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Everything posted by Amyers22

  1. I'm not sure about OEBT, but Robert Lupton has some pretty amazing Royal Blue Tigers!
  2. I prefer whatever will give my shrimp the best environment. I already have Salty Shrimp GH + and MK Blue Diamond. If both of these conditioners alone provide all the essential minerals and trace elements for shrimp to grow, molt, reproduce, and shrimplet survival I would like to know which one is the best option. Personally I think liquid is easier to measure, but I did see some of my regular CRS have splotchy or reduction in color and I also had one shrimp only molt half its body when using MK Blue Diamond. I thought this was because there weren't enough minerals present. Maybe it was something else. I just want to know based on experience of people that use these products which one provides the best environment for shrimp and if Old Sea Mud is a good nutrient supplement to dose in small amount to replenish nutrients to the water.
  3. Do you think using the Salty shrimp GH + and Mosura Old Sea Mud when needed would be the best combo then?
  4. Before I post my update I would like to say that Shrimpy Daddy provided me with many hours of communication and advice regarding my shrimp. I had some initial deaths and he took the money from my product order and bought me a fluval HOB filter to help with my tank which was extremely nice of him and I'm very thankful. When creating products reviews are necessary. They allow for improvements to be made. Here are my observations: In the first week I lost several shrimp which I anticipated because Shrimpy Daddy told me the unhealthy shrimp may die. After week three I had lost almost 20 adult shrimp. And to date (a month and six days after reset) I have lost 30 adult shrimp and around 90 babies (less than 5% shrimplet survival). I know for a fact that the majority of these shrimp were healthy and thriving before the reset. They had many successful molts and many berries. Some of my shrimp started to lose their color so Shrimpy Daddy suggested a potassium supplement. I continued to have deaths. I followed dosing instructions to the best of my ability as well as having all the necessary elements of healthy tank. This last month has been catastrophic to my shrimp keeping and I'm extremely sad and disappointed. I am setting up two new tanks (1 for remaining PRL and 1 for the few TBs left) I will be using different conditioners for these setups and ADA aqua soil. With all that being said I whole heartedly believe Shrimpy Daddy had positive intentions for my tank and helped me to the best of his knowledge. His products just did not lead to success in my tank. I may try using only the Revive colore in the future, but for now I am going to use what has worked best in the past in the hopes of rebuilding my shrimp population. I'm slowly trying to lower my GH (was 8). If anyone has any advice they can give me on what to do in the meantime while the other tanks are cycling to save my remaining shrimp I would appreciate it. When I receive the filters for the new tanks (end of this week) I will start a new journal to document their progress. Again I want to reiterate that I am thankful for Shrimpy Daddy's help and dedication to my tank. I am just extremely disappointed in the outcome.
  5. Okay I have never personally used Slaty Shrimp GH+, but it has been around for a while and many people have success with it. I have used MK Blue diamond before and had tons of berried females in the short time I used it however I did have some indications that there may not be enough nutrients in the water. I am setting up two new tanks and would like some advice on which conditioner to use based on experience. I know a few people who use Mosura Old Sea Mud so I ordered it to use as a nutrient supplement only dosing it once a week if needed. It may solve the issue I had with the Blue diamond conditioner the first time. I recently lost the majority of my shrimp due to some unfortunate events so I would like to use a conditioner that will provide my shrimp with exactly what they need to grow, molt safely and completely, reproduce, and have high shrimplet survival considering all other conditions are optimum (oxygen in the water, biofilm, etc..) Thanks in advance for the help
  6. Well I did a tank reset with Shrimpy Daddy products and on the API test it showed a GH of 8. I was assured that was inaccurate. However over the last two weeks I've been very slowly lowering it. The last time I checked it was 7, but I did a small water change last night so I need to check today to see how much lower it is. My tank has been through a roller coaster the past month and a half. I lost 30 adult PRL and TBs and about 90 babies. I'm slowly switching to Salty shrimp GH + in the hopes that the deaths will stop. In the meantime I am cycling two new tanks with ADA and using Salty Shrimp GH +. I haven't started the cycle because the filters don't come in the mail until the end of this week so I am still trying to decide if I want to use MK Blue diamond which I had a ton of successful breaking with, but lower nutrient levels or Salty shrimp GH+. I have ordered Mosura Old Sea Mud to dose once weekly to replenish the nutrients. I am at a loss for what the real problem with my water is. To have that many deaths in a month is catastrophic and I have never had something like that happen. I don't know what to do or what to change. I'm running and HOB fluval filter along with two sponge filters. I don't over feed. I have purigen in the filter. I'm really at a loss and want to throw in the towel. I lost more than half my shrimp population and it dwindles everyday. I don't know what else to do besides lower the GH and stop using certain products and start using a different mineralizer.
  7. Doesn't the shell look mottled to you guys? It doesn't look smooth. I had two shrimp that looked like this.
  8. You're tanks are always so beautiful! I absolutely love the plants. Where do you get the hook on plant holders?
  9. I'm in the process of planning and setting up three new cube tanks. I'm looking for some inspiration! I love seeing everyone post pictures of their shrimp. So I was hoping everyone would post pictures of their tank setups in this thread
  10. I'm setting up three new planted nano tanks, two 7 gallon cubes and one 1.5 gallon cube. I would like to have a different type of moss in each tank. I want Fissidens fontanus in one and mini Fissidens in one. Now I'm trying to decide between willow moss or queens moss for the third tank. If you keep these mosses I would love to see pictures!
  11. Shrimpy Daddy told me my temp needed to be 77 while using his products and that people not using his products should keep caridina at 76 degrees. I know the GH is high, but I followed dosing directions and was told that me test kit was inaccurate and the the GH was fine.
  12. I know several people that use it and don't have a problem. I don't think controsoil is an issue. Someone may have had a bad bag, but as for me I don't think controsoil was the problem in my tank.
  13. Those zebra red pintos are absolutely beautiful! I wish I would have known you had a larger population when I ordered last week. I would have purchased one. They look amazing!
  14. You can buy RO water in 1 gallon jugs at Walmart for 88 cents. You could also buy distilled. It's the same price.
  15. Are you still using SD products in that tank? Do you have another tank that you are using SD products in and not using controsoil?
  16. I have no ammonia thank goodness. I think when I did the reset something messed up. I'm slowly lowering the params. I may switch back to using MK blue diamond and dosing the revive colore, minerals, vivace, and vita.
  17. Thank you That is helpful info! I'm going to stick with my API test kit and gradually lower my GH over the next month.
  18. I've been measuring both of those pretty carefully. It's hard to measure exact with the small spoon, but I do the best estimation that I can.
  19. I was using MK blue diamond before the reset and had 20 berried shrimp at all times. Right now I have 5 and six of my breeding females have died.
  20. I use a syringe to measure my mineralizers and put in exactly 2mL for every 2 gallons. I've just had a large number of deaths and no baby survival.
  21. I purchased my controsoil March of this year. My tank has been set up for 5 months. I started seeing 3-4 random deaths a month starting in June, which was the 3 month mark for my tank. I had no baby survival up to this point because my GH and TDS were too high. After correcting these parameters I continued to have mysterious deaths. No signs of infection. A little over two weeks ago I did a sterilization with revive vita and reset my tank with Shrimpy Daddy products. I've had 13 young adult to adult shrimp die and around 40 babies die. I have two large sponge filters, one is a dual sponge filter and a marina breeder box with airstone. I am also using purigen at the output of one of the filters. I checked my parameters this morning and they were as follows: pH 6.4, TDS 161, GH 8, KH 0, temp 76.7 (recommended by Shrimpy daddy), ammonia nitrite nitrate all 0. I've been following the recommended dosing regime of Shrimpy daddy products.
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