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Posts posted by Amyers22

  1. I found it easier to mix them all together and let them go. Had plans of seperating them in the beginning but seems to do alright all breeding together.

    I have a PRL tank so I didn't want to mix them. I have a smaller tank right next to it that I have my wine red in. It's got a nice sponge filter, great substrate, minerock, cholla wood, and plants. It's a nice little setup that I can breed in and then separate the babies once they are bigger. I have another tank cycled and ready to for mischling shrimp. I also have an owner of a lfs interested in purchasing mischlings once I get them.

  2. you may get a random WR but most likely will all be Mischilings. but you can cross those females back with a male WR and good change you'll get a few more WRs.

    just use the female mischlings and male of what you want.

    I have a male wine red currently. So if I cross him with a CRS and then take a baby female from that mix and breed them together when she's mature it could possibly result in more wine reds?
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