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  1. Like
    Greenteam got a reaction from Allicat in Plant Package   
    Mini Pellia for sale. Each one comes with free golf ball size portion of Fissiden.
    2x2" Mini Pellia + Free Golf Ball Portion of Fissiden - $22 Shipped
    3x3" Mini Pellia + Free Golf Ball Portion of Fissiden - $32 Shipped
    4x4" Mini Pellia + Free Golf Ball Portion of Fissiden - $42 Shipped
  2. Like
    Greenteam got a reaction from SeñorShrimpster in Plant Package   
    Mini Pellia for sale. Each one comes with free golf ball size portion of Fissiden.
    2x2" Mini Pellia + Free Golf Ball Portion of Fissiden - $22 Shipped
    3x3" Mini Pellia + Free Golf Ball Portion of Fissiden - $32 Shipped
    4x4" Mini Pellia + Free Golf Ball Portion of Fissiden - $42 Shipped
  3. Like
    Greenteam got a reaction from Aennedry in How to Breed Fancy Goldfish (pictures too)   
    Hey Soothing since I'm getting my first true Goldfish tank setup I been trying to find breeding setups done in Japan or Thailand and found this short documentary that I found interesting. 

  4. Like
    Greenteam got a reaction from Sathish in Pinto Mischling Project   
    Manage to snap a bad cellphone picture of the Mosura pattern young born from the Black Pinto x BKK

  5. Thanks
    Greenteam got a reaction from Jonas in Great Breeders   
    I figured I share some breeders that contribute to our hobby. Everyone knows the big names MK, Beni, Crimson, Ebiten, etc..
    This are the guys some might not know but still note worthy.
    so here's some of their work:
    From Novina a breeder out of Poland 
    Caridina cf cantonensis "Prima apilis" (red and black)  Photo was edited and the red is actually white.

  6. Like
    Greenteam got a reaction from Shrimpo in DOA? i don't think so   
    I have received DOA BKK's in the past and they had slight pink hue to them. It was simple to prove because the black body was not shiny at all it looked liked a half cooked shrimp (half black half pink). Mine were a overnight shipments with Fedex and I think they died do to mishandling, but honestly mine did not look nice an shiny like the ones he placed on the paper towel.
  7. Like
    Greenteam got a reaction from Mr. F in DOA? i don't think so   
    I have received DOA BKK's in the past and they had slight pink hue to them. It was simple to prove because the black body was not shiny at all it looked liked a half cooked shrimp (half black half pink). Mine were a overnight shipments with Fedex and I think they died do to mishandling, but honestly mine did not look nice an shiny like the ones he placed on the paper towel.
  8. Like
    Greenteam got a reaction from Brolly33 in Auto feeding for 2 weeks?   
    Feeding is not a big deal I have gone a month without feeding a single thing and 0 issues.
    The real issue is evaporation so I would recommend you find a cover for the tank. I would think about going to Lowes and get picture frame glass since it's ultra cheap and they cut it for you. The glass cover even if just temp will cut back on evaporation big time.
    Or you can be lazy like I was before and toss some saran wrap. Was gone for 2 weeks and had almost no evaporation lol.
  9. Like
    Greenteam got a reaction from svetilda in How to Breed Fancy Goldfish (pictures too)   
    Hey Soothing since I'm getting my first true Goldfish tank setup I been trying to find breeding setups done in Japan or Thailand and found this short documentary that I found interesting. 

  10. Like
    Greenteam got a reaction from ctaylor3737 in Rocking the boat   
    If you watermark your own picture it's a ban offence? 
  11. Like
    Greenteam got a reaction from Vpier in How to Breed Fancy Goldfish (pictures too)   
    Hey Soothing since I'm getting my first true Goldfish tank setup I been trying to find breeding setups done in Japan or Thailand and found this short documentary that I found interesting. 

  12. Like
    Greenteam got a reaction from Shrimple minded in How to Breed Fancy Goldfish (pictures too)   
    Hey Soothing since I'm getting my first true Goldfish tank setup I been trying to find breeding setups done in Japan or Thailand and found this short documentary that I found interesting. 

  13. Like
    Greenteam got a reaction from Soothing Shrimp in How to Breed Fancy Goldfish (pictures too)   
    Hey Soothing since I'm getting my first true Goldfish tank setup I been trying to find breeding setups done in Japan or Thailand and found this short documentary that I found interesting. 

  14. Like
    Greenteam got a reaction from Vpier in Suppliers   
    Plamski has awesome collection and prices are better then most.
  15. Like
    Greenteam got a reaction from svetilda in Suppliers   
    Plamski has awesome collection and prices are better then most.
  16. Like
    Greenteam reacted to Wygglz in Setting up a goldfish tank   
    I absolutely love my fancy goldfish. Their personalities are great and their history is fascinating. One thing we learned is, although they love sifting through sand, at least one of mine thinks it is great to spit that sand into the filter. Gill ends up having to clean them way too often or else they seize.
  17. Like
    Greenteam reacted to loubapache in Setting up a goldfish tank   
    A lot of these rules or guidelines are just that because it depends on a lot of other things like filtration, water changes, etc.
    These are not fancies but you can see what I am able to keep in a 55-gal living room tank.  Two large (12") goldfish plus one of their kids who is about 6-8 inches.  Note the one foot ruler I taped on the tank for the photos.
    I have two Aquaclear 300 (now called 70) with pre-filter sponges, one DIY double deck air driven sponge filter and one K1/sponge combo.  I only do a 25% weekly water change.  
    The one (Ogon koi) in my avatar is much bigger but he lives in a large pond.

  18. Like
    Greenteam got a reaction from Louie in Setting up a goldfish tank   
    So like title says I got a free 55g tank from a buddy and figured I try goldfish. 
    I want to ask if anyone here keeps them what should I try to setup to help tanks clean and healthy for the fish. 
    I will be going my a local fish farm that have every type of Goldfish like Ranchus, Lionsheads, Pearlscales, etc. I know they sell them at 2-3" sizes but assume they get big over time so not sure what stocking limits are for a 55g. 
    Any recommendations are welcome.
  19. Like
    Greenteam got a reaction from Mr. F in Post Shrimp Worthy Youtube   
    Always enjoy seeing tons of young shrimp.

  20. Like
    Greenteam got a reaction from Louie in Post Shrimp Worthy Youtube   
    Something about the slow motion looks peaceful

  21. Like
    Greenteam got a reaction from Louie in Post Shrimp Worthy Youtube   
    Video is not in English.
    I found it really fascinating how our efforts to make "new" patterns with Tibees (tiger x TB's) that are growing in popularity now look so much like the their wild type patterns lol. 

  22. Like
    Greenteam got a reaction from Louie in Post Shrimp Worthy Youtube   
    A classic but packed with so much good info.

  23. Like
    Greenteam got a reaction from Louie in Post Shrimp Worthy Youtube   
    Always enjoy seeing tons of young shrimp.

  24. Like
    Greenteam got a reaction from Spialz in Post Shrimp Worthy Youtube   
    I always find myself enjoying some good ole Youtube video scourging so I figured hey why not make a post where others can share cool things they stumble on.
    So I will post random Yotube videos that I find and think are a cool or unique. I encourage others that happen to find cool things to post on here to share in the fun.
    Videos will be anything from informing to just showing off patterns an colors of shrimp.
  25. Like
    Greenteam got a reaction from Vpier in Post Shrimp Worthy Youtube   
    Video is not in English.
    I found it really fascinating how our efforts to make "new" patterns with Tibees (tiger x TB's) that are growing in popularity now look so much like the their wild type patterns lol. 

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