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    sarah reacted to Shrimpie in Feeding trick   
    I have a mortar and pestle.  I take a variety of foods and slice off a tiny bit of each and put in the bowl part and grind it up. Then I place a small amount in the long glass tube thingy I use to get the food down into their glass bowl.  That way they get a large variety and they usually chomp all of it down.
  2. Like
    sarah got a reaction from Edwardnah in Feeding trick   
    I just learned a great trick, so I thought I'd share:
    I offered my shrimp a piece of Shrimp King mineral food a few weeks ago, and they completely ignored it. The snails devoured it, but the shrimp had zero interest.
    Not wanting to waste a full bag of food, I tried again today - put another piece in their bowl... and again no reaction.
    So I added a small piece of a food I knew they loved (HAN 12 Herb), and they swarmed the bowl. But they didn't just eat the HAN food, they are eating the mineral food too. In fact, they are fighting over it! Success
  3. Like
    sarah got a reaction from Shrimpie in Feeding trick   
    I just learned a great trick, so I thought I'd share:
    I offered my shrimp a piece of Shrimp King mineral food a few weeks ago, and they completely ignored it. The snails devoured it, but the shrimp had zero interest.
    Not wanting to waste a full bag of food, I tried again today - put another piece in their bowl... and again no reaction.
    So I added a small piece of a food I knew they loved (HAN 12 Herb), and they swarmed the bowl. But they didn't just eat the HAN food, they are eating the mineral food too. In fact, they are fighting over it! Success
  4. Like
    sarah got a reaction from Crazyfishlady in Feeding trick   
    I just learned a great trick, so I thought I'd share:
    I offered my shrimp a piece of Shrimp King mineral food a few weeks ago, and they completely ignored it. The snails devoured it, but the shrimp had zero interest.
    Not wanting to waste a full bag of food, I tried again today - put another piece in their bowl... and again no reaction.
    So I added a small piece of a food I knew they loved (HAN 12 Herb), and they swarmed the bowl. But they didn't just eat the HAN food, they are eating the mineral food too. In fact, they are fighting over it! Success
  5. Like
    sarah reacted to 35ppt in Feeding trick   
    What a good idea!
  6. Like
    sarah reacted to Dendrobatez in Feeding trick   
    Lured them over with food they swarm in hopes to get them used to the new one so they would eat both and hopefully develop a taste for the new food
  7. Like
    sarah reacted to chemd36 in Feeding trick   
    Sarah added the new food the shrimp didn't like to a kind she knows they already enjoy and they ate both!
  8. Like
    sarah got a reaction from Duff0712 in Feeding trick   
    I just learned a great trick, so I thought I'd share:
    I offered my shrimp a piece of Shrimp King mineral food a few weeks ago, and they completely ignored it. The snails devoured it, but the shrimp had zero interest.
    Not wanting to waste a full bag of food, I tried again today - put another piece in their bowl... and again no reaction.
    So I added a small piece of a food I knew they loved (HAN 12 Herb), and they swarmed the bowl. But they didn't just eat the HAN food, they are eating the mineral food too. In fact, they are fighting over it! Success
  9. Like
    sarah got a reaction from mayphly in Feeding trick   
    I just learned a great trick, so I thought I'd share:
    I offered my shrimp a piece of Shrimp King mineral food a few weeks ago, and they completely ignored it. The snails devoured it, but the shrimp had zero interest.
    Not wanting to waste a full bag of food, I tried again today - put another piece in their bowl... and again no reaction.
    So I added a small piece of a food I knew they loved (HAN 12 Herb), and they swarmed the bowl. But they didn't just eat the HAN food, they are eating the mineral food too. In fact, they are fighting over it! Success
  10. Like
    sarah got a reaction from Johnnydok in Feeding trick   
    I just learned a great trick, so I thought I'd share:
    I offered my shrimp a piece of Shrimp King mineral food a few weeks ago, and they completely ignored it. The snails devoured it, but the shrimp had zero interest.
    Not wanting to waste a full bag of food, I tried again today - put another piece in their bowl... and again no reaction.
    So I added a small piece of a food I knew they loved (HAN 12 Herb), and they swarmed the bowl. But they didn't just eat the HAN food, they are eating the mineral food too. In fact, they are fighting over it! Success
  11. Like
    sarah got a reaction from Soothing Shrimp in Feeding trick   
    I just learned a great trick, so I thought I'd share:
    I offered my shrimp a piece of Shrimp King mineral food a few weeks ago, and they completely ignored it. The snails devoured it, but the shrimp had zero interest.
    Not wanting to waste a full bag of food, I tried again today - put another piece in their bowl... and again no reaction.
    So I added a small piece of a food I knew they loved (HAN 12 Herb), and they swarmed the bowl. But they didn't just eat the HAN food, they are eating the mineral food too. In fact, they are fighting over it! Success
  12. Like
    sarah reacted to Necrectic in Marimo balls   
    No external signs, it looked healthy but it smelled like rotten flesh.
  13. Like
    sarah reacted to GreenPepper in Looking for floating plants   
    I do have some "Salvinia Cucullata" and red root floater both are rare and from Asia
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    sarah reacted to Soothing Shrimp in Looking for floating plants   
    I have frogbit if interested, but not the other two.
  15. Like
    sarah got a reaction from Johnnydok in Looking for floating plants   
    I am looking for some frogbit, dwarf water lettuce, and/or salvinia.
    Does anyone have any extras they would like to share?
    Or do you know of any websites that sell them (shrimp-safe)? Han seems to be out of the first two.
  16. Like
    sarah reacted to linda.m.amundsen.1 in Adding a filter   
    I'd say at least 4 weeks, just to be safe.
  17. Like
    sarah reacted to 35ppt in Adding a filter   
    They are good at crawling up/down power cords and airlines, too.
  18. Like
    sarah reacted to Soothing Shrimp in What does TB stand for   
    Judy, if you are using a pc, we've tried to make things a little easier for ya by explaining abbreviations.  If you take your mouse pointer and hover over one of the abbreviations that has a blue dotted underline, the full word will pop up.  Ie. TB
    Doesn't work all the time, but much of the time it does.
    You can also see the thread here: http://www.shrimpspot.com/index.php?/topic/3-acronym-expansion/
  19. Like
    sarah reacted to Crazyfishlady in RAOK - Moss trim , Floater, and Extras   
    woohoo!!! I never win and thought it was a mistake at first, lol doing the happy dance!
  20. Like
    sarah reacted to Soothing Shrimp in Mystery Item in Shrimp Tank   
    We're here for newbies and experienced alike. From your question, others will learn as well.
  21. Like
    sarah got a reaction from Shrimpie in Moving shrimp tanks?   
    OK, so here's what I did with my 10 gallon. I had tons of babies all over, so netting them out wasn't an option for me.
    Covered siphon w/mesh – siphoned off all but 2 gallons of tank water into buckets. Made sure all moss/plants remained submerged. Covered tank tightly with lots of cling wrap and then taped all edges to prevent water sloshing out. Slid entire tank onto solid wood board (got a scrap free at Lowes), then out to car. I did this to avoid stress on the seams from carrying it. (Drove super slowly with my blinkers on) Reassembled at destination. Carefully poured back all their old water.
  22. Like
    sarah reacted to Chiumanfu in neo vs card 'shell thickness'   
    To really know what a shrimp food/supplement does, you have to analyze the ingredients.
    Shrimp Nature Orange Ingredients: Flour, arctic krill, shrimp flour, soy flour, pulp Gammarus, Maka from eggshells, montmorillonite, Hokkaido, Rice Bran, pollen, beeswax, gluten, yeast, Astaxanthin.
    (edit: see further post for discrepancy on ingredient list. Company website does not list flour as the first ingredient)
    Flour is typically used as a binder but in this case, as the first ingredient, it is a filler. Big red flag there as it is the first ingredient and makes up the majority of the food.
    Artic Krill is an excellent source of aquatic protein. 
    Shrimp "Flour" usually refers to the dried leftovers of shrimp processing. Not a great source of protein but it will have a lot of chitin from the shells,heads and antennae which is good in this case.
    Soy flour is a binding agent.
    Gammarus are scuds and a popular shrimp food ingredient. Loads of chitin for shell formation.
    Maka from egg shells. Not sure what maka is but egg shells are a good source of calcium as they are basically calcium carbonate.
    Montmorillonite is another popular shrimp food ingredient. It is a clay that supposedly helps molting by providing lots of trace minerals.
    Hokkaido is a Japanese pumpkin very rich in vitamins. Another popular shrimp food ingredient.
    Rice Bran is a filler 
    Pollen and beeswax are so far down the list that there is probably negligible amounts. Pollen is a very popular shrimp food in europe.
    Gluten and yeast are fillers/binders.
    Astaxanthin is a colour enhancer mainly for red and dark coloured shrimp. It has been proven to cause unwanted effects on lighter coloured shrimp specially yellows.
  23. Like
    sarah reacted to Chiumanfu in Adding a filter   
    I would try removing the prefilter just as a test. 
    It's a good idea to keep both filters. Shrimp love over filtration. You can just leave bio media and purigen in the hob if you want.
  24. Like
    sarah reacted to Greenteam in Adding a filter   
    I find them in my HOB all the time this guys are ninjas at climbing random stuff in the tank. He should be find just give him time to settle back in.
  25. Like
    sarah reacted to Chiumanfu in Adding a filter   
    Have you tried testing without the prefilter? Maybe it's too restrictive.
    Usually if I get a bubble in the intake pipe, I can just switch the power on and off a couple times or cycle between max and min flow and it clears itself out. If I can't clear the bubble, I know my prefilter is too clogged.
    Also check the air purge hole in the plate beside the impeller to make sure it's not blocked (assuming its an aquaclear).
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