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Posts posted by Amyers22

  1. Your PRL photos are nice! [emoji4] Half the time, folks doing PRL photos have completely washed out PRL. You can tell the high intensity light trick if you make note the photos not showing the shell outlines. Each plate should have outlines showing where one plate ends and another starts. The lighting trick completely washes out these barriers but give that "bleached white" colors.

    Folks interested in PRL should be wary of such camera tricks.

    I got my PRL from a seller who I later found out isn't the best. He got them from a breeder in Chicago. I do not know their origin :( I think they look great and for my purposes I will continue to call them PRL because that's what I purchased them as. If I were to sell them I would sell them as high grade CRS though because I don't know their origins.

  2. Your pics make me realize I don't really know how to use my iPhone.

    Do you have any tips about focusing with phone photos? I feel like I have a depth-of-field of about 1 cm, and I don't know how to manipulate this to be larger or closer/farther. (Assuming you used a macro phone lens for these shots)

    Yes, I used the macro lens. The only think I don't like about it is that the shrimp have to be half an inch or closer to the glass to get the picture. If they are too far away its blurry and of they are too close it's blurry unless you pull your phone back a bit. My tip for myself is patience, haha. I just have to wait until they get close enough to the glass for me to take a picture.

  3. It has been three days since I introduced my shrimp back to the tank. I have noticed a difference in several of my shrimp's coloration. I first noticed the change in my Wine Red Extreme. Today I noticed a difference in one of my Blue Bolts. This first picture was taken fifteen minutes after introducing the shrimp back to the tank. You can see this picture in my first post.


    The second picture was taken this afternoon.


  4. Wow! Great article Amanda. I am in the process of doing a reset and using Shrimpy Daddy products as well on one of my Blue Bolt/Shadow Panda tanks. Great results so far, look forward to more updates.

    I do want to ask if your "PRL" are in the same tank as your Taiwan Bees. If so, your definitely risking the PRL you have to produce "Non-PRL" shrimplets. I would assume the point is to use these nice colored PRL to produce Tibees and TaiTibees?

    I originally had them separated, but unfortunately had to downsize and tear down a few of my tanks. I have a divider for my tank, but haven't put it back in yet.

  5. I have had my tank up and running since March of this year. I had many berried shrimp, but had a very low baby survival rate. I was also experiencing random deaths, about two a month. As I continued to observe my shrimp I saw that some of them had poor coloration and thin shells. I also started seeing hydra on the walls of my tank and on some of my plants.

    I had been reading many great reviews on Shrimpy Daddy products and wanting to try some. I reached out to Shrimpy Daddy and told him what I was observing and asked his recommendations. He had me send pictures and details of my observations from the beginning of my setup to present. He created a personalized plan of attack. I placed an order and he sent me his entire line of products to get the job done.

    I sterilized my tank, plants, and other items such as driftwood, cholla logs, feeding dish, and Crimson baby shrimp houses with Revive Vita. You can follow the sterilization process here http://www.shrimpydaddy.com/pages/how-to-sterilise-a-shrimp-tank. This process eliminated the hydra.

    Here are the details of my tank after sterilization: post-1481-0-22486600-1439701306_thumb.jp

    20 gallon long tank holding Taiwan Bee, PRL, and a couple Taitibee shrimp.

    The substrate is Controsoil


    Temp: 74.5

    GH: 6

    TDS: 147

    pH: 6.6

    Ammonia, nitrate, and nitrite: 0


    Revive Bianco Alpha and Beta water conditioners

    Revive Vita, Revive Colore, Revive Minerals, Revive Vivace, and Sinewy Cereal S dosed according to Shrimpy Daddy's recommended regime chart found here: http://www.shrimpydaddy.com/pages/recommended-dosing-regime. post-1481-0-19991400-1439701271_thumb.jp


    2 sponge filters (I will be upgrading to a HOB Fluval C series filter within the next few months)

    Finnex Titanium 50-watt heater

    Finnex Planted Plus light fixture

    Marina breeder box (small) with airstone and Zoo Med LED Betta light


    Cholla logs


    Malaysian driftwood (tiny)

    1 Minerock

    3 Crimson baby shrimp houses


    HAN shrimp foods

    Amaranth leaves

    My shrimp were introduced back to the tank yesterday at 1 pm. Here are pictures of a few of my shrimp 15 minutes after they were put in the tank:

    Black King Kong Panda post-1481-0-86566100-1439700459_thumb.jp

    Blue Bolt post-1481-0-97719600-1439700493_thumb.jp

    Blue Bolt post-1481-0-53963400-1439700521_thumb.jp

    Blue Bolt post-1481-0-06526400-1439700546_thumb.jp

    Berried Ruby Red post-1481-0-67238500-1439700586_thumb.jp

    Blue Bolt post-1481-0-55074300-1439700617_thumb.jp

    Blue Bolt post-1481-0-47313400-1439700652_thumb.jp

    Dragon Red Panda post-1481-0-42370100-1439700686_thumb.jp

    Golden Mischling post-1481-0-85736200-1439700722_thumb.jp

    Golden Mischling post-1481-0-83805900-1439700774_thumb.jp

    Light pink speckled Taitibee post-1481-0-37356600-1439700837_thumb.jp

    Low grade Blue Bolt post-1481-0-23320500-1439700862_thumb.jp

    Low grade Blue Bolt post-1481-0-97494400-1439700904_thumb.jp

    Black King Kong one stripe and pink Ramshorn post-1481-0-77343700-1439702134_thumb.jp

    PRL post-1481-0-70566400-1439700941_thumb.jp

    Shadow Panda post-1481-0-61670500-1439700977_thumb.jp

    Berried Black King Kong Panda post-1481-0-58757400-1439701105_thumb.jp

    Tatibee post-1481-0-09628400-1439701186_thumb.jp

    Aqua Blue Bolt post-1481-0-68388700-1439705442_thumb.jp

    Wine Red Extreme post-1481-0-74204300-1439701138_thumb.jp

    One day old Tibee with orange eyes post-1481-0-18161300-1439701235_thumb.pn

    Pink Ramshorn post-1481-0-35258600-1439705742_thumb.jp

    (Note: I will not be editing my photos or using any filters so observations can be made clearly.)

    I had a few initial observations.

    My first observation was how active my shrimp were. I have never seen my shrimp as active as they are now.

    My second observation was a successful molt 4 hours after introducing them to the tank. post-1481-0-66598600-1439701724_thumb.jp

    My third observation was a newly berried blue bolt only 5 hours after introducing them to the tank. post-1481-0-05769500-1439701782_thumb.jp

    My fourth observation was the appearance of some of my plants. They looked much healthier and displayed a more vibrant color. post-1481-0-43162600-1439701863_thumb.jp

    My fifth and final observation was the coloration of my Wine Red Extreme had changed dramatically in less than 24 hours. The red was a much deeper red, almost maroon. You can see that this is the same Wine Red Extreme as the one pictured above because it has a small white dot on its sides. post-1481-0-85978400-1439702031_thumb.jp

    I can't say thank you enough to Shrimpy Daddy for dedicating many hours to answering my questions, coming up with a personalized plan for my tank, walking me through the tank reset and sterilization process, sharing his wealth of knowledge, and giving me the opportunity to try his entire product line. My shrimp and I are extremely grateful. I can tell my shrimp are much happier. The babies are as active as the adults. I am confident that I will continue to see positive changes in my shrimp. It's only been 24 hours and I am beyond happy that I messaged Shrimpy Daddy for advice. This has been such a positive experience. Tomorrow will be my third day of dosing Shrimpy Daddy products. I will continue to document my observations.

  6. Amanda, had the same questions as you a month or so ago..........thought I would take a chance with one of the $7 amazon macro lenses. I hadn't really used it much, but your thread made me dig it out and see what it could do. Prior to this lens I wasn't able to capture anything this close with my phone or DSLR (don't own a macro camera lens). I'm posting this to see how it looks online as well. In my opinion, for seven bones, they are worth it just for the fun factor.


    These were taken through the sidewalls of my glass feeding dish, in addition to the front glass of the aquarium.



    I think those pictures look great! Well worth $7!

  7. 1. Anhnguyen310
    2. James Aquatics
    3. Poopians
    4. thekonexperiment
    5. TheGardenofEder
    6. swivel
    7. swissian
    8. Adrand
    9. StarryNight15
    10. uscgjay
    11. miwu
    12. repsaJ
    13. Serenityfate
    14. Steve R.
    15. Shrimple Minded
    16. infamouz23
    17. r45t4m4n
    18. Bananariot
    19. Jaykidding
    20. Sunsetsearider
    21. NeMox69x
    22. mbenjamin16
    23. lind
    24. Vinn
    25. Schaferaquatics
    26. Rockadoodle
    27. Nick_R
    29. rostick555

    30. Wygglz

    31. fishcrazy

    32. Dr0p

    33. Amanda Panda

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