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  1. If you planning to keep orange eye blue tiger shrimp then you should watch this video. I will talk about how to keep and breed this shrimp with great success and I'm going to show you my shrimp tank setup https://youtu.be/2eb1NcREadc
  2. In this video I'm going to show you a cool method of keeping two different neocaridina shrimp in one tank without mixing them. I show you how I separate small colony of yellow cherry shrimp from blue dream shrimp by using small breeding box. https://youtu.be/-DrVirbmZT0
  3. All you need to know about undergravel filtration the best filtration for caridina shrimp from my opinion. Showing my shrimp tanks with pinto, Taiwan shrimps and demonstrate how i setting up the tank using this method https://youtu.be/4kaJJuETtK4
  4. All you need to know about undergravel filtration the best filtration for caridina shrimp from my opinion. Showing my shrimp tanks with pinto, Taiwan shrimps and demonstrate how i setting up the tank using this method https://youtu.be/4kaJJuETtK4
  5. I noticed a lot of breeders using Lubao bags in the shrimp tanks. I managed to find the guy who selling them on Facebook and purchased few. I very impressed how fast biofilm growing on them and how my shrimp love them. Is anyone knows how to make them? I opened one and its smell like bacterial supplement. I think its should be some yeast and some bacterial products but would be nice to know exact recipe.
  6. I noticed a lot of breeders using Lubao bags in the shrimp tanks. I managed to find the guy who selling them on Facebook and purchased few. I very impressed how fast biofilm growing on them and how my shrimp love them. Is anyone knows how to make them? I opened one and its smell like bacterial supplement. I think its should be some yeast and some bacterial products but would be nice to know exact recipe.
  7. I would take a lager version of the sponge filter like on your picture with 2 sponges and attach it to the intake of your external filter. It will lost for much longer I would recom 2 weeks in your tank before you need to clean it. Shrimps will love it too.
  8. Hi, for neocaridina I would increase ph to about 7 by increasing KH. Or you can do nothing and mix them with crystal reds you have perfect water for them🙂
  9. Hello there. I would do the full water test fist: Ammonia, nitrites, nitrates, PH, GH, KH What's your tank size? Filtration? Do you have airstone in the tank? What do you feed to your shrimps and how often? Ph wont kill your shrimps in such numbers, more likely ammonia, nitrites or bacteria. Some substrates can leaching ammonia for more than a month like ada Amazonia so maybe you put your shrimp too soon. For now you can do large water change and stop feeding your shrimps. When you do water change (I would do 70-80%) do it slowly with air tube, it should take at least 1 hour. Feed only 1-2 times a week very little and wait until tank fully cycled until start feeding daily.
  10. Thinks man, They doing awesome. I've got some babies already including some blue they not all have pinto patens more like KK with 1-2 stripes. Will do update once I add some pintos juveniles in a week or so
  11. Hi DETAquarium, love your youtube channel and your tanks btw. Yes the flow is quite strong, it's a bit better now once I drilled a bigger holes in the spray bar. It's ok for adult shrimps but I'm a little bit worry if the baby shrimps going to be ok. I think the flow is always stronger in new setup, in a few weeks it should be reduced when filter clogged a bit. I'm not planning to clean Eheim with media at all, only going to clean prefilter chamber where I have a sponge and wool floss and sponge filter connected to intake tube.
  12. Eheim with prefilter and thermo regulator, i only connected fan and I didn't install the heater yet but it's not needed unless I go on vacation in the winter and switch the heating off.
  13. Two weeks passed and the cycle has been completed. It's time for shrimps:) I added: 4 TB males - 2 good grade pandas, 1 low grade panda and one red bolt 16 Mischling females around half of them beried from Tbs but few of them from other Mischlings Mischlings made by crossbreed tb with tangerine tiger shrimp, a lot of them 2nd generation Mischlings with tbs
  14. I can but that reduce the filtration and I don't want this. I've drilled a bigger holes in the spray bar and now the flow is much slower but strong enough for good circulation. I also changed the pump for a bit stronger one and less noisy one, had to pay for it a bit more but it totally worse it. Now I can add an extra air bubbles with little 6mm air tubing attached to it. Added floating switch for the pump which pumping the water form RO water tank when level is below the line to reduce water parameters changing by adding few grams of water every hour or so. Also connected a fan with thermostat for temperature control like on my other tank. Now the water should be clean with super steady temp and water level, hopefully ;-) The cycle nearly completed which took nearly two weeks with cycled sponges on the intake, but I think it because I added too much liquid ammonia in the beginning. Now I'm thinking which shrimps to begin with and I probably going to start with 10-15 pinto females mischlings and few Taiwan bee males. Later when I 100% know the water parameters good I will add some small pintos from another mischling/pinto tank.
  15. Hi Josh, Thanks for reply. I don't think that Akadama soil will ever breaks down. It's designed for bansai tree and it's like clay. It's cooked in 800C and very strong. The grains at the bottom are about 1cm. I have this soil in my other tank for more than a year and it's still look good. I will post an update very soon once I add some shrimps. I have added some plants and moss already. Cheers
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