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    Greenteam reacted to Shrimp Life in Post Your Shrimp Pics   
    He is in sneak attack mode lol
  2. Like
    Greenteam got a reaction from Shrimp Life in Post Your Shrimp Pics   
  3. Like
    Greenteam got a reaction from ohmiko in WTB Royal Blue Tiger Shrimp   
    Try checking with Plamski his stock is really nice.
  4. Like
    Greenteam got a reaction from mayphly in Red steel project   
    Sorry for algae covered glass & poor lighting.
    This is some of the other "accidents" I stumbled on while trying to make the steels. 
    Wanted to try making the Blue Dragons and got this so far (2nd picture) last picture is just reference to what real Dragons look like.

  5. Like
    Greenteam got a reaction from Vshrimp in Red steel project   
    Sorry for algae covered glass & poor lighting.
    This is some of the other "accidents" I stumbled on while trying to make the steels. 
    Wanted to try making the Blue Dragons and got this so far (2nd picture) last picture is just reference to what real Dragons look like.

  6. Like
    Greenteam got a reaction from Maurice in TB * Pinto   
    Pinto x TB works depending on the TB you use.
    Wine Reds, BKK, or Shadow King Kongs make for lowest possible outcome of pintos. For max number of Pintos use Black Pinto x BB or Red Pinto x Red Bolt. Tested this with 5 Wine Red females with 1 male Red Pinto and 5 Shadow females with 1 Black Pinto. Results were 5% Pintos at best,  but using the other combination I mentioned I got 60-70% Pintos.
  7. Like
    Greenteam got a reaction from nuri in TB * Pinto   
    Pinto x TB works depending on the TB you use.
    Wine Reds, BKK, or Shadow King Kongs make for lowest possible outcome of pintos. For max number of Pintos use Black Pinto x BB or Red Pinto x Red Bolt. Tested this with 5 Wine Red females with 1 male Red Pinto and 5 Shadow females with 1 Black Pinto. Results were 5% Pintos at best,  but using the other combination I mentioned I got 60-70% Pintos.
  8. Like
    Greenteam got a reaction from 88888888 in Pinto Mischling Project   
    Next I will show some of the Black Pinto x TB(Panda/Hino No Entry pattern). This little guys are showing some amazing colors. I used a few of my solid blue Shadow Panda females in the hopes of turning the white bodies blue. 
    The results so far are very promising since the young are displaying solid blue bodies from a young age. Just about all the young so far have been showing Zebra/Spothead patterns and I think it's because of the strong gene pool the father came from & the females I selected.
    Here's a few pictures of the young and the parents.

  9. Like
    Greenteam got a reaction from coryjames in Pinto Mischling Project   
    This threat will not be about sales just sharing info.
    So I'm sure everyone knows that Pintos Red & Black are the big craze right now and prices are sky high. I know a handful of people can afford them at their current price so I figured hey what not play with the ones I have.
    I have tanks that are pure in the sense that I will not mix anything into them. We can call them X & Y tank.
    X tank houses my German Red Pintos & my Y tank houses my German Black Pintos.
    I setup some new tanks about a month ago X1 / Y1 / C1.
       - In Tank (X1)  I placed a single Red Pinto male with 5 WR females.
       - In Tank (Y1) I placed a single Black Pinto male with 5 Panda females.
       - In Tank (C1) I placed a single Red Pinto male with 2 PRL females.
    The reason I wanted to play with this sub tanks is because the simple fact that I could NOT find a single solid bit of information on how to create my own Spothead Pinto Mischlings.
    I was told to mix all kinds of things but when I asked... "ok what will the offspring look like?" I would always get the same thing... I don't know. Soooo this made me think well if no one can give me an answer I will just figure it out myself.
    Here is some suggestions I was told to mix:
    Pinto x Fancy Tiger = ??
    Pinto x Orange Eye Blue Tiger = ??
    Pinto x TB Mischling = ??
    Pinto x  TB = ??
    So I figured I will keep it very simple and mix at a basic level. I avoided using Fancy Tigers because I have no clue what genes the Fancy Tigers brings & same with TB Mischlings. That's why I narrowed it down to the 2 basic TB colors Red & Black plus the PRL so I knew it would not bring CBS/Golden gene with it.
    I will update with photos as time goes on but here are some of the current results that I have found.
  10. Like
    Greenteam got a reaction from Shrimple minded in TB * Pinto   
    Pinto x TB works depending on the TB you use.
    Wine Reds, BKK, or Shadow King Kongs make for lowest possible outcome of pintos. For max number of Pintos use Black Pinto x BB or Red Pinto x Red Bolt. Tested this with 5 Wine Red females with 1 male Red Pinto and 5 Shadow females with 1 Black Pinto. Results were 5% Pintos at best,  but using the other combination I mentioned I got 60-70% Pintos.
  11. Like
    Greenteam got a reaction from ohmiko in Red & Black Tibee shrimps grade A   
    That was my concern they look like normal CRS/CBS. I like the ones that look like a crazy tiger hybrid. 
  12. Like
    Greenteam got a reaction from avonsurfernc in ADA Amazonia Soil and Ammonia?   
    I used ADA for years. It's a tried an true soil for old school shrimpers kinda like Salty Shrimp GH+, but there's actually quite a few good soils we don't get state side. 
    Currently I made the switch in all my tanks to SL-Aqua and it's buffering my RO water to 5.6 just like my ADA would. Breeding has not slowed & survival of the young shrimp is going strong. I prep the tank with substrate addictive's & remineralized water then let it sit for 24 hours to allow temps to settle before adding shrimp. 
    I guess I always found it interesting how people get caught up on one style of cycling. Before keeping shrimp I did fish and I learned way more about cycling with them then I have with shrimp.
    There's actually 2 simple ways to process ammonia 1. is thru bacteria & 2. thru plants. Sounds simple but people get caught up on the 1st. In my fish breeding tanks I would run no filters, no air stone, no substrate. All I would do it make sure I had 3 key plants in the tank Java moss, hornwort, & some type of floater like dwarf water lettuce. I would fill the tanks add my plants & wait 24 hours then toss is the fish I want to breed and come back in a few months. 
    I actually have a 30g breeder outside right now with no filter or air stone just the plants I mentioned. tossed in 8 CPD's, 4 Dwarf blue crays, 2 long fin danios, & 10 male blue bolts. In 2 months I have something like 30+ CPDs, a small army of blue crays that patrol the bottom of the tank, 20+ danios, all 10 blue bolts still going strong. I just top-off with tap water heck I don't even feed the tank since the small bugs are free food. 
    I avoid the bacteria only method since just like any living creature they can die and then tanks crash. Since shrimp's produce such a small bio load & I swear the snails are the workhorse when it come to keeping your tank cycled by producing waste. But just my 2 cents on the traditional 30 day cycling for shrimps.  
  13. Like
    Greenteam got a reaction from EricM in ADA Amazonia Soil and Ammonia?   
    I used ADA for years. It's a tried an true soil for old school shrimpers kinda like Salty Shrimp GH+, but there's actually quite a few good soils we don't get state side. 
    Currently I made the switch in all my tanks to SL-Aqua and it's buffering my RO water to 5.6 just like my ADA would. Breeding has not slowed & survival of the young shrimp is going strong. I prep the tank with substrate addictive's & remineralized water then let it sit for 24 hours to allow temps to settle before adding shrimp. 
    I guess I always found it interesting how people get caught up on one style of cycling. Before keeping shrimp I did fish and I learned way more about cycling with them then I have with shrimp.
    There's actually 2 simple ways to process ammonia 1. is thru bacteria & 2. thru plants. Sounds simple but people get caught up on the 1st. In my fish breeding tanks I would run no filters, no air stone, no substrate. All I would do it make sure I had 3 key plants in the tank Java moss, hornwort, & some type of floater like dwarf water lettuce. I would fill the tanks add my plants & wait 24 hours then toss is the fish I want to breed and come back in a few months. 
    I actually have a 30g breeder outside right now with no filter or air stone just the plants I mentioned. tossed in 8 CPD's, 4 Dwarf blue crays, 2 long fin danios, & 10 male blue bolts. In 2 months I have something like 30+ CPDs, a small army of blue crays that patrol the bottom of the tank, 20+ danios, all 10 blue bolts still going strong. I just top-off with tap water heck I don't even feed the tank since the small bugs are free food. 
    I avoid the bacteria only method since just like any living creature they can die and then tanks crash. Since shrimp's produce such a small bio load & I swear the snails are the workhorse when it come to keeping your tank cycled by producing waste. But just my 2 cents on the traditional 30 day cycling for shrimps.  
  14. Like
    Greenteam got a reaction from Shrimple minded in ADA Amazonia Soil and Ammonia?   
    I used ADA for years. It's a tried an true soil for old school shrimpers kinda like Salty Shrimp GH+, but there's actually quite a few good soils we don't get state side. 
    Currently I made the switch in all my tanks to SL-Aqua and it's buffering my RO water to 5.6 just like my ADA would. Breeding has not slowed & survival of the young shrimp is going strong. I prep the tank with substrate addictive's & remineralized water then let it sit for 24 hours to allow temps to settle before adding shrimp. 
    I guess I always found it interesting how people get caught up on one style of cycling. Before keeping shrimp I did fish and I learned way more about cycling with them then I have with shrimp.
    There's actually 2 simple ways to process ammonia 1. is thru bacteria & 2. thru plants. Sounds simple but people get caught up on the 1st. In my fish breeding tanks I would run no filters, no air stone, no substrate. All I would do it make sure I had 3 key plants in the tank Java moss, hornwort, & some type of floater like dwarf water lettuce. I would fill the tanks add my plants & wait 24 hours then toss is the fish I want to breed and come back in a few months. 
    I actually have a 30g breeder outside right now with no filter or air stone just the plants I mentioned. tossed in 8 CPD's, 4 Dwarf blue crays, 2 long fin danios, & 10 male blue bolts. In 2 months I have something like 30+ CPDs, a small army of blue crays that patrol the bottom of the tank, 20+ danios, all 10 blue bolts still going strong. I just top-off with tap water heck I don't even feed the tank since the small bugs are free food. 
    I avoid the bacteria only method since just like any living creature they can die and then tanks crash. Since shrimp's produce such a small bio load & I swear the snails are the workhorse when it come to keeping your tank cycled by producing waste. But just my 2 cents on the traditional 30 day cycling for shrimps.  
  15. Like
    Greenteam got a reaction from Soothing Shrimp in Art   
    Yup paper mache. It was impossible to walk more then 5 ft before we stop for pictures the whole time....
    We also made Bloodborne Characters. I was rocking Eileen the Crow (blue) & my buddy was The Hunter (brown). Our swords actually would fold up like in the game and made them from scratch.

  16. Like
    Greenteam got a reaction from Soothing Shrimp in Art   
    Yeah I think it's a very typical project most art students do at some point. I think I did mine freshmen year in college.
    I also will do dumb stuff with my buddy for comic conventions. We made Rick & Morty heads an ran around Supercon & he took them to Dragoncon. I was rocking the Morty head (yellow shirt).

  17. Like
    Greenteam got a reaction from Shrimp Life in 40g cherry shrimp setup help   
    You don't need a HOB with a shrimp tank. You would be just fine with 1 or 2 over size sponge filters, and baby shrimp will spend most of their young lives sitting on the sponge munching away. 
    Been by the window is not as bad as people make it out to be. I have two large tanks in my patio getting direct sunlight with 0 algea and I might be wrong but from personal experience shrimp seem to thrive on that natural light. 
    Also don't stress about growing algea the true goal is to get biofilm, and biofilm is that slimy coat you get on the glass which is completely clear most of the time. 
    The simpler the better with shrimp specially something as hardy as cherry shrimp. 

  18. Like
    Greenteam got a reaction from ibebian in Art   
    Yup paper mache. It was impossible to walk more then 5 ft before we stop for pictures the whole time....
    We also made Bloodborne Characters. I was rocking Eileen the Crow (blue) & my buddy was The Hunter (brown). Our swords actually would fold up like in the game and made them from scratch.

  19. Like
    Greenteam got a reaction from DreaminginBlue in Art   
    I haven't done art in a while but I randomly will draw or make something.
    I did this one using just using letters/symbols on the typical keyboard.

  20. Like
    Greenteam got a reaction from ohmiko in Art   
    Yup paper mache. It was impossible to walk more then 5 ft before we stop for pictures the whole time....
    We also made Bloodborne Characters. I was rocking Eileen the Crow (blue) & my buddy was The Hunter (brown). Our swords actually would fold up like in the game and made them from scratch.

  21. Like
    Greenteam got a reaction from Mr. F in Art   
    Yup paper mache. It was impossible to walk more then 5 ft before we stop for pictures the whole time....
    We also made Bloodborne Characters. I was rocking Eileen the Crow (blue) & my buddy was The Hunter (brown). Our swords actually would fold up like in the game and made them from scratch.

  22. Like
    Greenteam got a reaction from Mr. F in Art   
    Yeah I think it's a very typical project most art students do at some point. I think I did mine freshmen year in college.
    I also will do dumb stuff with my buddy for comic conventions. We made Rick & Morty heads an ran around Supercon & he took them to Dragoncon. I was rocking the Morty head (yellow shirt).

  23. Like
    Greenteam got a reaction from ohmiko in Art   
    Yeah I think it's a very typical project most art students do at some point. I think I did mine freshmen year in college.
    I also will do dumb stuff with my buddy for comic conventions. We made Rick & Morty heads an ran around Supercon & he took them to Dragoncon. I was rocking the Morty head (yellow shirt).

  24. Like
    Greenteam reacted to ohmiko in Art   
    I did that in high school I did lana del rey and used her lyrics as the words that gave value. It was very fun. Love this. Thats a difficult angle!
  25. Like
    Greenteam got a reaction from ibebian in Art   
    I haven't done art in a while but I randomly will draw or make something.
    I did this one using just using letters/symbols on the typical keyboard.

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