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  • Gender
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    So Cal
  • Inverts You Keep
    Cherry shrimp
    Tangerine tiger
    Galaxy tiger
    Rabbit snails

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  1. Awesome! Didn't know these were being bred !
  2. Those stripped shells are spixi snails (asilone spixi). They eat veg and hydra. But fed restrict shipping So I can only send within California
  3. Adjusted TT price to $30 plus shipping for 6 adult and 6 Juvi.
  4. Tigers still available
  5. Downsizing my tanks. Will post pics shortly. Pu mission viejo , $7 ship SoCal , $13 ship outside SoCal. 5 male galaxy tigers $40 6 adult tangerine tiger (1 female) + 6 pewees $30 (2 packs)
  6. I usually see the hmf laid straight in the tank. Why did you curve it?
  7. Sorry I have not kept this one up with all the changes but this will be the last post. I haven't seen a cardinal in over a month. They say the best thing to do to a shrimp tank is to leave it alone. I think I messed with it too much. I did several rescapes, changed remineralizer several times, turned heater up and down a few times, messed with light intervals and in turn reduced algae they fed on. The tank was any thing except consistent. At one time I had berried cardinals but never saw babies. Today I started to remove rocks and plants preparing to remove the neos, no sign of cardinals. The one success in this tank were the snails, Lots of babies. I'll move the rabbit snails to a planted 29 with tap water. My tap is higher ph than the salty and they should enjoy the extra space to roam. The plan is to move the neos to their own tank, move Tigers in and add crs to see what happens.
  8. Tiger params can vary. Ask the person you're buying from what they use. But the numbers look good in general.
  9. Elo500


    The domain name is registered at godaddy through 2018. But they have a service that will try to buy the domain for you. Might be worth a try and have it redirect to shrimp spot.
  10. Elo500


    Remember you can usually read dead sites from the internet archive. https://web.archive.org/web/20150403021656/http://www.shrimpnow.com/ Just pick an earlier date from the timeline
  11. 1. Duff0712 2. Shrimpie 3. 07armando17 4. Shrimpfreak 5. RyeGuy411 6. Chiumanfu 7. TheGardenofEder 8. Jaykidding 9. Marali 10. Dr0p 11. Crazy4fids 12. Elo500 13.
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