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    Greenteam got a reaction from Shrimpie123 in Blood Mary Neo Shell Problem   
    I normally see that dark area in shrimp that are older in age. The discoloration does not mean the shrimp will die right away, but it is getting up there in age and might naturally come to an end soon. 
    Best advice ask for juvies any time you buy. Young shrimp acclimate much better and you know for a fact that you have a good chance of a mix group of males/females.
  2. Like
    Greenteam got a reaction from Shrimpie123 in Increasing photoperiod to simulate spring/summer   
    This is something I noticed for the past few years regardless what I do with temps and light cycles. Winter time (in Florida) the breeding slows down big time even if cold for us is 70. Spring there's a big surge of breeding and this stays true till mid Autumn when it starts to slow down again. 
    Even with multiple tanks they all seem to follow the same pattern & friends in my area that I asked experience similar patterns.
  3. Like
    Greenteam got a reaction from Soothing Shrimp in So I've got this weird body, smushed face RCS   
    Lol Had the same exact thing happen with a CRS happen a while back. He lived for a month then died at his 2nd molt.
  4. Like
    Greenteam got a reaction from svetilda in SL Aqua cycle stuck?   
    Hope you an Han take tons of pics!
  5. Like
    Greenteam got a reaction from Soothing Shrimp in Increasing photoperiod to simulate spring/summer   
    This is something I noticed for the past few years regardless what I do with temps and light cycles. Winter time (in Florida) the breeding slows down big time even if cold for us is 70. Spring there's a big surge of breeding and this stays true till mid Autumn when it starts to slow down again. 
    Even with multiple tanks they all seem to follow the same pattern & friends in my area that I asked experience similar patterns.
  6. Like
    Greenteam got a reaction from Lyana in Increasing photoperiod to simulate spring/summer   
    This is something I noticed for the past few years regardless what I do with temps and light cycles. Winter time (in Florida) the breeding slows down big time even if cold for us is 70. Spring there's a big surge of breeding and this stays true till mid Autumn when it starts to slow down again. 
    Even with multiple tanks they all seem to follow the same pattern & friends in my area that I asked experience similar patterns.
  7. Like
    Greenteam got a reaction from Shrimple minded in Increasing photoperiod to simulate spring/summer   
    This is something I noticed for the past few years regardless what I do with temps and light cycles. Winter time (in Florida) the breeding slows down big time even if cold for us is 70. Spring there's a big surge of breeding and this stays true till mid Autumn when it starts to slow down again. 
    Even with multiple tanks they all seem to follow the same pattern & friends in my area that I asked experience similar patterns.
  8. Like
    Greenteam got a reaction from svetilda in OEBT x BB TB Results   
    DET is this the look your working towards? 

  9. Like
    Greenteam got a reaction from svetilda in Pinto Mischling Project   
    I'm using 10g tanks to make it easy for me to monitor all the offspring. If I go with large tanks with too many plants I can't cull unwanted patterns as easily.
  10. Like
    Greenteam got a reaction from svetilda in Pinto Mischling Project   
    Here you can see the Red Pinto male with his harem of 5 WR females.
    Also you can see the first F1 Pinto offspring from Pinto x WR

  11. Like
    Greenteam got a reaction from svetilda in Pinto Mischling Project   
    Here is what F1 generation looks like from Red Pinto male x PRL female.
    As you can see some of the young already show signs of spothead patterns while others retain the mothers CRS look.
    All F1 females will be crossed back to Red Pinto when breeding age is reached.

  12. Like
    Greenteam got a reaction from svetilda in Salvinia cucullata   
    Anyone know where I can get some of this stuff? 
    I think it looks really nice and I bet it would be easier to clean from my tank since it grows in clumps.

  13. Like
    Greenteam got a reaction from svetilda in Nana's Forest   
    I like the way it was before because it made the focus on the right side of the tank the nana's. Also before the blocks added a subtle touch now they kinda overpower the tank and become more the focal point.
    For visual design try to stick to odd numbers as apposed to evens so use blocks in groups of 3,5,7, etc because it adds a natural effect (the wife added this since shes a graphic designer lol)
    But that's just my opinion lol.
  14. Like
    Greenteam got a reaction from dhenry7711 in TB x Pinto   
    What is a Tibee?
    A tibee is a hybrid between any Tiger (OEBT - orange eye blue tiger or also blonde tiger) - and usually a Taiwan Bee (TB)
    can also be hybrid between any Tiger and Crystals - CBS (Crystal Black Shrimp) and CRS (Crystal Red Shrimp).
    The preference is to cross with a Taiwan Bee. Since TBs are rarer and more expensive, you might not have enough TBs to breed. Using a Tiger as a partner to the Taiwan Bee, will ensure some genes are carried over when you cross the Tibee back with the Taiwan Bee parent. It's offspring could yield some Taiwan Bees.
    Crystals are more common. So a Tibee from TigerXCrystal is not as sought after. But nature can throw up some amazing colours from this hybrid too. I am working on a TigerXCRS myself to try to get some Red Tiger tibees.
    What is a TaiTibee?
    A Taitibee is a Tibee crossed back to a Taiwan Bee.
    What is a Pinto?
    A Pinto is a colour variation and type of Taitibee.
    There are multiple variants of patterns:
    Spotted Head Zebra Fancy (Things like Fishbone, Skunk, and other new patterns been worked on now)
  15. Like
    Greenteam got a reaction from Soothing Shrimp in Pinto Questions   
    Whats a TB Pinto? Is that different then a normal Pinto?
  16. Like
    Greenteam got a reaction from Soothing Shrimp in What's MORE important?   
    Honestly I have never seen shrimp eggs grow fungus regardless of the GH or KH. The females will fan them and this naturally fights off any fungus issues. As long as you get parameters correct for the parents to grown an breed then fungus of going to be the least of your issues. The main thing will be keeping the young shrimp alive.
    Also the shrimp you might have (Neos or Cardinias) will not have a larvae stage, the young are born as tiny versions of parents and go to eating right away.
    Fish eggs I don't know so can't help there.
  17. Like
    Greenteam got a reaction from Soothing Shrimp in What do I do! They are everywhere   
    That's last 2 pictures is planaria for sure. You can treat with meds simple fix if you follow instructions.
  18. Like
    Greenteam got a reaction from Louie in What do I do! They are everywhere   
    That's last 2 pictures is planaria for sure. You can treat with meds simple fix if you follow instructions.
  19. Like
    Greenteam got a reaction from Soothing Shrimp in Sandos shrimp rack journal   
    It's not generally caused by the weight of tank it has to do with the way wood naturally will dry over time. None of my DIY stands stayed nice an straight they always had funky bends to them lol.
  20. Like
    Greenteam got a reaction from mayphly in Greenteam's 20L Restart   
    So my calculations were close I had 1 of the 8 females release her eggs today. I expect the other ladies will be releasing their young within the next week or two.
    I end up actually losing 2 older males to age so it was kinda out with old in with the new lol. I still have 3 young guys for the job so no big deal as long as all my ladies are ok I don't mind.
    Here's some pictures starting with the little guys that just hatch today their really tiny I got one picture of a newborn next to a Limpet for size comparison. Also posting pictures of the other young that are starting to reach that Juvi stage and becoming more bold when it comes to feeding time.
    On a side note the baby shrimp love the Turkish Hazel they hide in that thing ALL the time. I seen it covered in newly hatch shrimp and my guess if because all the tiny nooks and crannies.

  21. Like
    Greenteam got a reaction from Fishprinceofca in TB x Pinto   
    What is a Tibee?
    A tibee is a hybrid between any Tiger (OEBT - orange eye blue tiger or also blonde tiger) - and usually a Taiwan Bee (TB)
    can also be hybrid between any Tiger and Crystals - CBS (Crystal Black Shrimp) and CRS (Crystal Red Shrimp).
    The preference is to cross with a Taiwan Bee. Since TBs are rarer and more expensive, you might not have enough TBs to breed. Using a Tiger as a partner to the Taiwan Bee, will ensure some genes are carried over when you cross the Tibee back with the Taiwan Bee parent. It's offspring could yield some Taiwan Bees.
    Crystals are more common. So a Tibee from TigerXCrystal is not as sought after. But nature can throw up some amazing colours from this hybrid too. I am working on a TigerXCRS myself to try to get some Red Tiger tibees.
    What is a TaiTibee?
    A Taitibee is a Tibee crossed back to a Taiwan Bee.
    What is a Pinto?
    A Pinto is a colour variation and type of Taitibee.
    There are multiple variants of patterns:
    Spotted Head Zebra Fancy (Things like Fishbone, Skunk, and other new patterns been worked on now)
  22. Like
    Greenteam got a reaction from Wygglz in TB x Pinto   
    What is a Tibee?
    A tibee is a hybrid between any Tiger (OEBT - orange eye blue tiger or also blonde tiger) - and usually a Taiwan Bee (TB)
    can also be hybrid between any Tiger and Crystals - CBS (Crystal Black Shrimp) and CRS (Crystal Red Shrimp).
    The preference is to cross with a Taiwan Bee. Since TBs are rarer and more expensive, you might not have enough TBs to breed. Using a Tiger as a partner to the Taiwan Bee, will ensure some genes are carried over when you cross the Tibee back with the Taiwan Bee parent. It's offspring could yield some Taiwan Bees.
    Crystals are more common. So a Tibee from TigerXCrystal is not as sought after. But nature can throw up some amazing colours from this hybrid too. I am working on a TigerXCRS myself to try to get some Red Tiger tibees.
    What is a TaiTibee?
    A Taitibee is a Tibee crossed back to a Taiwan Bee.
    What is a Pinto?
    A Pinto is a colour variation and type of Taitibee.
    There are multiple variants of patterns:
    Spotted Head Zebra Fancy (Things like Fishbone, Skunk, and other new patterns been worked on now)
  23. Like
    Greenteam got a reaction from airriick in TB x Pinto   
    What is a Tibee?
    A tibee is a hybrid between any Tiger (OEBT - orange eye blue tiger or also blonde tiger) - and usually a Taiwan Bee (TB)
    can also be hybrid between any Tiger and Crystals - CBS (Crystal Black Shrimp) and CRS (Crystal Red Shrimp).
    The preference is to cross with a Taiwan Bee. Since TBs are rarer and more expensive, you might not have enough TBs to breed. Using a Tiger as a partner to the Taiwan Bee, will ensure some genes are carried over when you cross the Tibee back with the Taiwan Bee parent. It's offspring could yield some Taiwan Bees.
    Crystals are more common. So a Tibee from TigerXCrystal is not as sought after. But nature can throw up some amazing colours from this hybrid too. I am working on a TigerXCRS myself to try to get some Red Tiger tibees.
    What is a TaiTibee?
    A Taitibee is a Tibee crossed back to a Taiwan Bee.
    What is a Pinto?
    A Pinto is a colour variation and type of Taitibee.
    There are multiple variants of patterns:
    Spotted Head Zebra Fancy (Things like Fishbone, Skunk, and other new patterns been worked on now)
  24. Like
    Greenteam got a reaction from Shrimple minded in bettas at petco   
    O yeah I also feed him baby pinto shrimp is that safe?
  25. Like
    Greenteam got a reaction from ctaylor3737 in bettas at petco   
    O yeah I also feed him baby pinto shrimp is that safe?
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