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Everything posted by Amyers22

  1. I asked them about the color turning and they said the ones they have have grown up in their tanks and their color has not changed. I don't know if the BKK Jelly is a different strain than "green hulk," but they have the blue and green coloration and supposedly stay that way. I'm ordering a pair!
  2. Your plants are beautiful! In the last picture what is the small plant growing all around the sagittari?
  3. I too was looking for Green Hulk Taiwan Bees. Check out Joes Aquatics on facebook. Their BKK Jelly is actually what I had been looking for. Here's the link! https://www.facebook.com/joeaquacrs?pnref=lhc
  4. I have have one left out of the 6 I ordered. They all died within a 3 weeks of receiving them. The one has been going strong for a few months now. Fingers crossed! haha
  5. I have have one left out of the 6 I ordered. They all died within a 3 weeks of receiving them. The one has been going strong for a few months now. Fingers crossed! haha
  6. Is Joe Chang a business or is it a personal page? I can't seem to find it. Also is silane shrimp USA on Facebook as well?
  7. His prices on his website are incorrect and never updated. He had mixed BKK for $12 a piece as well as regular grade blue bolt. His blue pandas are $18 and mixed red wine are $20. Thanks for the suggestions. I will definitely look into purchasing from others!
  8. Holy cow I didn't know all that! And come to think of it I had ordered a bunch of golden Caridina a few months ago and a tiny blue shrimp came in their bag and it had that green fungus growing under its body. I lost three of the goldens shortly after. My most recent purchase was 50 PRL and I haven't lost any of them and they look great! I was getting ready to order 3 BKK, 3 Blue Panda, 3 Blue Bolt, and 3 Red Wine just to add to my bloodlines. Now I'm starting to wonder if I should I've ordered from him at least a dozen times and only had that problem once.
  9. I order almost all my shrimp from Bob He doesn't have any red bolts and they aren't on the lists of places he gets shrimp from unfortunately. I've seen dreamer_yoyo 's snow whites on aquabid. I wonder if he or she has red bolts. I'll have to contact and ask. Thank you! If you think of any other places or people let me know!
  10. I emailed Blue Crown and they have "Pink Bolts." They said they have an orange tint to them rather than a pink or white body and sometimes their head even has an orange coloration.
  11. This is my first time posting in the marketplace so I hope I'm doing this right. I've been searching high and low for Red Bolt Taiwan Bees. Anyone know where I can find them for sale? Thanks in advance
  12. I have a PRL tank so I didn't want to mix them. I have a smaller tank right next to it that I have my wine red in. It's got a nice sponge filter, great substrate, minerock, cholla wood, and plants. It's a nice little setup that I can breed in and then separate the babies once they are bigger. I have another tank cycled and ready to for mischling shrimp. I also have an owner of a lfs interested in purchasing mischlings once I get them.
  13. I have a male wine red currently. So if I cross him with a CRS and then take a baby female from that mix and breed them together when she's mature it could possibly result in more wine reds?
  14. So there would be a chance at having a few wine reds result from this? and the rest would be mischlings? no chance of another CRS or is it just too hard to tell the difference between a mischling and CRS?
  15. What kind of shrimp would come from a Wine Red 1 line Taiwan Bee shrimp breeding with a Crystal Red shrimp? Would this be a mischling, wine red, or crystal red shrimp? OR all of the above? I am trying to understand how genetics work with shrimp. Reference pictures attached.
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