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Everything posted by rodbigelow

  1. glad someone started this thread. Been having similar thoughts myself, now I can learn and see if it is possible
  2. Makes sense. So ideally you set-up a new tank, put in substrate and plants, crank up the heat to 86, and squeeze the good stuff out of a filter from an already established tank? I have read people on here saying they cycle a tank in less then a week, is this the golden path to that? Roughly how long do you maintain the 86 deg f temp?
  3. wow was I ever working on the wrong assumption! I put the fish and ghost shrimp in there under the idea that they would add to the bioload of waste products and whatnot and make it cycle faster. No, unfortunately this is the first fish tank I've set up in many,many years and either the info has changed or my memory got muddy on certain aspects of cycling. tanks. Thanks for the info about the bio rings and double sponge filter. You did bring up an interesting point on the substrate, which this stuff is supposed to already have live cultures of the good stuff already in it. I guess I just need to go ahead and buy my testing supplies next and stop guessing and get actual data going on.
  4. I'll admit I haven't quite figured out which type of shrimp I'm going to start out with, still reading up on all the various types and care. The tank has been cycling at this point for a week now. Right after I posted this I read another post where someone brought up using RO water from Walmart, which is probably what I'll do at first until I see if I have the talent and patience to go bigger with this hobby. I must admit, while the shrimp look beautiful and I would love to get into the genetic aspect of breeding them, the true aquatic crabs and crayfish are also really grabbing my attention.I have an old 40 gallon square tank that I'm thinking would be great to set up for breeding marbled crayfish.
  5. Ok, so last Saturday I started cycling a Fluval spec V. I used eco-complete planted aquarium substrate, put in several fernish looking plants, and two packs of water plant bulbs. the substrate is roughly 2 1/4" deep and I have the water pump running right now at about 3/4th's of it's peak flow, whatever that is,but will be cutting that back before adding any "fancy" shrimp to it and using unfiltered well water that I know is high in calcium.I used the bio rings but did not bother to put the charcoal in the filter, my plan is in a month from now add another bag of bio rings and then I can alternate changing them to cut down on any "bio shock" to the system. I'm also going to add one of those popular double ended foam air pump driven filters as an "assist" to filtration and pumping system already in place. To give the cycling a jump start, I put in two Cobra guppies and 5 ghost shrimp, and have the temp set at 78. It has been a good many years since I've cycled a tank, and it seems to me I should have hit the "cloudy" stage long before now, and I haven't. So is this faulty memory or did using that substrate with it's active colonies make for a very smooth cycle? or is it just making the cycle getting to the cloudy stage take longer? From reading up on here I do understand that I will want to get a RO unit before I head seriously in shrimp, and I will, just like I still need to buy testing equipment and whatnot, but I wanted to get a tank cycling first just because of how long it can take to get it set-up to be stable for long term shrimp care.
  6. Howdy, getting ready to start out Nano style myself. Just ordered a Fluval Spec V and the start of things to get it cycled properly.
  7. welcome! completely in the research stage myself. Although not quite so much experience in selective breeding, but do have some experience with dart frogs and a few lizards. Although I do want to get into the shrimp breeding aspect a bit, my main concentration is going to be aquaponic systems utilizing marbled crayfish. Anyway, glad to see you aboard.
  8. I have come across several good papers talking about how ideal they are for aquaponic systems in that they can be fed to the fish you generally have in the set-up, produce excellent fertilizer for plants,etc. They can be used for people food, but they are pretty small. Unless one of us gets lucky and hits the right series of events to make them grow bigger, they probably aren't themselves such a great HUMAN food source, but indirectly as being an excellent fish food and nutrient rich water for plants, they seem almost a perfect part of a good aquaponics system.
  9. here's a lil something I found, not so much about breeding, but it might help a little mitochondrial patterns.pdf
  10. I'm with chibikaie on this one! I haven't even started my first tank yet and I'm already planing all kinds of different projects! Now I feel the need to try and start a selective breeding program on this crab to see what types of patterns and colors can be "popped"
  11. I'm glad you guys worked through this and after some discussion and verification decided to name names. Many years ago when I first joined a forum for people who facet gemstones, there was a "code of silence" about dealers who were selling fake stones or never completing orders,etc. After much debate on the subject, it was decided it was time to break that code and when people started naming names, it turned out that there was one individual who had burned practically everyone in the forum, some for 10's of thousands of dollars worth of rough stones! Of course I warn you to be careful with claims and not say anything you can't back up, but from that experience I can tell you a code of silence only helps the dishonest.
  12. Sorry, had to change the title when I realized I was finding more stuff people might be interested in.....I've only scratched the surface on this info mining I think.....
  13. more info on brother crayfish escape behavior in crayfish.pdf Null point of discrimination.pdf marmorkrebs(marbled crayfish).pdf Establishment and care of a colony of parthenogentic marbled crayfish.pdf production of different phenotypes marmorkrebs.pdf serotonin keeps crayfish in the dark.pdf control of motor activity in crayfish.pdf behavioural response of procamarus clarkii to an acoustic stimulus.pdf Interlocking of chelae is a key factor for dominance hierarchy formation in crayfish.pdf dont even know what to call this.pdf CRAYFISH COMPETE FOR COMFORTABLE TEMPERATURE.pdf dominance hierarchy formation in juvenile crayfish.pdf making sense of electrical sense in crayfish.pdf behavioral and neural responses of juvenile crayfish to moving shadows.pdf
  14. crayfish production manual from Louisiana. Even if you are not interested in this type of production there is decent information here that can translate over to other species of crayfish. You can click on the link or download the attachment, same thing http://aqua.ucdavis.edu/DatabaseRoot/pdf/CRAWPM.PDF Thank you government grants for making stuff like this available! crayfish production manual.pdf
  15. Here's links to everything I could dig up about crayfish in Florida Prohibited species: http://myfwc.com/wildlifehabitats/nonnatives/regulations/prohibited/#nogo http://www.franksaquarium.com/crayfish_shipping_regulations.htm Info and status of Black Creek Crayfish: http://myfwc.com/wildlifehabitats/imperiled/profiles/invertebrates/black-creek-crayfish/ Info on the Cave Crayfish: http://myfwc.com/research/about/outreach/spotlight/crayfish/ Aquaculture rules and regulations regarding crayfish: http://farmingcrawfish.com/crawfish_redclaw_crayfish/florida_aquaculture.html http://edis.ifas.ufl.edu/fa121 Farming Red Swamp Crayfish: http://www.thefishsite.com/articles/956/ http://farmingcrawfish.com/crawfish_redclaw_crayfish/florida_aquaculture.html List of species in Florida: http://iz.carnegiemnh.org/crayfish/country_pages/state_pages/florida.htm http://www.nwflec.com/northwestfloridaenvironmentalconservancypart2/id28.html Other sites of interest: http://www.crayfishworld.com/internationalcraysUSA5.htm http://www.iucnredlist.org/details/153828/0 http://bugguide.net/node/view/601326 https://books.google.com/books?id=NXrygt0m50oC&pg=PA163&lpg=PA163&dq=florida+crayfish+species&source=bl&ots=uKq4G0MtI0&sig=uplzx1ylOBwgzT64CnSMGT_FGAM&hl=en&sa=X&ei=v20wVZvyE7aasQSx1YDQAg&ved=0CEMQ6AEwBzgK#v=onepage&q=florida%20crayfish%20species&f=false I'll keep this updated as I find more.
  16. *sigh* now y'all done gone and did it......got me lookin' for info about some stewpid little crabby patty...... .... my guess is you guys found this since it's the first thing that popped up when I Googled them, but I'll post the link for anyone unfamiliar that stumbles in here: http://www.reef2rainforest.com/2014/03/20/thai-micro-crab-limnopilos-naiyanetri-new-breeding-progress/
  17. These are exactly the types o' thoughts I've been having ever since 2 weeks ago when I first stumbled across the marbled. I feel there is a lot of potential in them.
  18. I'd definitely be interested, particularly about marbled, but others as well. The marbled fascinates me with it's potential for applications I've only just started exploring. Guess I'm gonna have to bite the bullet and just get some soon and start learning what I can about them. It's pretty funny because Soothing Shrimp offered to answer questions for me about them, and I will be asking, lol. But I figured I'd get a head start and save the really hard questions by coming on here and asking about good links.
  19. Welcome shrymprdan! I'm a total newcomer to this site and have been pouring over the info here myself. It is pretty amazing how much people have shared here. After reading lots of things about the various filters I'm pretty sold on the idea of the Hamburg mattenfilters myself. Look forward to getting to know you and everyone else here as we take our journeys through this experience, sharing triumphs and failure alike so we can all get better at this.
  20. Just spent awhile on your you-tube channel checking out the vids. Thanks for taking the time and effort to post those. I love the idea of aquascaping. I'm a very creative person and the thought of making these Eco-systems and laying out wonderful scenery that will please me and my son and make the shrimp happy little campers gets me practically too excited to remember to breath
  21. Yup! Hamburg matten filter! thanks! Was wondering about your frog picture, I had never seen a bumblebee frog live or in pics that had soo much black.
  22. Hi Dendrobatez! Been meaning to say hey since I saw your name and avatar posted on another topic. I used to breed darts many,many years ago and I love the social aspect and climbing of the bumblebee darts. Plus that bird like call. this place is great and I'm learning tons of stuff and very glad I decided to take my time and research first. On that note however: Anyone: I stumbled across a filtration system that I loved and want to incorporate last night and didn't bother to write down the name of it because I thought I could easily find where it was...yeah, not so much.......anyway, it's a filtration set up that involves a large block of foam fitted across near one end of the tank and a small water area and place for pump behind it, what is the name of that style filtration?
  23. Which is exactly why I am a rockhound instead of a Geologist. Can't do math like that in my head because my dyslexia really comes to the forefront when dealing with number calculations in my head. lol. On that same topic, is there a spell check option?
  24. So how does this compare to U.P. Aqua Shrimp Sand? Or maybe I should ask what are the pros and cons of each?
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