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    sarah reacted to DETAquarium in Tips for Blue Bolts?   
    Aside from ensuring your aquarium is cycled completely, be sure to acclimate your new Blue Bolts properly, it can make the world of difference. Don't rush cycling your aquarium, I know how exciting it can be to finally get your new shrimp in, but that satisfaction will be long gone if you don't have a cycled aquarium and they kick the bucket.
  2. Like
    sarah reacted to Wygglz in Kiwi Shrimp Food   
    At least someone should have received an order by now.
  3. Like
    sarah got a reaction from Vpier in Sponge filter prices, is this a good price?   
    I have the same one in a few tanks. It seems to bop up and down in price daily, so wait till it goes back down to $2.79 http://camelcamelcamel.com/XY-2831-Sponge-Filter-Aquarium-10-gallon/product/B0056XVF82?utm_campaign=chrome_ext&utm_source=&utm_medium=camelizer
  4. Like
    sarah reacted to Vpier in why do my shrimps all hang out under my double sponge filter   
    Sponges trap food, would seem like a nice protective place close to a food source???
  5. Like
    sarah reacted to Jynn in RO water for idiots   
    Depends on your current water params.
    You'll need to know things like your GH/KH and TDS to know how much RO you should be adding to get to the desired parameters and if you'll need to remineralize it or not.
    You might be able to get the right levels of everything by doing a mix of RO and tap, but you'll have to have the test kits to know for sure.
    You will want to slowly acclimate the livestock to the new water, however you do it.
    It is probably easier overall to just go pure RO and remineralize than to try and get a perfect mix of tap and RO.
  6. Like
    sarah reacted to Soothing Shrimp in Nadia's Notes   
    Nadia had her final competition for the year yesterday.  This was the big one.  You have to have a certain score on all around to even go.  This was State, so all the girls were very very good.
    The groups were separated by age bracket, so Nads didn't get a chance to be with her other team mates except one.  Here's her scores:
    Vault 8.50
    Bars 9.275
    Beam 9.150
    Floor 8.675
    AA 35.60
    She got 5th on bars, 4th on beam, and 7th in the all around! :D
    Whew!  She loves competing, and she didn't do too bad this year.  She's pretty proud of herself.  I am, too!
    We're moving her to another gymnastics facility after this contract is up at the end of May.  Should be a better fit for her, and hopefully we'll see the scores improve even better by competition season next year. 
    Yay Nadia!
  7. Like
    sarah reacted to Soothing Shrimp in Omni pro new recipe?   
    I'm a little afraid to try it with my neos yet.  It has spinach if I remember correctly, which can turn my yellows color.
  8. Like
    sarah reacted to Pescador in Why are my shrimp dying? Molting issues?   
    Going back to the beginning, what water was used to set up the tank(tap or RO)? I am guessing tap as you would not have a TDS of 170 from RO water. You mention your mom is doing 10% water changes with pure RO water, do you have an RO system or do you go out and but RO water? Are you sure she is doing just 10%, 2.5 gallon is very small so it would be very easy to do a much bigger water change than you think.
    These are my concerns and recommendations:
    1. Tap water, solution remineralize RO water. For dry go with Salty Shrimp, liquid SL-Aqua Blue or Red Wizard,
    2. Too many or too big water changes. Do them less often, make sure parameters especially temperature matches tank.
    3. Temperature changes, 2.5g next to a window... You may be getting a lot bigger temp change than you realize.
    4. Hikari shrimp Cuisine, back off on feeding this and introduce other foods, Indian Almond leaves, Mulberry leaves, snowflake. Buy a higher quality shrimp food like CSF Omnia Pro. When using shrimp cuisine make sure to remove excess from tank that is not eaten as it will foul your water especially in a 2.5g.
  9. Like
    sarah reacted to monty703 in found some babies in my tank today   
    I had a snow white female berried about 2 months ago, she took ages to drop the babies...approx. 38 days and I couldn't see any signs of them in the tank, so assumed they had not survived.
    I was looking at one of my Oak leaves yesterday in the tank and noticed something red on one of them, got the magnifier out and WOOHOO  it was a baby.  Tiny but it looks like it might be a spotted head....white body with red head, can't see the spots yet, but when I was trying to grab a photo, I see another on the side glass eating algae, and on the opposite side another one.  All are white bodied with red heads, so unless these are Mosura's they would have to be from my red spotted head shrimp.   It looks to be about 3 weeks old, which would be the right timing.  They have probably been hiding inside the moss all this time and now big enough to venture out....didn't seem fazed by an adult grazing by.  If I have 3 maybe I have more....fingers crossed.
    This is the 1st bunch of babies for me in ages that have survived and Im just sooooo excited.
    This pic is very blurry and I couldn't get closer, but you can see the baby on the leaf.

  10. Like
    sarah reacted to Soothing Shrimp in After Cycle is completed   
    If you have seeded media, you can do it almost immediately, but not really recommended.
    The biggest thing in shrimping is patience. 
  11. Like
    sarah reacted to Pokeshrimp in Omni pro new recipe?   
    The shrimp seem to love it all the same. The new one seems to be softer than the old one.
  12. Like
    sarah reacted to Soothing Shrimp in Nadia's Notes   
    Nadia says, "Thank You!" to all her international supporters!
    This was taken Sunday at her gym meet held at the University.

  13. Like
    sarah got a reaction from Soothing Shrimp in What are these things in my tank?   
    Hate them. I've recently found some in 2 of my tanks. They are harmless and eat algae, but they are so annoying to have on the front glass.
  14. Like
    sarah got a reaction from Louie in Nadia's Notes   
    Such a great lesson for any kid to learn! Hope you're feeling better now too!
  15. Like
    sarah reacted to Soothing Shrimp in Nadia's Notes   
    Vault 8.8- 7th pl
    Bars 8.65- 7th pl
    Beam 8.7- 6th pl
    Floor 7.9
    AA 34.50- 7th pl
    So four medals this time. Glad to see her confidence boosted.
  16. Like
    sarah reacted to Wygglz in water leak?!   
    People, people, the new tank is a gift FOR the husband. After all, it brings so much joy you want him to be able to exeprience it as well... "And it is already set up and ready to go with "my" favorite shrimp because after all, you deserve the best, Honey"
  17. Like
    sarah reacted to OMG Aquatics in amano + OEBT   
    Amanos are very aggressive. Just a 1 second attack from Amano can do enough damage to oebt for it to not be recoverable. Seen it with my own eyes.
  18. Like
    sarah reacted to Vpier in amano + OEBT   
    If you have more than one they act like little wolf packs. They are bad ass shrimps.
  19. Like
    sarah got a reaction from Soothing Shrimp in water leak?!   
    MTS enablers 
  20. Like
    sarah got a reaction from OMG Aquatics in amano + OEBT   
    No, but I wouldn't be shocked if some got preyed upon by the Amanos.
  21. Like
    sarah got a reaction from Wygglz in water leak?!   
    MTS enablers 
  22. Like
    sarah reacted to Soothing Shrimp in water leak?!   
    "But honey, this new tank is full of life, and they're so cute.  Of course, we could have another baby."
  23. Like
    sarah reacted to Vpier in water leak?!   
    No just a little, I caught it in time
  24. Like
    sarah reacted to Pokeshrimp in water leak?!   
    Awesome! Now you can start cycling that new tank ;-)
  25. Like
    sarah got a reaction from Shrimple minded in water leak?!   
    All dry! Yay!!!
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