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    sarah reacted to fishface in Repashy super green   
    I use a lot of Repashy for my catfish and my RC shrimp and assassin snails love it (Soilent Green, Super Green, Morning Wood, Bottom Scratcher, etc.)  The assassins even go for the vegetarian stuff.  I don't do anything other than drop chunks of the stuff in the tank and they all converge on it.

  2. Like
    sarah reacted to Vpier in Repashy super green   
    I have tried using the product as directed and my snails and shrimps would not touch it.  I saw a post about shrimps skewers and bostoneric (aka www.DiscoBee.com) explained how you can use Rapashy to make these. Once I did that my shrimps and snails go crazy for it. The explanation is on page two.
     I use Morning Wood and after I dip the skewers and they harden up, I lay them on a cookie sheet with parchment paper and dry them out in my oven at 170 degrees. Takes about a half hour sometimes less depending on how thick it coats the skewer.

  3. Like
    sarah reacted to seaj in Trade shrimp foods   
    Maybe a round robin style trade?
  4. Like
    sarah got a reaction from Mr. F in Trade shrimp foods   
    I have an idea... let me know if you guys think this could work!
    I have 3 main foods that I feed my shrimp approximately every other day in a rotation. Of the 3 main foods I use, I use one piece of each per week. Each container has probably well over a hundred pieces, so there is no way I am getting through these within even a couple years!
    I was thinking maybe we could set up some sort of exchange where we post what we have in abundance... and we could somehow coordinate to exchange with each other. For example, I have way too much Shrimp King Mineral, Lowkeys Ebi210, Bacter AE, and BorneoWild Frenzy. I also have a ton of food samples laying around unused. Anyone want to work out some trades?
  5. Like
    sarah reacted to Razzy in Odd shrimp behavior   
    They all started acting normal and started grazing normally a couple hours later.
    I have a solid foam block in the intake so they can't go inside.
  6. Like
    sarah reacted to Nubster in Repashy super green   
    I use Shrimp Souffle and the snails love it. But I don't have nerites. Just MTS and pond snails. 
  7. Like
    sarah got a reaction from svetilda in Trade shrimp foods   
    I have an idea... let me know if you guys think this could work!
    I have 3 main foods that I feed my shrimp approximately every other day in a rotation. Of the 3 main foods I use, I use one piece of each per week. Each container has probably well over a hundred pieces, so there is no way I am getting through these within even a couple years!
    I was thinking maybe we could set up some sort of exchange where we post what we have in abundance... and we could somehow coordinate to exchange with each other. For example, I have way too much Shrimp King Mineral, Lowkeys Ebi210, Bacter AE, and BorneoWild Frenzy. I also have a ton of food samples laying around unused. Anyone want to work out some trades?
  8. Like
    sarah reacted to Soothing Shrimp in Shrimp sees us?   
    Yep. It is true it has been that "brains" and "pain" have been an object of debate since nerve studies have been developed.
    The bodies of crustaceans are divided into segments, and there is one ganglion per segment. Each ganglion receives sensory and movement information via nerves coming from the muscles, the body wall, and appendages such as walking legs, swimmerets and mouthparts. When this information reaches the ganglion it is processed on the spot, enabling a faster response than if the message had to travel all the way up to a centralized brain and back. So they certainly react to and sense their environment by stimuli.
    The debate about pain comes from how nociceptors  are interpreted in inverts as opposed to mammals.  I've seen studies on nerves from inverts theorizing they respond to sensation and not pain- so that is probably why I fall on that side of the fence.  Although in full transparency there are also studies that theorize pain may occur.  Neither way is entirely proven yet.
  9. Like
    sarah got a reaction from Soothing Shrimp in Shrimp sees us?   
    I can't speak to shrimp specifically, but I know without a doubt that crayfish have brains/ganglia and nerve cords. They most definitely feel sensations, so I'm not sure where the myth about feeling no pain comes from. Perhaps it's a way for shrimp-eaters to feel better about themselves, but as far as I know it has no basis in actual science.
  10. Like
    sarah got a reaction from Euryth in Trade shrimp foods   
    I have an idea... let me know if you guys think this could work!
    I have 3 main foods that I feed my shrimp approximately every other day in a rotation. Of the 3 main foods I use, I use one piece of each per week. Each container has probably well over a hundred pieces, so there is no way I am getting through these within even a couple years!
    I was thinking maybe we could set up some sort of exchange where we post what we have in abundance... and we could somehow coordinate to exchange with each other. For example, I have way too much Shrimp King Mineral, Lowkeys Ebi210, Bacter AE, and BorneoWild Frenzy. I also have a ton of food samples laying around unused. Anyone want to work out some trades?
  11. Like
    sarah got a reaction from Vpier in Trade shrimp foods   
    I have an idea... let me know if you guys think this could work!
    I have 3 main foods that I feed my shrimp approximately every other day in a rotation. Of the 3 main foods I use, I use one piece of each per week. Each container has probably well over a hundred pieces, so there is no way I am getting through these within even a couple years!
    I was thinking maybe we could set up some sort of exchange where we post what we have in abundance... and we could somehow coordinate to exchange with each other. For example, I have way too much Shrimp King Mineral, Lowkeys Ebi210, Bacter AE, and BorneoWild Frenzy. I also have a ton of food samples laying around unused. Anyone want to work out some trades?
  12. Like
    sarah got a reaction from Wygglz in Trade shrimp foods   
    I have an idea... let me know if you guys think this could work!
    I have 3 main foods that I feed my shrimp approximately every other day in a rotation. Of the 3 main foods I use, I use one piece of each per week. Each container has probably well over a hundred pieces, so there is no way I am getting through these within even a couple years!
    I was thinking maybe we could set up some sort of exchange where we post what we have in abundance... and we could somehow coordinate to exchange with each other. For example, I have way too much Shrimp King Mineral, Lowkeys Ebi210, Bacter AE, and BorneoWild Frenzy. I also have a ton of food samples laying around unused. Anyone want to work out some trades?
  13. Like
    sarah got a reaction from EricM in Trade shrimp foods   
    I have an idea... let me know if you guys think this could work!
    I have 3 main foods that I feed my shrimp approximately every other day in a rotation. Of the 3 main foods I use, I use one piece of each per week. Each container has probably well over a hundred pieces, so there is no way I am getting through these within even a couple years!
    I was thinking maybe we could set up some sort of exchange where we post what we have in abundance... and we could somehow coordinate to exchange with each other. For example, I have way too much Shrimp King Mineral, Lowkeys Ebi210, Bacter AE, and BorneoWild Frenzy. I also have a ton of food samples laying around unused. Anyone want to work out some trades?
  14. Like
    sarah reacted to Soothing Shrimp in Shrimp sees us?   
    I've noticed on some close up shots recently that our shrimp seem to have compound eyes.
    Is this perhaps the way they see us?

  15. Like
    sarah reacted to Soothing Shrimp in B-Leaves   
    Feeding day today, and I'm trying the new product B-Leaves by Tantora.  100% organic, which I like.  Most of the ingredients are leaves-  moringa leaves, papaya leaves, amaranth leaves, ivy gourd leaves, vitamins, mulberry leaves, noni leaves, ginkgo leaves, catappa leaves, guava leaves, gotu kola leaves, miracle grass, and so on. It comes in stick form.
    I tried feeding it to my crays, neos, Malawas, TaiTibs, TB, etc. today to see how they would react to it.  It is a new food for everyone, so I figured it may be so-so until they get used to the idea. I admit, sometimes my animals just don't like a new food.  Par for the course.
    I was pleasantly surprised though.  Results were really good.  ALL animals accepted it readily.  In fact, in a couple tanks there were fights to get to it. LOL  It will go on my regular rotation now. :-)
    The food sticks are a little long for my liking, but they are easily broken by hand to the proper size needed.  If everyone liked it, and that's my only complaint.  I'll take it.
    If you are having problems locating it, the only sponsor from here I was able to find it so far was Han (H4N). 
    I've attached some pics of some food mobs...well...just because I like pics. LOL

  16. Like
    sarah got a reaction from ohmiko in Shrimp Macros published on Photography Life   
    Wow! How did you get that before and after molt shot? The legs and antennae are in the exact same positions! Incredible.
  17. Like
    sarah reacted to Wygglz in White skeleton/inner body   
    Looks like a bacterial infection to me.
  18. Like
    sarah reacted to Wygglz in Gillsnglass needs prayers   
    Thank you to all for the positive thoughts. Gill is home now. Not quite out of the woods yet, but seems to be better each day.
  19. Like
    sarah got a reaction from Soothing Shrimp in switching to RO   
    You can't really tell the pH of RO water since it has nothing in there. Add your remineralizer to your desired TDS/KH/GH and then test your pH.
  20. Like
    sarah reacted to Kurobom in Shrimp Macros published on Photography Life   
    I was just at the right time at the right place! I actually had a mid-molt shot of that sequence, but I was so excited to zoom in on it on camera I accidentally deleted it! Lesson learned the hard way...  
  21. Like
    sarah got a reaction from Kurobom in Shrimp Macros published on Photography Life   
    Wow! How did you get that before and after molt shot? The legs and antennae are in the exact same positions! Incredible.
  22. Like
    sarah reacted to Kurobom in Shrimp Macros published on Photography Life   
    I hope you all don't mind me sharing this here as well! I recently submitted an article about shrimp macro photography to Photography Life, and they decided to publish it! I hope you all enjoy it too  
  23. Like
    sarah got a reaction from Soothing Shrimp in LFS experience w/sick shrimp   
    It's so funny that you say this. The reason I had thought guy #1 was a store employee in the first place was because he had opened and held the door for me to come in to the store! After I gave him the advice, he said "I'm glad I held the door for you. I got great free advice!"
  24. Like
    sarah got a reaction from Soothing Shrimp in LFS experience w/sick shrimp   
    So I had an uncomfortable experience at an LFS today.
    I was looking for a particular fish, so I wandered down an aisle at the back of the store. I could see 2 men talking in front of a shrimp tank, and I assumed both were store employees. One was asking the other what the difference is between red rillis and red cherries. The second guy wasn’t sure, so of course nosy Sarah just had to insert herself into the conversation and explain. Once I explained that, the first guy started asking me more questions, like how to tell the males and females apart. I was looking in the tank trying to show him the differences, and I noticed that the shrimp in the net that guy #2 had just scooped up had a ton of Ellobiopsis (aka the green death).  So of course being nosy big-mouthed me, I immediately declare that this shrimp is diseased and should be culled immediately, and that most likely all the other shrimp in the tank have been exposed and should not be sold. I look up, and guy #2 is clearly pissed, while guy #1 is fascinated and concerned (and of course now has a ton more questions). It was at this moment that I realized that I just interfered with a sale. It wasn’t 2 employees at all, guy #1 was a customer. Ooops.
    So I do really feel bad, but also the store employees should have been taught about and not be allowed to sell clearly diseased livestock. Also, they were ridiculously overpriced. I think they guy ended up buying some yellow neos from a different tank anyway. I did apologize to the employee afterwards, and he was cool about it. Told me he learned something from me, and thanked me. But still, the whole experience left me feeling kinda yucky and jerky.
    Just thought I’d share and see if others here would have done the same.
  25. Like
    sarah got a reaction from ibebian in LFS experience w/sick shrimp   
    So I had an uncomfortable experience at an LFS today.
    I was looking for a particular fish, so I wandered down an aisle at the back of the store. I could see 2 men talking in front of a shrimp tank, and I assumed both were store employees. One was asking the other what the difference is between red rillis and red cherries. The second guy wasn’t sure, so of course nosy Sarah just had to insert herself into the conversation and explain. Once I explained that, the first guy started asking me more questions, like how to tell the males and females apart. I was looking in the tank trying to show him the differences, and I noticed that the shrimp in the net that guy #2 had just scooped up had a ton of Ellobiopsis (aka the green death).  So of course being nosy big-mouthed me, I immediately declare that this shrimp is diseased and should be culled immediately, and that most likely all the other shrimp in the tank have been exposed and should not be sold. I look up, and guy #2 is clearly pissed, while guy #1 is fascinated and concerned (and of course now has a ton more questions). It was at this moment that I realized that I just interfered with a sale. It wasn’t 2 employees at all, guy #1 was a customer. Ooops.
    So I do really feel bad, but also the store employees should have been taught about and not be allowed to sell clearly diseased livestock. Also, they were ridiculously overpriced. I think they guy ended up buying some yellow neos from a different tank anyway. I did apologize to the employee afterwards, and he was cool about it. Told me he learned something from me, and thanked me. But still, the whole experience left me feeling kinda yucky and jerky.
    Just thought I’d share and see if others here would have done the same.
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