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  1. Like
    Greenteam got a reaction from Soothing Shrimp in 30G Breeder   
    So I just got moved into my new place a slowly settling in. So far I have not had the chance to work on my 30g breeder project, but today I had the day off and try to do the most that I could. 
    Here's what the plan is so far.
    1. Divide tank into 3 sections
    2. figured out filtration
    3. start cycle ASP

  2. Like
    Greenteam got a reaction from h4n in Bucephalandra anonymous >ba<   
    Got my first order of buce so I got just a few to try them out.
    Had to take a pic and write names so I could ID them later.
    Heres what I got:
    Sekadau (1)
    Theia S (x2)
    Mini Penelope (1)
    Brownie Blue (1)
    Red Sword (1)
    Pixy (1)
    Blue Devil (x2)
    Pygmea (x2)
    The doubles were extras that came with order.
  3. Like
    Greenteam got a reaction from High5's in Bucephalandra anonymous >ba<   
    Got my first order of buce so I got just a few to try them out.
    Had to take a pic and write names so I could ID them later.
    Heres what I got:
    Sekadau (1)
    Theia S (x2)
    Mini Penelope (1)
    Brownie Blue (1)
    Red Sword (1)
    Pixy (1)
    Blue Devil (x2)
    Pygmea (x2)
    The doubles were extras that came with order.
  4. Like
    Greenteam got a reaction from ctaylor3737 in Storing RO Water   
    Once I get more tanks up and running I had planned getting a Brute container and translate this info to that.
    Another idea I had was keeping another tank maybe 10-20g under my stand filled with RO water that can be easily accessed. 
  5. Like
    Greenteam got a reaction from huntingtrees in Post Your Shrimp Pics   
    Here's some more
    First pic is a boy he had nice color for a male.

  6. Like
    Greenteam reacted to forumsnow in Royal Blue Tiger How-To   
    Just did a quick write up on how I keep my rbt for a fellow member thought I would share. It's kind of basic so any questions please feel free to ask, I'm not about secrets. I have the high grade bb, shadow mosuras, and these guys are still hands down my favorite, so I want to share. Little background, have been keeping them for a little under 2 years, with a move across the country last year where I sold a bunch off and it took a while to recover. But since spring they have been at it and I have probably 600 now with at least 25 of those being berried females now.
    Here's what I did the past 2 times i set up a tank for them. I use a 12 long with sponge filter and canister(2213 first time and rena xp1 this time). I used 10lbs of seiryu with maybe a half bag of amazonia? I believe in using a ton of plants. Been using hc for the past 2 years, the amount of babies that hide down in it is just insane, can't even trim anymore with out 10 babies swimming out every cut. Here's a old pic of the tank, glosso didn't work, now use dhg belem, and the needle leaf java got huge.
    Just checked params the other day, ph7.4 kh3-4 gh6 tds220 temp 68-70.
    I try to do a 20% water change every week, but I have a 18 month old so that doesn't happen as often any more lol. For wc I make my rodi and immediately throw the powerhead in and remin with salty gh+ to tds100-110 gh like 4-5, dont ever check just use tds. Then I just use mosura tds up to raise tds to what ever i need, if tds is high in tank I will use less tds up. Then i just drip in new water over like a hours time. Been doing it this way for 2 years and it just works for them.
    For food I use 99% veggies. I kale and spinach like once a year, blanch and feed. Feed this when ever I remember, maybe 2-3 times a week. I feed frozen bloods worms every couple weeks, remember more when breeding is slow. I dont feed very much commercial food, maybe a couple times a month, have a ton of samples so usually grab whatever bag I find. They do seem to like shirakura special and golden eye food most.
    Supplements I use mosura bt-9 a couple times a week. Been using it for years, shrimp go nuts for it, pretty sure it is just like bacter ae. I also use mosura old sea mud once a week with wc.
    All I can think of for now. Most pics are pretty old but i'll try to get some new ones this weekend. Look forward to answering any questions.

  7. Like
    Greenteam reacted to Ch3fb0yrdee in Post Your Shrimp Pics   
    Ahhhhh I love the PFR. Sell me some!!!
  8. Like
    Greenteam reacted to mayphly in Post Your Shrimp Pics   
    Greenteam, those are solid looking shrimps!
  9. Like
    Greenteam got a reaction from mayphly in Post Your Shrimp Pics   
    Here's some more
    First pic is a boy he had nice color for a male.

  10. Like
    Greenteam got a reaction from MN Shrimping in Post Your Shrimp Pics   
    Here's some more
    First pic is a boy he had nice color for a male.

  11. Like
    Greenteam got a reaction from Soothing Shrimp in Post Your Shrimp Pics   
    Here's some more
    First pic is a boy he had nice color for a male.

  12. Like
    Greenteam got a reaction from countryboy12484 in Post Your Shrimp Pics   
    Here's some more
    First pic is a boy he had nice color for a male.

  13. Like
    Greenteam got a reaction from Allicat in Post Your Shrimp Pics   
    Here's some more
    First pic is a boy he had nice color for a male.

  14. Like
    Greenteam got a reaction from mayphly in Post Your Shrimp Pics   
    Here's some old pics of my cherry shrimp when I had the tank up and running.

  15. Like
    Greenteam got a reaction from EricM in SL Blue Wizard   
    I had no idea about the salts needing time. I always mixed SS in 5g jug and ran an airstone in it for 24 hrs just out of habit, but I guess it was a good habit XD 
  16. Like
    Greenteam got a reaction from High5's in How did you get here?   
    I had to give more of my money to Han but he was nowhere to be found. Then some shady guy (can't remember who) slip me a note in my inbox saying where I can find my plant dealer.   
  17. Like
    Greenteam got a reaction from randy in What makes a Shadow Mosura TB?   
    Randy you make things look too easy lol. 
  18. Like
    Greenteam got a reaction from h4n in How did you get here?   
    I had to give more of my money to Han but he was nowhere to be found. Then some shady guy (can't remember who) slip me a note in my inbox saying where I can find my plant dealer.   
  19. Like
    Greenteam got a reaction from High5's in UGF Questions.   
    I have a buddy who setup a whole rack with UGF + Aquaclear connected to it. From his personal experience he did notice quicker loss in buffering capability of ADA substrate. The exact amount I can't say, but he said it was noticeable.
    Now he still uses UGF but with just standard airstone setup. He said it made the buffering last much longer this way.
  20. Like
    Greenteam reacted to Soothing Shrimp in Names and faces   
    Just a quickie shot from this weekend's set of shows.  That's me bouncing off a wall and doing slapstick in the show.  Not bad for a 44 yr old. LOL  I've always been the type of actor called on for physical comedy.

  21. Like
    Greenteam reacted to LooksLater in Names and faces   
    I love these threads! Here's me and my hubby Roy (aka mnemenoi).

  22. Like
    Greenteam reacted to High5's in Names and faces   
    I have authority issues so no military for me. I work from home and I'm my own boss I paint shoes, here is some of my work.

  23. Like
    Greenteam reacted to Allicat in Names and faces   
    Hi everyone! My name is Allison or some call me Alli. I am studying biology and I am going to school part time while I work. I work at a dog and cat boutique and I am a cat and dog groomer. My hobbies include fancy goldfish keeping and breeding, gardening, cooking, soccer, sewing, and now shrimp. My boyfriend David and I have 3 cats and I have LOTS of fish tanks haha.
    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  24. Like
    Greenteam reacted to Doc4PC2 in Names and faces   
    My name is Steve, and everyone calls me Doc, and has for a long time now. Live in the Rocky Mountains of Montana.
    Love, Aquatics, and animals, music, photography, computers, martial arts, football, sports, and spending time with
    my family and friends. I am single and love being independent doing the things that I want to do when and how I
    want to do them. I am new to Shrimp Keeping, but am finding out that I really enjoy it.

          - Me in my back yard
          - Me at my desk
          - My Dog named Shadow (She is an excellent Dog about 8 years old)
          - My Show Bunny Named Tigger
          - Some of my interests and hobbies
          - I am a Peyton Manning Fan, #18 - I go where my QB goes
          - Some of my Shrimp  
         - Album and more about me
  25. Like
    Greenteam got a reaction from Doc4PC2 in Names and faces   
    Lol this is a fun threat.
    I have 2 pics on my cellphone one is an old one of me when I was deployed in Iraq and the 2nd one is of me (in blue long sleeve) on vacation in Costa Rica. This after spending the day hiking with our personal tour guide. 

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