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  1. Like
    Amyers22 got a reaction from h4n in Feedback   
    I ordered the sample pack and have tried every food at least once. Every food was gone within a few hours so in my mind they are all a hit!
    My shrimps favorites so far:
    Purple bee pollen
    Bears Garlic
    Baby Food
  2. Like
    Amyers22 got a reaction from dr0p in Feedback   
    I ordered the sample pack and have tried every food at least once. Every food was gone within a few hours so in my mind they are all a hit!
    My shrimps favorites so far:
    Purple bee pollen
    Bears Garlic
    Baby Food
  3. Like
    Amyers22 reacted to DETAquarium in Simple Shrimp Setup with DETAquarium   
    Added two more tanks to the set!

  4. Like
    Amyers22 reacted to mayphly in Mayphly's Pinto Journal   
    This is one of my favorite looking shrimp at the moment

  5. Like
    Amyers22 reacted to RyeGuy411 in Post Your Shrimp Pics   
    Found this little one, it has a skull that looks like the punisher on its back sweet!!

  6. Like
    Amyers22 reacted to DETAquarium in call of duty and my parents   
    I have been contemplating responding to this post, as I am a new dad to my son who will be two in August. He is still a bit young to play video games, or have the concept of them, but more importantly he can say "Shrimp!" already.
  7. Like
    Amyers22 reacted to Dendrobatez in call of duty and my parents   
    My parents were strict too, until I was 16 the only music I could listen to was Christian music, no tv til I was 14, at the time I didn't like that but I don't feel like I missed out on anything now. I started playing with the first cod when I was a kid, it was one of the only games I had and it has changed a lot - it wasn't realistic and wsdnt nearly as violent so they have a right to have reservations. Don't be upset with them for that, they are trying to do what they feel is best
    Sent from my VS985 4G using Tapatalk
  8. Like
    Amyers22 reacted to ChadO in If you have shrimp racks, something to think about...   
    So, this was something that I stumbled across the other day by just random observation.  I have one of our small bedrooms in our house dedicated to my shrimp tanks - wife absolutely loves it BTW, she always comments how good of a use of space it is...  Anyway, my room, my rules.  
    We've been warming up here the last number of days as I am sure a lot of folks have, and so I have been keeping a much closer watch of my temperatures.  What I noticed the other day makes a lot of sense (I think), but something I never thought of when setting up my tanks on the racks.  The tanks on the bottom rack - much closer to the floor - are staying at 72-73 degrees with no trouble.  The tanks up on the upper shelves are warmer - like in the 75 degree range.  Granted, this is just a few degrees, but I think it makes sense that this is due to the warmer air rising up and the cooler air staying lower to the floor.  We do have AC, so none of my tanks are in real danger, but it just got me to thinking that if you're setting up racks, maybe put your warmer temperature shrimp on the upper racks, and the crystal, TBs, and cooler shrimps on the bottom rack.  It might help with the temps just a bit.  
    Now, I'm no thermal engineer, so maybe someone can chime in discuss if my theory here is right, but on general observation, my lower tanks are all cooler, and in some cases, their heaters need to come on to keep the temp up for the neos.  My plan is to now - as time and maintenance allows - to move all my cool temp tanks to the bottom racks, and put the neo tanks up on the top.
    Anyway, throwing that out there for thought and comments.
  9. Like
    Amyers22 reacted to mayphly in Seashell decoration   
    Seashells can raise your PH. It depends how many in what size tank you want to put them in. A couple might be ok in a tank with neos. However, I wouldn't keep them with caridina.
  10. Like
    Amyers22 got a reaction from Edwardnah in Seashell decoration   
    Can you place a seashell in your shrimp tank as a decoration or will it breakdown overtime and release something harmful into the water column or change the parameters?
  11. Like
    Amyers22 reacted to Faralon in Rob's Budget 5gal CRS build   
    And....were ready to cycle.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  12. Like
    Amyers22 reacted to Loumeer in Finnex Planted Plus 24/7 dimmable   
    Ok so here's my update. Depending on how you want to use the light it could be awesome. As an alter to the planted+ it is a great light. You can set the intensity save it to memory and adjust as needed without altering the height of the light. As a 24/7 unit it kinda sucks. So I tried to use the 24/7 function and there are a few flaws with it.
    1) You cannot alter the time or intensity of the 24/7 function. It is a preset.
    2) If the unit gets turned off or loses power it resets itself.
    I went for 4 days on vacation and I guess my house had a power outage. Returned to an aquarium full of algae.
    My conclusion is that as a light it's cool but the 24/7 function is gimmicky unless you want to pay for a battery backup.
  13. Like
    Amyers22 reacted to Greenteam in Choice Bubbler   
    Amanda here is two photos of my bubble choice in action.
    Also I show the small valve that controls how much air is allowed to enter. More air = more bubbles & as an added bonus when you up the air it also makes the current stronger so you get a small control as to how strong of a current the out spray will be.

  14. Like
    Amyers22 reacted to DETAquarium in Choice Bubbler   
    Ah! This goes back to my remark on "I like my setups silent", no air pump needed.It simply pulls air through an air tube to the diffuser section.
  15. Like
    Amyers22 reacted to Soothing Shrimp in Choice Bubbler   
    I think the basic principle is that the water suction draws air in (from the air tube out of the water) as it rushes past, and that makes bubbles come out.  The valve at the end allows you to dial the air suction up or down.
    Similar to using straw to get those last few drops of soda, or the very end of a water siphon.  There is no sound though, because the air is going in and existing under water.
  16. Like
    Amyers22 reacted to DETAquarium in Choice Bubbler   
    Personally I use only canister filters, specifically Eheim 2213. The only problem I was finding was oxygenation. Yes, I used the spray bar and without it, it provides quite a bit of surface movement, but does not actually break the water surface enough, if at all. I always thought sponge filters were fantastic because of there ability to produce large amounts of oxygen.
    I came across the thread linked above, and watched this video: https://youtu.be/t1p31S8OMXM
    I immediately had to try it, it seemed like a simple concept that would produce the results I was looking for. I purchased two of them from Han Aquatics, and was extremely happy, so happy I bought two more for all my canister filters. I love the ability to not only adjust the amount of oxygen coming in, but also the direction of water flow (comes with a piece to do this). Simple to attach, and not loud at all (I like my setups silent).
    I have noticed an overall healthier environment, more active shrimp, and a higher survivability rate among shrimplets(specifically my Taiwan Bee tank)
    I will more than likely be making a YouTube video soon on this product.
  17. Like
    Amyers22 reacted to sarah in Crab grows its own biofilm   
    This is cool - a deep-sea crab that is covered with hairs to grown a biofilm that it harvests and eats:
  18. Like
    Amyers22 reacted to Vinn in Vinn's Shrimp Journal   
  19. Like
    Amyers22 reacted to mayphly in Post Your Shrimp Pics   
    Oh look! A nice shady tree to kick back under!
    Dark colored crs offspring. This guy came from my SSS crs. A real oddball. Once in a blue moon one of these will show up. 
  20. Like
    Amyers22 reacted to dr0p in Post Your Shrimp Pics   
    Figured you lot might get a kick out of this. One of my dogs has claimed the end of the bed so he can watch the tank. <3

  21. Like
    Amyers22 reacted to shrymprdan in What would you do with $200 in this scenario?   
    Here's my $200....
    RO unit
    TDS pen
    GH test kit
    HMF filter
    Moss if any $ left over
    At that point, the addiction takes hold... $200 goes way too quickly!
    And they call it a hobby...
  22. Like
    Amyers22 reacted to nicpapa in shrimp Tanks   












  23. Like
    Amyers22 reacted to nicpapa in shrimp Tanks   
    An update




    Maybe crs x red cherry or red chery weird

    Some very nice shrimp i get after breedings.



    Sulawesi tank grow nice algae.




  24. Like
    Amyers22 reacted to nicpapa in Post Your Shrimp Pics   
    crs x rcs  or rcs wild...I dont know its only one.
    In another tank i have smalls shrimps like this one.

    After breedings . some very nice with good white crs .



  25. Like
    Amyers22 got a reaction from Cappie49 in Post Your Shrimp Pics   
    Guess who's berried!!!
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