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Posts posted by Amyers22

  1. Thanks Amanda.

    I had my wife open up the box since I was on a meeting. I just realized that Shrimpscales sent it with a cool pack. Top notch!

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    Shrimpscales is the best! The shrimp I've gotten from him are absolutely stunning and the packaging is always great. The ones I received from him yesterday had a cool pack in the box too. :)

  2. Don't mean to steal the thread, but where is the cheapest place to order snowflake food from? I plan to order other shrimp food as well. Just new to shrimp and don't yet know all the best websites to order shrimp stuff from.

    I actually purchased HAN snowflake food. I don't know if there is a difference between his food and SL Aqua snowflake, but it looks the same and my shrimp go crazy for it. They continually graze on it until it's all gone. Sometimes it takes a full day. Just depends on how much I put in. Han sells his snowflake $3 for 10g, $6 for 25g, and $10 for $50g. He also sells a sample of it for $1. Check his website to clarify all that. hanaquatics.com

  3. Then should be fine. ;)

    Okay so I was breathing a sigh of relief, but now I'm worried again. I made sure to look over all the shrimp one more time just to look for abnormalities and I noticed one of the berried females has one of her long antennae missing. Are there other causes of this or is solely a bacterial infection that causes this?

  4. If it is 6 out of 65, then it should be genetic problem. My suggestion for you is don't panic, and monitor further.

    Your shrimps are quite active even when lights are on right?

    Yes they are always grazing and moving about. They immediately go to food when I put it in the tank. All food including leaves like amaranth or kale are gone within 2-3 hours. Occasionally it takes them a day or so to finish snowflake food depending on how much I put in. The babies I have right now are still small, but seem to have really nice color. I know the water changes may be stressful, but the majority of the shrimp still have nice solid white shells with bright red markings.

  5. They look a bit stressed out to me. It could be because your parameters were a bit off. However, it looks like you have a berried female which is a good sign.

    I have quite a few berried females. They seem to be molting okay and the babies are growing. So I'm crossing my fingers that after my next water change my GH will go from 7 to 6 and I can let them be for a while.

  6. my shrimp look like that too. the first photo is spot on for one of mine! i have no idea what causes it. my shrimp aren't even breeding right now. i would love to see a full tank shot of your tank though! do you have any videos too?!?!?!

    I have around 10 berried females. They seem to be breeding okay and none of them are acting sluggish. I'm going to chalk it up to the frequent water changes I have been doing. Hopefully my next water change will get my parameters where I need them and I can let them be for a while. I don't have a video, but I will take a picture of the whole tank tonight.

  7. So I rounded up and took pictures of all the shrimp in my CRS tank that have clear or splotchy coloration. Out of 65+ these 6 are the only ones that have clear patches. I zoomed in more on the original shrimp I had been looking at. As I sit here looking at them they don't look pink or orange and they don't have any broken antennae. I have always had a few shrimp in this tank with poor coloration, but I had purchased them on AB knowing some would have decent coloration and some wouldn't. Please let me know if any of these shrimp look like they have a bacterial infection or show signs of of being unhealthy.

    Ps. Thank you so much for all your help. I know whenever I'm in a time of need concerning my shrimp, the members of shrimpspot are always there to help out in any way they can and I truly appreciate it!


    I should also mention that in the last two weeks I recognized that I had my GH and TDS levels were too high in several of my tanks so I have been doing a 10-20% water change every two days with pure RO water. I have been checking my parameters everyday and so far I've gotten my PRL and TB and CRS tanks down to a GH of 7 and a TDS of 142ish. Could this be a contributing factor to coloration? Since I'm not putting any minerals into the water to lower the parameters and using pure RO would the shrimp be negatively affected? I'm trying to go slow about it so I don't shock them.

  8. i'm curious to know whats up too. i have one crs that is milky inside and lost its white too.

    To me mine doesn't look milky, It just looks different. I have a few CRS in this tank that have always had poor coloration. He just looked a little odd. Does he look milky to you? I really don't have a reference to compare it to. I was hoping someone would have a picture so I could see what a milky CRS looked like

  9. This is a sign of unhealthiness that is either caused by pollutant or insufficient/ imbalance nutrients.

    So there is something wrong with this particular shrimp? Or all my shrimp may be unhealthy in this tank? How do I know what imbalance there is if that's the problem? What kind of pollutant could cause this?

    I was hoping it was nothing and I was just being paranoid. Now I'm really worried :(

  10. Does anyone have any pictures of CRS with a bacterial infection? I know some people describe them as looking milky. The reason I'm asking is because I walked past my CRS tank and noticed a little shrimp that looked a little odd to me. I have about 5 or 6 shrimp in that tank that have areas of splotchy clear coloration. I have had no deaths in this tank and everyone seems happy and healthy. I just recently lost on of my favorite TBs out of the blue so I think I might just be paranoid. Here's a picture of the shrimp in question. post-1481-0-88831400-1435986386_thumb.jp

  11. I just ordered the revive vivance,revive minerals and revive colore. I will try them on my Taiwan bee tank that I remineralize with salty shrimp gh. Is this a good way to try them out for the first time or have I misunderstood? Should I see a noticeable improvement in color doing this?

    That's exactly what I plan on doing to start.

  12. So I've been reading a lot of good reviews on these products. My questions is for those of you that use these products which products do you specifically use? How often do you use them? Are there any other brands or products you use in conjunction with these products? For example I use Mosura TDS up and MK Blue Diamond to remineralize my water and I really like these products. Which shrimp daddy products could I use in conjunction with these?

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