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Greenteam last won the day on March 16 2018

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    Shrimp and stuff

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  1. The best suggestion is breed what works with your tap water. As your colonies grow slowly sell a few and with that save up for the RO unit if you want to try soft water shrimps. You can also buy a few simple mosses and grow those out and sell them to supplement the hobby.
  2. People who are willing to pay $50+ per shrimp is very few in the US. Most sales will come from lower end shrimp like $1-$5 range.
  3. The scuds don't seem to impact my survival rate at all. I got them thru a plant order (my mistake for not washing the plants) and can't seem to get rid of them. I would say I prefer not to have them but I need to full reset a tank if I want to get rid of the them.
  4. Yes it's per shrimp. Still very new to the market and not many US breeders that I know of that are selling any at all.
  5. Calceo's for sale US bred. $35 per (unsexed juvies) and $10 shipping
  6. Orange eye on very young shrimp is normal and will turn black with age. As mentioned before true OE BKK will not have white but rather clear mid sections.
  7. I purchased some shrimp and they all made it just fine. Will have to make some more orders once the weather warms up.
  8. People can chose what works best for them. My results are just based on several years of trying all the different options & from verifying my results with some of the large breeders overseas. I mention it so people see what works for them.
  9. I do weekly WC's of 20% on all my tanks for the past 5 years with the best results. I tested monthly & bi-weekly WC's for several years and still found the highest survival rate of baby shrimp from weekly WC's. I do it with everything from low grade CRS to high grade Fishbone Galaxies. The Golden Calceo's in the pictures I've had for 2 months and the females produced 2 batches and berried with the 3rd in a row. My parameters stay rock solid & have high baby survival rates.
  10. 0 KH will cause the PH to swing up an down. Each time do you a WC the PH might be changing because of the 0 KH. Try testing PH of the water before adding to tank and make sure it's not causing large swings. I've done outdoor tanks in the past with temps 27-29C. You just need to make sure it has lot's of air from sponge filter + airstone. This should keep the warm tank from struggling to provide enough air.
  11. Heater killed roughly 200+ shrimp I had in a 40 breeder. The power went out and when it kicked back on the heater malfunctioned & cooked the tank. Buddy also lost his whole colony of blue dreams when his heater broke in the tank and took him temps to 80+. Never again will I ever use a heater those things are death traps.
  12. So many new Shrimp Hobbyist will generally start with Neo's based on a wide range of reason's. The old school mentality you see still been pushed is the fear of mixing Neo colors. There's one basic fact that is true regardless of the type of shrimp you get, and that is if you want a "pure" line then don't mix anything into it. The fear of mixing Neos is highly over rated. As soon as you see the question been asked "Can I mix my Neos?" people pounce on the auto reply of Noooo you will turn them ugly wild/brown. This is just not 100% true & a hurdle that keeps US breeders from competing with oversea breeders at creating new lines. Here's some great results from breeders who aren't afraid of mixing Neos.
  13. Do you have them in large clumps or only these small pieces on rocks?
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