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    sarah reacted to woopderson in Post Your Shrimp Pics   
    A few shots from the prl tank. Whaddaya think?

  2. Like
    sarah got a reaction from h4n in Han - nettle food - a HUGE hit!   
    Ooh now I'm excited - I just got a sampler pack of Han's foods, so I will try the nettle first!
  3. Like
    sarah got a reaction from Crazyfishlady in Han - nettle food - a HUGE hit!   
    Ooh now I'm excited - I just got a sampler pack of Han's foods, so I will try the nettle first!
  4. Like
    sarah got a reaction from adrand in Post Your Shrimp Pics   
    Here's one of my adult cherry shrimp. It's not a fancy shrimp like most of yours, but these are my first shrimp and I'm quite fond of them
  5. Like
    sarah got a reaction from h4n in planaria   
    I wasn't too bothered by my planaria until I saw a few horrible videos of them killing adult and baby shrimps. Ordered my No-Planaria the next day.
  6. Like
    sarah reacted to Lyana in Moving 10 gallon tank   
    I just moved my 5.5 gallon tank. I drained as much water as I could and left the shrimp in it. I didnt save the old water but that's up to you. I just stuck the tank in my car and hook it up at my new place. The shrimp when in about 2 inch of water for over 3 hours and were fine, even the berried shrimp. my plants and driftwood moved a little but not too bad.
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    sarah reacted to Soothing Shrimp in Post Your Shrimp Pics   
    Beautiful fire red.
  8. Like
    sarah got a reaction from mayphly in Post Your Shrimp Pics   
    Here's one of my adult cherry shrimp. It's not a fancy shrimp like most of yours, but these are my first shrimp and I'm quite fond of them
  9. Like
    sarah got a reaction from Soothing Shrimp in Post Your Shrimp Pics   
    Here's one of my adult cherry shrimp. It's not a fancy shrimp like most of yours, but these are my first shrimp and I'm quite fond of them
  10. Like
    sarah reacted to Soothing Shrimp in Are my shrimp not surviving to adulthood?   
    I just buy the cheap meters on Ebay.  With my clumsiness, absent mindedness and butterfingers, the cheapies do well for me. LOL
    Meta's advice is good as far as medicating the tank.  Get 'em all.  The trap only traps some, and they repopulate.
  11. Like
    sarah reacted to metageologist in Are my shrimp not surviving to adulthood?   
    The shrimp will take a few months to mature to adult hood.
    Your paramiters seem fine. As far as plinaria go they have been known to kill shrimp even abults. I would not waste the time on a trap it will never get them all just get the treatment and be done with them.
    have a gneiss day
  12. Like
    sarah reacted to Soothing Shrimp in Are my shrimp not surviving to adulthood?   
    You also may want to check TDS.  Cherries can take high TDS, but too high and the babies don't do well.
    One person found out his TDS was 1000+.  Adults were alive, but babies were disappearing and he didn't know why.
    Also, how many in what size tank, and how often do you feed?  It may be there's not enough biofilm food.
  13. Like
    sarah reacted to 35ppt in Moving 10 gallon tank   
    It is a common misconception that tank water is used to start/preserve a cycle. The BB(bacteria) exist mostly on hard surfaces.
    However, for shrimp, keeping water is good because doing large water changes can be stressful.
    I haven't really tested it, to know how much of a difference in any parameter can cause an issue.
    Safest course would be to gradually change them.
    Bear in mind, the test strips are regarded as quite inaccurate.
    I think you will be fine moving your tank like that, in fact I'd guess you could drain it down pretty far to prevent too much sloshing. Keep the tank shaded (no direct sun).
    Good point about keeping it covered, although you might need something more substantial.
    Things are bound to get stirred up, so I would not delay on doing small water changes.
  14. Like
    sarah reacted to 9thdragon in Moving 10 gallon tank   
    i say just bag them up with moss and breathable bags in a box =}
  15. Like
    sarah reacted to 9thdragon in Moving 10 gallon tank   
    idont see why not, people send package and it took 1-7 days in a bag delivery..
  16. Like
    sarah reacted to colorfan in Moving 10 gallon tank   
    Get a couple 5g buckets and take all your water then slowly adjust with new water when you get there
  17. Like
    sarah reacted to eozen81 in Moving 10 gallon tank   
    In my opinion the main issue is the new water parameters in your new place. I mean moving shrimps is easy but putting them in a not-cycled tank is not good. So you'd better save a bit of your current tank water.
  18. Like
    sarah reacted to Roborep1 in should my shrimp swim?   
    This is excellent info and I agree wholeheartedly with all of it.
    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  19. Like
    sarah reacted to RyeGuy411 in should my shrimp swim?   
    As desert said, I always prepare my remineralized RO water a day ahead of time and drip it back into the tank and never see my shrimp swimming around while or after doing water changes.  That means there is no big difference between the old water and the new and the shrimp are not stressed. My shrimp rarely swim, sometimes they swim short distances from one object to another while grazing. When a female is ready to breed the males absolutely freak out and swim circles.
  20. Like
    sarah reacted to Desert Shrimp Depot in should my shrimp swim?   
    People notice shrimp swimming after water changes and assume this is because they are thrilled with the water changes.  Some call it "dancing".  In fact, this wild swimming behavior is a flight response.  If you give them the water change using a very slow flow -- as in through an airline you won't see this behavior.    Contented shrimp don't swim wildly around except males when there is a female ready to mate.  If you see females with this behavior you know they are not really "dancing" as people like to say - but trying to flee - but are in a glass prison - so they swim from side to side.  
    Many people don't match the pH in the water they are adding to their tank, just temp and TDS.  I keep my water in a sump when preparing for water changes (like all the time) and in the sump I have a filter bags of the same active substrate that is in my aquaria - so in addition to the treatments I add to the RO/DI the water is buffered to the right pH.  Just the same I still do slow additions to shrimp tanks.  
    Happy shrimp just wander around chewing biofilm.  If the biofilm is over grazed then you'll also see shrimp "stampede" to food when they are fed.  This is something else that people misinterpret as a good thing.  Stampeding to processed foods is an indication of overgrazing of the biofilm.  
    These explanations for shrimp behavior are not well accepted by long time shrimp keepers without a biological science background - but biologists will confirm this.
  21. Like
    sarah reacted to 35ppt in should my shrimp swim?   
    Shrimps can be a bit finicky on what food they like. It may be that they just don't care for the one you use. Today. Tomorrow they might change their minds
    Also, what is your setup? Is there a strong current/airflow? This may inhibit free swimming.
    But generally, I don't think you have anything to worry about.
  22. Like
    sarah reacted to Soothing Shrimp in should my shrimp swim?   
    Hi Sarah.  Sounds like your biofilm is good.  Some foods the shrimp just wander over to, and others they attack.  Just depends on your colony.
    As far as swimming, usually shrimp only go crazy swimming after a water change or when a female molts.
  23. Like
    sarah got a reaction from fishcrazy in should my shrimp swim?   
    I'm new to shrimp. I have a 10gallon species-only tank of red cherry shrimp. Started out with 10 and now have ~50 of various ages a few months later, plus a few berried females.
    They all look healthy and seem active, but I almost never see them swimming. All the videos I have been watching (of a variety of species of shrimps) show frequent swimming activity. My Amano shrimp (in a different tank) swim a lot. Should I be concerned that my cherries never do this?
    Also... when I feed them, only maybe 50% of them come over to feed immediately. Does this mean they are happy eating the biofilm in the tank (loads of moss and plants), or is this a sign of a problem? I have been feeding 2x/week, usually one Hikari mini algae wafer, a Ken's veggie calcium stick, or a small cube of homemade snail jello.
  24. Like
    sarah got a reaction from Ekbergtog in should my shrimp swim?   
    I'm new to shrimp. I have a 10gallon species-only tank of red cherry shrimp. Started out with 10 and now have ~50 of various ages a few months later, plus a few berried females.
    They all look healthy and seem active, but I almost never see them swimming. All the videos I have been watching (of a variety of species of shrimps) show frequent swimming activity. My Amano shrimp (in a different tank) swim a lot. Should I be concerned that my cherries never do this?
    Also... when I feed them, only maybe 50% of them come over to feed immediately. Does this mean they are happy eating the biofilm in the tank (loads of moss and plants), or is this a sign of a problem? I have been feeding 2x/week, usually one Hikari mini algae wafer, a Ken's veggie calcium stick, or a small cube of homemade snail jello.
  25. Like
    sarah reacted to RyeGuy411 in Moss trimming and baby shrimps   
    Yup then just net them and add them back to the tank.
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