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Everything posted by Amyers22

  1. After I remineralize my TDS is usually 140-145 in the container. After adding it to the tank it is around 150. About two weeks ago I lowered my GH from an 8 to a 6 with five total water changes over the course of 10 days with pure RO and a small amount of TDS up to keep me TDS stable. I know that caused stress.
  2. The tank is a 20 gallon long. It's been running since March. My last water change was 4 days ago. The only additives in the tank are mosura TDS up and MK blue diamond to add minerals back to the RO. There's also an Indian almond leaf in the tank as well as alder cones, cholla logs, and spider wood. I have around 30 babies in the tank ranging from 3 days old to 1 month old. I tried to take a picture, but my iPhone won't focus close enough to see the antennae. When I first looked at them they just looked thicker. When I looked very closely I could see that they seemed to have a fine film or clearish white fuzz on them. I'll try again to see if I can get a good enough picture. What is an FTS? There's no other shrimp that look pink, but there are a few other shrimp with the fuzzy antennae. Three of them are berried and i believe that's why they haven't been able to molt it off like the other shrimp did. I just don't know what it is. I've been taking the molts out of the tank just in case.
  3. Okay so a few weeks ago I posted that I had a CRS that looked a little odd and I was questioning if my shrimp may have a bacterial infection. Well today I had a shrimp die unexpectedly. It looked a little pink. And I have noticed a few shrimp that have fuzzy looking antennae. Nothing else on them is fuzzy and I haven't seen any white things sticking off their rostrum or anything. And I have one shrimp that is berried that has fuzzy antennae and they look shorter than they used to be. I also found one more shrimp that is acting very sluggish and looks a little pink. I'm thinking it may die. What is going on with my shrimp? What should I do from here? I don't really have another tank I could throw the healthy (or unhealthy) looking shrimp in. What does this sound like? How should I treat it? Please give me some suggestions on what to do. I have 90+ shrimp and have invested a lot of money into the tank. I know we have all had something go wrong before, but I would be devastated to lose some of these shrimp. There are a few other shrimp in the tank that could look questionable. If this is bacterial how is it spread? If I don't allow the bodies to be eaten by the other shrimp and I lower the temperature could I irradicate this? Also i should mention I had one shrimp that had the fuzzy antennae and when it molted their antennae were no longer fuzzy and the molt still have the antennae that looked fuzzy. I read somewhere that this could be an algae growth. However the berried female I have has not been able to molt and her antennae are definitely different lengths and shorter. She does not look pink. And neither did the other shrimp that molted off the fuzzies. My water parameters are as follows: Temp: 73.2 pH: 6.5 GH: 6 TDS: 150 Ammonia: 0 Nitrite: 0 Nitrate: 0 I should also mention that as of last night I had 21 berried females. All the babies are living and growing well. I have to be doing something right, right?
  4. I finally figured it out. This app is pretty cool.
  5. Okay now I do have a real question. How do you setup your layout. It won't let me move things. Everything I put in the tank goes right in the middle of the tank and won't allow me to place it somewhere
  6. Okay never mind. I think I figured it out
  7. When I look this app up its in another language. Where do I find the English version?
  8. Matt you're the man! Those look awesome!
  9. A lot of members on here sell Black King Kong Pandas and the prices are great. You could probably get 10 shipped for around $120. Check with Shrimpscales. He sells beautiful shrimp and may be interested in trading. You could also get a mix of Taiwan bees for around $120 shipped if you got 5-7 shrimp.
  10. Thank you! what is a keyboard pattern?
  11. Thank you! I wasn't quite sure of the name. Joe's Aqua sent me their price list a few days ago and they are currently out of them. Is there a thread somewhere that lists the different types of pintos with pictures? I feel like there's more types than I realized.
  12. Are there any breeders on this forum that sell these shrimp. I know there are several different types of pintos. The ones that I'm referring to have the red body with thin white stripes on the back. Just curious to see who breeds these.
  13. I do the same thing. I make sure the water has at least doubled. On more sensitive shrimp I let it triple. Usually takes about 2 hours and sometimes a little more.
  14. I know it was asked a while back, but has anyone successfully kept the blue mini diminutus crayfish with dwarf shrimp? I love their color!
  15. Check out this beauty. I got her from Shrimpscales a couple months ago and now she's berried I love her coloration!
  16. Holy cow, they definitely raised the price. I purchased mine for $45 with free shipping. They do have Fine and Original grain still available in black.
  17. I had the same thing happen a few days ago
  18. Thanks for the info! Now I'll know what to grab if I'm in this predicament again!
  19. That's what I usually purchase. I think I pay 80 cents for a gallon. I ran out yesterday and forgot to run to Walmart. I'm making a trip there this evening. I'll just top off when I get home.
  20. If you ran out of RO can you do one top off with a room temperature bottle of water? It says minerals added for taste... Are those harmful?
  21. Shrimpscales is the best! The shrimp I've gotten from him are absolutely stunning and the packaging is always great. The ones I received from him yesterday had a cool pack in the box too.
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