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  1. Like
    Greenteam got a reaction from EricM in SL Blue Wizard   
    I had no idea about the salts needing time. I always mixed SS in 5g jug and ran an airstone in it for 24 hrs just out of habit, but I guess it was a good habit XD 
  2. Like
    Greenteam got a reaction from High5's in How did you get here?   
    I had to give more of my money to Han but he was nowhere to be found. Then some shady guy (can't remember who) slip me a note in my inbox saying where I can find my plant dealer.   
  3. Like
    Greenteam reacted to Soothing Shrimp in Thank you to our members!   
    Most of you know that I honestly believe secrets in shrimping will kill the hobby in America if left to continue. 
    For example, it was once that way with reptile breeding, and as soon as people became open with knowledge gained- the reptile business exploded with more people than ever entering the hobby!
    So Kudos to the members here for sharing so freely in what has been learned from breeders and personal experience!
    Also THANK YOU for welcoming members both advanced and new into this shrimping hobby of ours!
    We've done a great job in making sure everyone feels welcome here, and I'm sure we'll continue to make friendliness and openness our top priorities here!
    If there's ever any spam or a flame war in the making, just remember that two words to the left of the "multiquote" tab under the post is the word "report."  Click on that, write your concerns, and the mods will figure things out ASAP. 
    We're all in this together folks!  We're all one community!  Kudos to YOU for making this forum a success!
  4. Like
    Greenteam got a reaction from JamesHe in Does anyone feed shrimp meat to pet shrimps?   
    When I first started keeping fish I had a cray fish in the tank that I gave it a piece of hot dog. It died a few days later  so I don't know if it was the hot dog that killed it or the fact that I had no clue what the hell I was doing.  
  5. Like
    Greenteam got a reaction from Doc4PC2 in what hobbies do you have besides aquatic?   
    Ummm other then keeping tanks I like to do art I guess.
    I have done oil, charcoal, color pencils, leather carvings, clay/pottery, but my favorite medium is watercolor. 
    My wife is a graphic/web designer and she wanted me to try Photoshop so I made a portrait of her after messing with the program for a day.
    I used her name then some other basic keys like backslash, parenthesis, and some others. Just no actual lines.

  6. Like
    Greenteam got a reaction from countryboy12484 in what hobbies do you have besides aquatic?   
    Ummm other then keeping tanks I like to do art I guess.
    I have done oil, charcoal, color pencils, leather carvings, clay/pottery, but my favorite medium is watercolor. 
    My wife is a graphic/web designer and she wanted me to try Photoshop so I made a portrait of her after messing with the program for a day.
    I used her name then some other basic keys like backslash, parenthesis, and some others. Just no actual lines.

  7. Like
    Greenteam got a reaction from Pika in what hobbies do you have besides aquatic?   
    Ummm other then keeping tanks I like to do art I guess.
    I have done oil, charcoal, color pencils, leather carvings, clay/pottery, but my favorite medium is watercolor. 
    My wife is a graphic/web designer and she wanted me to try Photoshop so I made a portrait of her after messing with the program for a day.
    I used her name then some other basic keys like backslash, parenthesis, and some others. Just no actual lines.

  8. Like
    Greenteam got a reaction from h4n in what hobbies do you have besides aquatic?   
    Ummm other then keeping tanks I like to do art I guess.
    I have done oil, charcoal, color pencils, leather carvings, clay/pottery, but my favorite medium is watercolor. 
    My wife is a graphic/web designer and she wanted me to try Photoshop so I made a portrait of her after messing with the program for a day.
    I used her name then some other basic keys like backslash, parenthesis, and some others. Just no actual lines.

  9. Like
    Greenteam got a reaction from mayphly in Post your other pets!   
    Cool threat I guess I can add my little blue chihuahua his names Alvin and his lazy.
    This is him when I come home from work relaxing on the sofa like he owns the place.

  10. Like
    Greenteam got a reaction from Doc4PC2 in 5G Mischling Adventure   
    So all my michling girls got berried at the same time kinda cool. This made me wounder shrimp in the same tank somehow fall on the same breeding cycle.
    Also one of my golden's had a semi-fail molt and he now has a funny looking wing shape head lol.
    Lastly my new little red root floaters finally turned bright red after a week in the tank.

  11. Like
    Greenteam got a reaction from ShortGirl in I'm back!   
    Welcome back. 
    If it makes you feel better the first cherry shrimp I bought I spend $5 per shrimp and placed them in my community tank. It took 30 mins for my Rams to eat them all lol
  12. Like
    Greenteam reacted to ctaylor3737 in Chris's Fish Room- Basement Remodel   
    That was the way my other room was, and it smelled funky just from the carpet so yea had to move the tanks. Wife was at the end of putting up with it lol. Just gave me an excuse to expand lol. Method behind my maddness ahahhahaha. It makes it so much easier being organized and put away. My other room I would just run stuff as I needed it and would never take the time to even completely finish a project. This has forced me to slow down and take a minute to put everthing together!
    On a good note a friend gave me a hell of a deal on 15 bloody marys finally got ahold of them! They are sending out monday also! I have been wanting forever just couldnt see paying the price for them. Excited to see how much bolder these guys will be!
  13. Like
    Greenteam reacted to h4n in Tips for no planeria use   
    No I didn't.
  14. Like
    Greenteam reacted to randy in MK-BREED Q & A   
    I know, I was as shocked as you are a year or so ago. This is not his idea but from someone "up" who didn't want to share this trick until after half a bottle of whisky equivalent ;-)
  15. Like
    Greenteam reacted to randy in MK-BREED Q & A   
    PM'd. Anyone interested can PM me. I'll try to get the information at one of the sponsor's link and get one for MK's product.
  16. Like
    Greenteam reacted to randy in fry everywhere and now I can't see them?   
    Agree with subtle, they are pretty "silly" for the first day or two. Would actually stay in the open or whereever they are born and not knowing running for cover. And smarten up after a day or two, by the end of first week they will be pretty good in hiding.
    Not sure if this is my imagination or not. If you can see them running around at age of 1-2 weeks, normally the baby survival rate will be very good. At least that's what I believe in after years of observation.
  17. Like
    Greenteam got a reaction from ctaylor3737 in I love low grade red cherry.   
    Seems like most of the shrimp we keep comes down to personal preferences. I know when I first started I hated CRS (partly due to my lack of experience resulting in their death's lol). With time my taste has evolved and my willingness to invest in higher end shrimp has become a norm.
    If you asked me a year ago if I would spend $20 on a single shrimp I would call you crazy before saying "I bid you good day SIR! and storming off" lol. Now the question is how many more tanks will I need to house my small army
  18. Like
    Greenteam got a reaction from countryboy12484 in I love low grade red cherry.   
    Seems like most of the shrimp we keep comes down to personal preferences. I know when I first started I hated CRS (partly due to my lack of experience resulting in their death's lol). With time my taste has evolved and my willingness to invest in higher end shrimp has become a norm.
    If you asked me a year ago if I would spend $20 on a single shrimp I would call you crazy before saying "I bid you good day SIR! and storming off" lol. Now the question is how many more tanks will I need to house my small army
  19. Like
    Greenteam got a reaction from High5's in UGF Questions.   
    UGF + Sponge Filter = easy mode. 
    I have a tank with just that and works like a champ. 
    They each are their own component so its not like they are somehow connected. I just setup DIY UGF that has seacham matrix covering the inlet holes I drilled, and a standard sponge filter running on the other side of tank. 
  20. Like
    Greenteam got a reaction from OVT in Anybody have buce to trade?   
    I never got the big fad with buce. They look ok I guess, but personally not worth the price tag for me lol
  21. Like
    Greenteam got a reaction from Sbarbee54 in Why raise Mischlings?   
    A few reasons why I went Mischlings. 
    1. Price: I paid $40 for 10 mischlings, and $150 for 13 TB's. 
    2. Male to Female ratio. TB's generally produce more Males and I seen this in friends tanks. Having an all TB population that is made up of 70%+ Males.
    3. Risk factor. Jumping into new shrimp can come with a learning curve and to have a $100+ investment die on you because simple mistakes is not fun.
    4. End result is the same just one path is a little longer. (Plus I actually like how it looks having such a mix of colors.)
  22. Like
    Greenteam got a reaction from randy in Why raise Mischlings?   
    A few reasons why I went Mischlings. 
    1. Price: I paid $40 for 10 mischlings, and $150 for 13 TB's. 
    2. Male to Female ratio. TB's generally produce more Males and I seen this in friends tanks. Having an all TB population that is made up of 70%+ Males.
    3. Risk factor. Jumping into new shrimp can come with a learning curve and to have a $100+ investment die on you because simple mistakes is not fun.
    4. End result is the same just one path is a little longer. (Plus I actually like how it looks having such a mix of colors.)
  23. Like
    Greenteam got a reaction from Soothing Shrimp in 5G Mischling Adventure   
    So I came home today and did my normal routine of evening feeding.
    To my surprise I noticed one of my WR's looked extra plump.... Well I clearly miss judge the sex and now I have a barried WR Woot!
    If She ever let's me I will try to snap a pic of the berried WR.
    I got a nice pic of the BKK  you liked Soothing lol.

  24. Like
    Greenteam got a reaction from miwu in 5G Mischling Adventure   
    So I came home today and did my normal routine of evening feeding.
    To my surprise I noticed one of my WR's looked extra plump.... Well I clearly miss judge the sex and now I have a barried WR Woot!
    If She ever let's me I will try to snap a pic of the berried WR.
    I got a nice pic of the BKK  you liked Soothing lol.

  25. Like
    Greenteam got a reaction from Soothing Shrimp in Must or not?   
    Why not just go to home depot/lowes and buy a piece of foam board?
    Works just as good on tanks I used it with.
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