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Everything posted by Amyers22

  1. Do you know what the brand or name of this set is?
  2. I love the olloclip. I've looked at it several times. Right now I don't have the budget for a higher priced (better quality) lens. Amazon has quite a few for $7-$35. I was curious to see if anyone had tired any of those and liked them.
  3. Does anyone use a macro lens on their phone and really like it? There are a ton to pick from on amazon, but they all have mixed reviews. I would be using it to take pictures of my shrimp of course so I thought I would ask my shrimp friends for reviews
  4. We have all been new to this hobby and made many mistakes. I did the same thing you did. I thought the GH reading on the strip was the same as the GH reading everyone else got using the GH kit. I'm still making mistakes and learning something new everyday. It's hard to lose shrimp and it can be very discouraging. The good news is that everyone on this forum is here to help one another. I spent a lot of money learning by experience before I found the shrimp spot. I still spend money making mistakes, but the people here always help me figure things out and come up with a solution.
  5. Step 4 just means once you have siphoned a spot and notice that the water your sucking up is clear move to another spot of the substrate to siphon up more "dirt." If the water is clear that means you have siphoned all the crud out in that particular area of the substrate. Overall it just means siphon over all the substrate well until you are seeing clear water meaning you have cleaned the substrate.
  6. Test strips are really inaccurate. The GH reading on the test strip isn't the same as the reading for the GH test kit. I would recommend purchasing an API GH test kit, an API pH test kit, and a TDS meter. If your shrimp were doing well in the other tank slowly acclimate them back to that tank until you get the smaller tank cycled and parameters stable. Petsmart carried a mesh breeder box that would work that way your fish wouldn't eat them. I wouldn't use tap water at all.
  7. I ordered three of those from Han a month ago and they really work! I always have babies crawling in the little folds. I think they're pretty too!
  8. I literally laughed out loud when I read this! Too funny! You think it would sell in the marketplace section? Haha
  9. I purchased 10 Sea Sky blue neos from that seller. Their color was stunning. They did not breed true though. I was told that the would have solid color throughout with no breaks. Several of the offspring had more of a Rili pattern with dark blue on the head and tail and a lighter blue in the middle. The original color of the shrimp was a beautiful color, but I only had few offspring the looked the same.
  10. I don't know your age, but I'm 21 and I'm right there with you. For me nothing will ever replace books.
  11. I'd like to know about this also. I've been looking for some good references. I prefer literature over the Internet.
  12. I would love to go, but still to far for me We need a Midwest group of shrimpers!
  13. Looks like everyone had a great time! So sad I don't live closer!
  14. Does anyone have any other pictures of the blue mini diminutus crayfish? I couldn't find anything online
  15. Could I disconnect the air stone and place another dual sponge filter on the other side of the tank? If my water quality is good and the bacteria have colonized the substrate and other filter would a second filter help that much more? Or would it just be for oxygen? I could move the air stone to the other side of the tank. The tank has been running since March and I have only siphoned one or two small places of the substrate the entire time it's been running.
  16. The only new plants I have added are a few strands of glosso and a plant from a tissue culture bought at petsmart. They were both added within the last 10 days. My KH value is 0-1. The first drop of the liquid test solution seems to instantly tell me that it's 1 or below. I don't have another tank to quarantine so I put the suspicious looking shrimp the the breeder box. At least if they die they can't be eaten by the other shrimp in the tank. I have seen three total shrimp with the fuzzy antennae. They are all berried. I believe that's why they haven't been able to molt it off. Everyone else looks fine. I had another death this morning. But this shrimp and the first death did not have fuzzy antennae. It's disheartening because my water quality is good and I'm having success with breeding. I did a water change this morning. All the shrimp are bouncing around the tank as usual.
  17. The one that I saw molt the fuzzies off haven't gotten them back on his antennae. Everyone is molting fine and their color is good. All the babies are growing and I continually have new berried shrimp almost every other day. The only other thing I can think of is I added a moss ball from a tank I tore down and I hadn't had the filter running on that tank for a week prior to taking it down. I'm taking that moss ball out. My light is also pretty strong so I don't know of that could affect something.I have an air stone running behind the sponge filter for extra oxygen.
  18. I use stainless steel tweezers and scissors to remove plants. Every once in a while my fingers may go into the water.
  19. Okay everything is the same except the GH is 7 and TDS is 154.
  20. Here's a pic of the tank tonight. I did some rescaping last week and took out a lot of plants.
  21. Here's a picture of the tank. I'm checking my parameters now.
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