpose.


    The light is from eBay hacked a bit to bypass the original power switch. I also had to put a couple sheets of paper under it to prevent algae.




    I also suggest modding the airlift to a small water pump. You can get this one from eBay for less than $10 and it is an easy mod.


    Thank you for the pictures! I may go with the medium instead of the small. It is probably better to get a larger one in case I want to selectively breed and hold babies at the same time. It would give me some flexibility as to what I could do with it. I have a Marineland light that looks like that and I also have a small LED betta light that grows plants pretty well for as small as it is. I think either would work. Thank you for the advice :)

  10. For those of you that use these for selective breeding and housing shrimplets, is a small box too small?


    I'm going to purchase one so I can separate my mischlings from my TBs once they are born. I know the small is 0.2 gallons, the medium is 0.3 gallons, and the large is 0.5 gallons. There's not much difference in volume of water between the small and medium, but is the physical size that different?


    I want the smallest box that will safely and comfortably house shrimplets for there first two or so weeks of life.


    If anyone has pictures of their boxes next to their hand or a pop can so I can see the size comparison that would be awesome! Thanks in advance :)

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