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    sarah reacted to Mr. F in my first RAOK   
    You've all been as tremendous help and it's time I thank you. So to you all I present my RAOK.
    Up for grabs is:
    1) 5X premium Large catappa leaves.

    2) 6+ stems Hygrophila polysperma.

    If you're not in California, in place of H. polysperma you will receive Heternanthera zosterfolia (star grass) instead.
    3) 1 rhizome Anubias nana var. eyes (4-5 leaves)

    4) 1 golf ball xmas moss (shown above next to Anubias- to be harvested)
    And as an added bonus I'll throw in some frogbit and a bunch of 3mL (0.5 mL graduations) graduated pipettes.

    A perfect package to start a nanotank!
    Same rules as always. Post your name after your post number, copy,paste,continue . Winner will be randomly chosen out of the replies made before 11:59 PM PTS, Tuesday April, 5. And announced Wednesday April 6. Winner pays shipping.
  2. Like
    sarah got a reaction from Shrimp Life in FROGBIT   
    April fools?
  3. Like
    sarah got a reaction from svetilda in FROGBIT   
    April fools?
  4. Like
    sarah got a reaction from Dluxeshrimps in Feedback   
    Frog seal of approval:

  5. Like
    sarah got a reaction from Soothing Shrimp in Who knew Amanos...   
    Glad to hear they ate your BBA! I love amanos.
  6. Like
    sarah reacted to Vpier in Who knew Amanos...   
    Wonderful shrimps a blast to watch, to bad they like to snack on baby shrimps.
  7. Like
    sarah got a reaction from svetilda in Feedback   
    Frog seal of approval:

  8. Like
    sarah got a reaction from h4n in Feedback   
    Just received another awesome order from Han. I was only planning to buy food this time, but of course I can't resist his plants
    This time I got frogbit and salvinia minima. The quality of these plants is really amazing. I have had floaters before, but these are HUGE and healthy, and Han sent way more than I anticipated. I am (as usual) thrilled with my purchase.
  9. Like
    sarah got a reaction from buceplant in FROGBIT   
    April fools?
  10. Like
    sarah reacted to Soothing Shrimp in Is this what I think it is?   
    I'm not an expert, but it looks like bladderwort to me.
  11. Like
    sarah reacted to Vpier in ramshorns not living long in my community tank   
    I have seen amano's eat baby pond snails.
  12. Like
    sarah reacted to svetilda in ramshorns not living long in my community tank   
    Someone here on the forum (maybe sarah?) said that their amanos ate snails in the tank. Maybe it is what happenes to yours ramshorns?
  13. Like
    sarah reacted to mayphly in RAOK Free Plants   
    Congratulations to luck number 13 Shrimpybusiness.
    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  14. Like
    sarah reacted to OblongShrimp in Post your other pets!   
    Realized I hadn't posted here yet....since moving to new mexico we basically have a farm now. I think I got most of them here

    Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk

  15. Like
    sarah got a reaction from Shrimp Life in FS - SALE! CHOLLA WOOD LOGS w. FISSIDENS FONTANUS   
    I can vouch for these - really nice Fissidens!
  16. Like
    sarah reacted to Shrimple minded in Just a heads up that the forum is going to get updated   
    Slowly drip acclimating myself to the new site.........I'm not good with change
    My browser bookmarks for the site broke during the change and had to be reset........I was pretty happy when I found the new site through google.
  17. Like
    sarah got a reaction from Soothing Shrimp in Surprising Low PH   
    Do it, Soothing! And put me on the wait list to buy some when you do
  18. Like
    sarah got a reaction from Soothing Shrimp in FS - SALE! CHOLLA WOOD LOGS w. FISSIDENS FONTANUS   
    I can vouch for these - really nice Fissidens!
  19. Like
    sarah reacted to Soothing Shrimp in Surprising Low PH   
    The German breeders like to take low ph shrimp and over time adapt them to their water of 7+.  I love that idea and think it would be good for the hobby in general.  Can you imagine pintos, TB, and other cards not having to have buffered soil?
  20. Like
    sarah reacted to Vpier in Surprising Low PH   
    Im taking a real quick guess here but how long has the leaves and cones been in the tank and how many cones ? I have been reading the threads from Tannin Aquatics and learning that leaves, pods,cones and wood can really change and affect water chemistry more than we thought. You might have to many leaves/cones in your size of tank. His website has a ton of information.
    One more thing, I know older tanks will see lower PH due to a build up of organic material in the substrate. You can get whats called "old tank syndrome"
  21. Like
    sarah got a reaction from ShrimpP in underwater island   
    I'm sure everyone here knows this already, but just in case someone new is reading this thread - it's important to know that fiddler crabs must be kept in brackish water. No matter how they sell them at the store, these crabs will not survive in freshwater for long.
    Also important to not overstock (most places recommended a 1:3 male to female ratio, but I had one male that eventually killed all but his one chosen female). They need space to create and defend their territories.
  22. Like
    sarah reacted to Soothing Shrimp in Rocking the boat   
    LOL  I got threatened to be banned several different times.  Off the top of my head...
    1) I wrote the mod to let them know a member was pming other members with no good reason other than trying to ruin another reputation to get sales for themselves.   The mod wrote back and attacked me verbally for reporting this since pm's are "private."  So I wrote an angry pm to the mod telling him what I thought his job should be, and even if he didn't agree- he should treat people with respect.  Yeah... that got me almost banned. heh
    2) I replied to a subject about shrimp, and the mod wrote me to let me know I was given a warning and if again, I would be suspended.  Confused, I asked around to my friends in pm and found out the mod had told people to stop talking about it- but HOURS after I had posted my reply- not BEFORE my reply as was indicated in his pm.  When I contacted the mod to let them know the timeline didn't match up, I got no action- but I did get threatened to be banned for causing trouble to the mod in pm. (?)
    After some other times like this, and others being treated like that, I emailed Will and suggested it was time to make our own forum.  He agreed.
    This forum's core belief is to have trust in membership self policing, open knowledge and members of all ages to be treated as family. 
    Don't get me wrong, the other forum was good, but I MUCH prefer the way this forum is run...but that's just my opinion. I'm biased.
  23. Like
    sarah reacted to OblongShrimp in Just a heads up that the forum is going to get updated   
    We are moving to the newest version of the IP Board software.  This should happen within the next week and will likely break the addons that we currently have (feedback and tapatalk being the two I can think of offhand).  If you notice anything, including those please post here so I am aware of the issue and I will try and get everything updated to the most current version as quickly as I can.
    Thanks again for you all making this such an awesome forum!
  24. Like
    sarah got a reaction from Wygglz in Trouble Completing Cycling   
    Good luck! Take it slowly and don't panic
    We're all learning as we go. Once you get this immediate nitrate issue sorted out, we can post a few clear and thorough links and videos that will talk you through fishless cycling. It's fairly simple with active substrate (more complicated with neutral substrate since you have to add ammonia).
    As I mentioned above, based on your current parameters I am almost sure your tanks are already cycled. When you get the nitrate down to shrimp-safe levels, move the fish out. Then you can add a tiny bit of pure ammonia (make sure it has no surfactants or fragrances) to bring ammonia up to 2ppm, then test 24 hours later to make sure you have no ammonia or nitrites. Then you can do a water change to lower the nitrates and you're good to go.
  25. Like
    sarah reacted to Soothing Shrimp in Bee pollen as shrimp food?   
    I'm very child like. LOL  As they fall, they leave behind a trail and I tend to make meteor noises.
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