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Everything posted by Amyers22

  1. Check out Flip Aquatics! I think they also have a special going on right now for Crystals. I'd contact Rob either through is website or here on Shrimpspot. From my experience the shrimp from Flip are super hardy. https://www.flipaquatics.com/product/crystal-red-shrimp-grades-a-ss/
  2. I second Flip Aquatics! I've been there and I can tell you the Royal Blues are stunning. Rob's contact info is on the site and he is also a member here on Shrimpspot. https://www.flipaquatics.com/product/royal-blue-tiger/
  3. Check out Flip Aquatics! Rob's contact info is on this site and he is also a member on Shrimpspot. I've personally been to Flip Aquatics and the shrimp are beautiful and extremely hardy. https://www.flipaquatics.com/product-category/caridina-tiger-shrimp/
  4. Red Zebra Pinto grazing on some fissidens.
  5. There is no lid on either of my tanks so that's why I do daily top offs. The evaporation isn't terrible and by topping off in small amounts twice a day I prevent a change in parameters.
  6. I have never had an issue with this. I always top off slowly with water that is the same temp as the tank water and because I do two top offs a day I am only adding very minimal amounts of water each time so there is barely a shift in the parameters.
  7. Yes, I use airline to drip my water back in. The only time I don't use airline is when I top off my tanks in the morning and at night.
  8. Amyers22


    I experienced deaths in my tank after feeding double speed. I did a water change and stopped using the double speed and the deaths stopped. Not sure if it was the double speed, but I didn't change anything else so I am assuming it was the issue.
  9. So after creating this thread I started trying out some samples of LOWKEYS foods. I used Double Speed in small amounts every other day. Over the course of two weeks I tried each of the following once: Ultra Supple, B18 Power Protein, Vitamin Kale, and Hidden No Esa. During this time I preformed one 10% water change. I had two unexpected deaths of adult Taiwan Bees and lost several babies in both my TB tank and Crystal tank. To give a brief background of my tanks: I have two 7g cubes with ADA. They cycled for 2.5 months prior to introducing shrimp. The shrimp have been in these tanks for almost two months now with no deaths, successful molts, and several berried females. I use MK Blue Diamond as my remineralizer and Mosura Old Sea Mud in very tiny amounts biweekly. My normal feeding schedule consists of feeding a calcium pellet food 2 times a week, Glasgarten shrimp dinner 2 times a week, and Bacter AE in tiny amounts once daily. I supplement with different HAN foods once a week depending on what I have already fed for that week. I also feed an amaranth leaf once a month and there is always an IAL in the tank. I take two days a week and feed nothing but the tiny amount of Bacter AE. Due to the deaths I have stopped feeding LOWKEYS products. I cannot pin point exactly what caused the deaths, but after reading that others experienced deaths from the Double Speed I assumed that could be the reason for the deaths in my tanks too.
  10. Congratulations! Babies are my favorite part of shrimp keeping!
  11. Can Texas Holey Rock be used in a setup for cardinal shrimp as well as crushed coral for substrate with a layer of black sand over it? I prefer the look of the Texas holey Rock over lava rock.
  12. Congrats winners! Thank you for the RAOK! Merry Christmas
  13. 1. Vpier 2. Adrand 3. Shrimpworks 4. svetilda 5. Tyler44 6. Vshrimp 7. poke 8. falcon 9. Epitaph 10. Mengyone 11. Shrimple 12. Jaykidding 13. Pescador 14. Hershey 15. d0pey 16. Slycat929 17. tienhuynh 18. Eloodaku 19. Rockadoodle 20. Big Blue Frog 21. Lukeo85 22.Puffpuff 23. Dwc 24. Steve R. 25. DETAquarium 26. Dr0p 27. ShrimpNoob 28. Jimko 29. stangmus 30. Loumeer 31. Shrimpfreak 32. NeMox69x 33. h4n 34. newellcr 35. qualityhitz 36. 240ric 37. Lyana 38. Greenteam 39. Docock 40. ANBU 41. Nick_R 42. Shrimple Minded 43. 9thdragon 44. MHSY 45. Airriick 46. dazalea 47. Amanda Panda
  14. Check out https://www.flipaquatics.com
  15. In my last order you sent me some samples. I'm excited to try them out and see how my shrimpies like them
  16. 1. Poopians 2. Adrand 3. DemonUnleashed 4. Pokeshrimp 5. jem_xxiii 6. kikojaharo 7. mjb1959 8. 240ric 9. NWroostin 10. Jaykidding 11. Amanda Panda
  17. I am considering ordering a few products for my TB tank and my Crystal tank. I don't know much about these products except for what you can read in the product description. So my questions are: Why are these products desirable or beneficial & which products would you recommend if any at all? My goal, as all of ours is, is to provide an optimum environment for my shrimp to grow and breed in. I like to use a variety of foods to provide a balanced diet and I only use minimal supplements (tiny amount of Mosura Old Sea Mud biweekly). Thanks in advance
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