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    Greenteam reacted to mayphly in Mayphly's Pinto Journal   
    Taitibee second generation

  2. Like
    Greenteam reacted to monty703 in bettas at petco   
    Bettas live a fast life!  Sexually mature at 3-4 months old they are over breeding age by 1 year. They usually don't live longer than 2 years. 
    However, given good water changes and not overfed, they can and do live to approx. 5 years old and yes they will get bigger as they age.
    I have kept 3 Bettas that lived to over 5 years old, 2 males and 1 female and all of them knew their names and would come to the surface to greet me when I called their names from across the room (dismissing the theory that they only come to the surface to look for food and not because they can understand their names)   My Husband watched this happens several times and the Betta could not see me when I called its name, as it was fast asleep on the bottom, but once it heard my voice it rose to the surface and was flitting around looking for me.
    If you keep a Betta, talk to it everyday, put it in an area where it can view things going on around it, like the TV, children playing, even pets they are personable fish and respond to stimulation (why people give them a mirror) so include your Betta in your daily life and it will live a lot longer.
    Water is the Key to long life in a Betta!   Change water every 3 days, clean up any uneaten food, and don't overdo its house, java fern and some floating plants or a stick of bamboo, Indian almond leaves are all they need.
    I have brought in Thailand bred Bettas for resale for many people over the years, and just last year a customer wanted a blue/yellow HM, so I found a gorgeous one for him.  I told him all of the above, about keeping it very simple and easy to clean.  He didn't listen to me, and went ahead and put his new Betta in a 5 gallon planted tank with rocks and ornaments, thinking this would look nice (for WHO???? certainly the Betta didn't care) 2 days later, he contacts me with a photo showing his Betta's fins all ripped from top to bottom (horrible)  I asked him what he had in his tank and he showed  me the picture....yes rocks!  The Betta being inquisitive pushed through the rock, got stuck and ripped itself free to get to the surface and tore all of his fins off.  I tried to help with the salt baths etc, but it was far too late....he died a few days later.  
    This was a tragedy, and could have been avoided, so the same law applies to Bettas as with Shrimps......KISS     Keep it simple stupid.  
    As for moss tied to mesh.....NO all moss is dense, so the Betta will try to enter it (they like to investigate places of interest) and will get trapped by their fins, if it is dense enough they will not be able to free themselves and suffocate because they can't get to the surface to breathe.
    A moss ball would be the only option if moss is something you want in your Betta tank, this is not something the Betta can get inside of.
  3. Like
    Greenteam got a reaction from Louie in bettas at petco   
    Ooo I just got my first betta not that long ago. Sorry for bad pictures his SUPER fast and I struggle getting a good picture.
    The first picture is when I first got him & then the rest are of him now after been with me for a month. I know nothing really about how long they live or how big he might get so anyone know if he can get bigger if his roughly 2-3 months old.
    Should I take out the huge clump of Fissiden? Also have Buce in there are those safe?

  4. Like
    Greenteam got a reaction from Soothing Shrimp in What all do Shrimp need to molt successfully?   
    The short answer is.... you're over thinking this whole thing. From the years I been keeping shrimp I find that staying simple works wonders in my tanks.
    So I meet the basic needs ph, gh, kh. Then I just stick with a schedule of light feeding and regular top off with RO water.
    Find what works best for YOU and once you do then repeat that process and that's it. We all do things a little different so honestly the best results will come from personal experience over time.
  5. Like
    Greenteam got a reaction from Louie in What all do Shrimp need to molt successfully?   
    I do a 15% WC once a month and top off the rest of the time.
  6. Like
    Greenteam got a reaction from nuri in What all do Shrimp need to molt successfully?   
    The short answer is.... you're over thinking this whole thing. From the years I been keeping shrimp I find that staying simple works wonders in my tanks.
    So I meet the basic needs ph, gh, kh. Then I just stick with a schedule of light feeding and regular top off with RO water.
    Find what works best for YOU and once you do then repeat that process and that's it. We all do things a little different so honestly the best results will come from personal experience over time.
  7. Like
    Greenteam got a reaction from Wygglz in What all do Shrimp need to molt successfully?   
    The short answer is.... you're over thinking this whole thing. From the years I been keeping shrimp I find that staying simple works wonders in my tanks.
    So I meet the basic needs ph, gh, kh. Then I just stick with a schedule of light feeding and regular top off with RO water.
    Find what works best for YOU and once you do then repeat that process and that's it. We all do things a little different so honestly the best results will come from personal experience over time.
  8. Like
    Greenteam reacted to mayphly in Mayphly's Pinto Journal   
    As of today I have spotted 5 pintos in my taitibee tank. I have 4 black ones all showing zebra (keyboard) patterns and one red one with keyboard pattern. I'm thinking there maybe belly and spothead patterns but since they're so small it's hard to confirm weather or not they are pinto yet.

  9. Like
    Greenteam reacted to adrand in 1st Berried TB   
    Im seeing the first baby shrimp in the tank. These are TB crossed with TT. Still super small so these are the best pics I could snap with a cell phone, sorry. Excited though so wanted to share.
    The first pic has at least two in it and the mother behind. Reminds me of wheres waldo.

  10. Like
    Greenteam reacted to adrand in 1st Berried TB   
    Another update. These little guys are hard to find in the tank but saw one tonight. I really hope they make it to adulthood.

  11. Like
    Greenteam reacted to plamski in Post Your Shrimp Pics   
    Here are some Royal Blue Tigers.
    Just to clarify that this kind of blue is visible only with very bright light. I have them in 2 different tanks with 2 WPG T5HO bulbs and they look very dark blue –almost black.

  12. Like
    Greenteam reacted to plamski in Post Your Shrimp Pics   
    Some Benibachi PRLs

  13. Like
    Greenteam reacted to Maurice in Post Your Shrimp Pics   
    Selective breeding with Taiwan Fire Reds

  14. Like
    Greenteam got a reaction from Duff0712 in Duff's 22G TB/Mix tank revamp   
    The back of HMF is also very still but I know it's obviously not stagnant because I never get that nasty film build up on the surface of the water. I guess if you want you can always add a small air-stone but I honestly don't thing its necessary.
  15. Like
    Greenteam got a reaction from Soothing Shrimp in Unwanted shrimp<3   
    Look at the black Friday sales been posted by Joe's Aqua and Blue Crown (right here in Market section) really good prices and both carry good looking shrimp.
  16. Like
    Greenteam got a reaction from DETAquarium in Twinstar Shrimp 50   
    I always thought the misty effect looks so nice on the twin stars.
  17. Like
    Greenteam got a reaction from Soothing Shrimp in Greenteam's 20L Restart   
    Removing from the molts seems to help because the molt will start to decompose and can ruin the eggs. Also the eggs get a better flow over them when I remove them from the molt since the molt tends to curl up and can act as an wanted barrier.
  18. Like
    Greenteam got a reaction from svetilda in Nana's Forest   
    I like the way it was before because it made the focus on the right side of the tank the nana's. Also before the blocks added a subtle touch now they kinda overpower the tank and become more the focal point.
    For visual design try to stick to odd numbers as apposed to evens so use blocks in groups of 3,5,7, etc because it adds a natural effect (the wife added this since shes a graphic designer lol)
    But that's just my opinion lol.
  19. Like
    Greenteam got a reaction from sarah in Greenteam's 20L Restart   
    Ok so last night I placed two eggs the mom had left behind after she molted into the Glass EggTumbler and this morning I found 1 of the eggs hatched!! Released the hatched one and put back the unhatched one to give it more time.
    I have tried in the past many times with nets and snails would sneak in at night an eat the eggs or my DIY ones would not have good flow and eggs would grow mold . So I'm super happy to have this new tool in my arsenal since young females run the high risk of molting early and leave eggs behind.
    Here's a cellphone pic so kinda fuzzy. The one that hatch walked over to the left edge to avoid the flow lol.

  20. Like
    Greenteam got a reaction from Duff0712 in Duff's 22G TB/Mix tank revamp   
    Like the new clean look defiantly will get to enjoy the shrimp more. Makes watching the little ones go thru their growing stages sooooo much easier so no more 2 weeks of seen nothing hoping the young survived lol.
  21. Like
    Greenteam got a reaction from mayphly in Greenteam's 20L Restart   
    Another female released a batch of young today so and I managed to get a few pics of the new young. Most came out red but had a few blacks mixed in & with both patterns spothead and zebras in both colors.
    She did leave 2 unhatched eggs after she molted so I will get to test out my new Glass Egg tumbler I got from Han and will keep you guys posted.
    Here's some pics of the little guys just a few hours old lol.

  22. Like
    Greenteam got a reaction from mayphly in Greenteam's 20L Restart   
    This ladies are been very stubborn about releasing these little eggs lol. This are my 4th generation of doing pinto male x pinto mischling female and been getting better results in # of pintos produced. Lucky I had this ladies in a separate breeding tank when I lost my main tank.
    So its been 5 days since the eggs started to turn black and looked a dark brown at first, but have been getting darker by the day. I don't know how much longer this ladies have left to go so I will be trying to get pics of the first young born in this new tank.
    Check out how dark the eggs are now.

  23. Like
    Greenteam got a reaction from Shrimpo in You guys wont believe this. Controsoil continued   
    Do you have liquid PH test that you can double check with?
  24. Like
    Greenteam got a reaction from Louie in Painting Back of Aquarium   
  25. Like
    Greenteam got a reaction from Sandovalsbco in Greenteam's 20L Restart   
    Another female released a batch of young today so and I managed to get a few pics of the new young. Most came out red but had a few blacks mixed in & with both patterns spothead and zebras in both colors.
    She did leave 2 unhatched eggs after she molted so I will get to test out my new Glass Egg tumbler I got from Han and will keep you guys posted.
    Here's some pics of the little guys just a few hours old lol.

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