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Posts posted by Amyers22

  1. 1. Vpier

    2. Glasshalffull

    3. Lyana

    4. Shrimp lady

    5. Sincitybet

    6. Loumeer

    7. Pokeshrimp

    8. Shrimple Minded


    10. NeMox69X

    11. d0pey

    12. Kikojaharo

    13. shouu


    15. Thekonexperiment

    16. Nick_R

    17. Vshrimp

    18. jimko

    19. stangmus

    20. Mengyone

    21. GBR

    22. Pmoua

    23. Greenteam

    24. ShrimpNoob

    25. Dcw

    26. lloyd wang

    27. Epitaph

    28. svetilda

    29. tienhuynh

    30. Sandovalsbco

    31. Duff0712

    32. Airriick

    33. Mlsthuy1

    34. _ontherocks

    35. Soothing Shrimp

    36. Eloodaku

    37. DETAquarium

    38. dazalea

    39. mayphly

    40. Jesseter

    41. davesays

    42. 240ric

    43. Rockadoodle

    44. Jaykidding

    45. Steve R.

    46. Shrimp lover

    47. Tyler44

    48. Jledermann

    49. Adrand

    50. Quyvan5186

    51. Mike7381

    52. Dr0p

    53. Slycat929

    54. r45t4m4n

    55. StarryNight15

    56. Toads74

    57. Flytrap

    58. Veneer

    59. Elle23

    60. NWroostin

    61. Allicat

    62. Omgfrog

    63. puffpuff

    64. Rodan76

    65. nightshadebel

    66. h4n

    67. ShrimpyRicky

    68. University Student

    69. Amanda Panda

  2. Wow im new here and I came upon this post. I am amazed at how beautiful your shrimps are. Very nice camera work and shrimp keeping. Keep it up, you make everyone here proud! :D

    Thank you so much for the kind words! I've had a very tough day today and to read that has made me very happy! :) :) :)

  3. The Juveniles I got from Shrimpscales were nearly all deep blue already. Remember, I didn't buy his Extremes, just his regular BB's. I have no doubt that a few will grow to be extremes. (I did pay a few extra bucks each, $10 total, for a more selective netting) I'll take and post some pics when I get back to my shrimpery. I stake my word on Shrimpscales, you won't be disappointed. He's a very nice and knowledgeable guy too. Having been burned on probably 50% of my orders, I know how important it is to find sellers you can trust. Which is why I praise him every chance I get. It's so important to secure good relationships. Again, I'm so sorry you got taken, and Nuri is right, they do definitely darken over time. :)

    I second what he said! Shrimpscales Blue bolts are by far the best looking shrimp I've ever purchased. I have ordered regular blue bolts from him several times and I'm always blown away. Even his low grade blue bolts are gorgeous. I will be getting an extreme blue bolt from him soon in an order I placed a while ago. I ordered 1 extreme, 2 regular, and 1 low grade. I'll post pics of them once they are here. That should be Wednesday. :)

  4. yes, my lens is the same; not cool.

    Wow what macro lens is this? Mine only lets me take pictures of shrimps that are right by the glass...

    The macro lens I use is this one. I can't take pics of anything that isn't an inch or closer to the glass. It takes a lot of time and patience waiting to get a good shot. I still really like the quality of the pictures though. I also have an iPhone 6 which has a pretty good camera so that may make a difference too.post-1481-0-25165300-1446612555_thumb.pn

  5. I'm currently in the process of cycling two tanks for Caridina shrimp. I have a 20 gallon long that has been through hell and back that still holds my remaining shrimp. I will be transferring these shrimp to the new tank as well as adding some new additions. A few months ago I purchased a macro lens for my iPhone. I've been able to get some great shots. This journal will be devoted to awesome pictures of my shrimp and the new tanks. :)

    Here's a few of my favorites: post-1481-0-11748800-1446581750_thumb.jppost-1481-0-81829800-1446581767_thumb.jppost-1481-0-86888300-1446581831_thumb.jppost-1481-0-38673700-1446581857_thumb.jppost-1481-0-41204500-1446581883_thumb.jppost-1481-0-96831800-1446581912_thumb.jppost-1481-0-75157400-1446581939_thumb.jppost-1481-0-11466100-1446582013_thumb.jp

  6. I use 50 watt Titanium Finnex heaters. I love them and they look great in my small 7g cubes and I also use one in my 20g long and it works perfectly. Very small and discrete! Here's a link to it on amazon. Read the product description. It's safe and has an outside controller. http://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B00354QO9Y/ref=mp_s_a_1_1?qid=1445752321&sr=8-1π=SY200_QL40&keywords=finnex+50&dpPl=1&dpID=41nqAIyhTIL&ref=plSrch

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