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    sarah got a reaction from Crazyfishlady in neo vs card 'shell thickness'   
    My RCS shells seem to have become much thicker and shinier since I switched to RO with SS GH/KH+. It's really remarkable how much they've changed in a few short weeks.
  2. Like
    sarah got a reaction from Crazyfishlady in Amanos climbing out!   
    OK, mesh is in place! I think I amused the craft store ladies when they asked what I needed it for.
    Nitrates are down to 10 after two 25% water changes and a new bag of purigen in the filter.
    Hopefully no more escapees
    Thanks everyone!
  3. Like
    sarah reacted to Chiumanfu in Amanos climbing out!   
    You can get the plastic stuff at a craft store. It is usually called plastic canvas.
  4. Like
    sarah reacted to Greenteam in Salvinia cucullata   
    Anyone know where I can get some of this stuff? 
    I think it looks really nice and I bet it would be easier to clean from my tank since it grows in clumps.

  5. Like
    sarah got a reaction from Edwardnah in Amanos climbing out!   
    I have read in the past about Amano shrimp climbing out of their tanks, but I really didn't think it would happen to me. Just found a dried up shrimp 20 feet away from my tank
    I have a glass cover on the tank, but there is a small (~1"x10") open strip at the back for the HOB filter outflow, heater, and an automatic fish feeder.
    Any ideas how I can cover that strip but still allow water and small food bits to fall through???
  6. Like
    sarah got a reaction from Johnnydok in Amanos climbing out!   
    I have read in the past about Amano shrimp climbing out of their tanks, but I really didn't think it would happen to me. Just found a dried up shrimp 20 feet away from my tank
    I have a glass cover on the tank, but there is a small (~1"x10") open strip at the back for the HOB filter outflow, heater, and an automatic fish feeder.
    Any ideas how I can cover that strip but still allow water and small food bits to fall through???
  7. Like
    sarah got a reaction from Soothing Shrimp in RAOK - Moss trim , Floater, and Extras   
    1. Mayphly

    2. Soothing Shrimp

    3. Crazyfishlady
    4. Sarah
    I would LOVE to have the floaters, but I don't actually need any moss right now. Maybe Soothing and I can work something out if one of us wins!
  8. Like
    sarah got a reaction from Soothing Shrimp in Amanos climbing out!   
    Yep - definitely a few possible causes:
    My cory catfish pair have been laying eggs every other day, swimming around like maniacs with the male chasing the female, disrupting everything in their way. Added 4 small black neons on Sunday (to my existing group of 3). Nitrates went up over 40 yesterday (!), so I did a 30% water change last night. Was planning to do another today. (There may actually be 2 Amanos missing - started with 4 in the tank, could only count 3 for the past week or so, and now since I found the dead one I can only find 2 in the tank. It is a heavily planted tank, though, so we may still have 3 in there. My guess is one died/disappeared about a week ago, and this new escapee is from last night after the water change.)
  9. Like
    sarah reacted to Chiumanfu in Amanos climbing out!   
    The stuff I have is 2mm. They probably make different sizes though.

  10. Like
    sarah reacted to Crazyfishlady in Amanos climbing out!   
    Those holes are pretty tiny, babies could get through but not bigger shrimp, I don't think. 
    I just used the silicone I got at the fish store
  11. Like
    sarah reacted to Crazyfishlady in Amanos climbing out!   
    I used the plastic crafting mesh when I had HOBs

    I used silicon to stick it to the tank cover but NOT to the tank itself
  12. Like
    sarah reacted to Soothing Shrimp in Amanos climbing out!   
    Sounds like their stressed.  Fish in the tank?
    Water params?
  13. Like
    sarah reacted to Chiumanfu in Amanos climbing out!   
    Nitrates will definitely cause amanos to attempt a jail break. You can lower the water level or maybe use SS mesh to cover the holes. Depending on your food size, you can use the same stuff that moss usually comes on.
  14. Like
    sarah reacted to Soothing Shrimp in GOOD suction cups?   
    I have an idea.  I'll post when I get my package I ordered and know the results...
  15. Like
    sarah reacted to maylee in GOOD suction cups?   
    I have to credit this to hmoob thor on youtube. I remember watching his video on using magnet clips instead of the suction cups

    That might be one option perhaps?
    edit - I just searched for this product on amazon and at $9, it's more expensive than I thought. Hmmm. Back to the drawing board
  16. Like
    sarah reacted to DETAquarium in Post Your Shrimp Pics   
    Updated my profile picture, tell me what you think.

    EDIT: Changed Eye Color
  17. Like
    sarah got a reaction from RyeGuy411 in pH test inaccuracy   
    Just an FYI - I have been testing my pH using the API kit, and my water has consistently been 7.4 to 7.6.
    I just calibrated my lab pH meter and tested my tank water, and it is 6.85. Not even close to the API test results.
    Now, I have RCS shrimps who probably couldn't care less about this difference, but for those of you with more sensitive shrimps, this is probably worth noting, especially if you are investing in products to raise or lower your pH.
  18. Like
    sarah got a reaction from linda.m.amundsen.1 in Water change method?   
    That works. You could also use (clean or new) pantyhose.
  19. Like
    sarah got a reaction from linda.m.amundsen.1 in Water change method?   
    I've recently developed a whole crazy technique to prevent removing shrimplets during water changes:
    I use a drinking cup to scoop out water from the surface, and I pour each cupful through a fine net into a larger waste bucket. Every minute or so, I swish the net back into the tank inside out to return any possible tiny shrimplets I may have inadvertently scooped up. I continue this process until I've removed all the water I want to change.
  20. Like
    sarah reacted to manticore in plant id?   
    usually when plant grow flatter it means that the light in that tank is more intense then when they grow higher, meaning that they get enough light in furtehr distance that those in pictures online.
  21. Like
    sarah got a reaction from Johnnydok in plant id?   
    I've had this plant for over a year, but I can't remember where I got it or what it is! Can anyone help ID it for me?

  22. Like
    sarah got a reaction from Edwardnah in plant id?   
    I've had this plant for over a year, but I can't remember where I got it or what it is! Can anyone help ID it for me?

  23. Like
    sarah reacted to wot_fan in Saddled and Berried   
    I thought you might like to see this picture of one of my orange rilis since she is both berried and saddled.  The eggs hatched a few days after this picture was taken.

  24. Like
    sarah reacted to linda.m.amundsen.1 in plant id?   
    Red rubin sword
  25. Like
    sarah reacted to linda.m.amundsen.1 in humane snail removal? please help!   
    Zebra loaches stay fairly small if you want to that route.
    If you want to remove them you could make a snail trap. Take one of those el cheapo plastic storage containers and cut a hole in the side of it. Put a cobble in it to weight it down, then add some lettuce or other veggie to it. Then sink it in your tank. You should be able to harvest them the next day. The trick is not to feed your other critters in the tank for a day ahead of time and a day or two after you put the trap in. I have never tried it, because I enjoy my ramshorn snails. I even sent away for some fancy pink and red ones! I pluck the big ones out of my small tank and drop them into my 90 gallon. All my tanks have live plants in them, and frankly, I think my bristle nose plecos do more damage to the plants than any snail could.
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