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Everything posted by rodbigelow

  1. Thanks for the greetings, and ideas put forth already. I'm gonna spend some time tonight just browsing the topics and taking notes........
  2. Hey Metageologist, don't take this the wrong way because I'm a rockhound, but your name in here reminds me of this Calvin and Hobbes:
  3. totally new here myself, glad someone brought up the topic of photography. I have a Cannon digital rebel and some macro lenses, so it's good to know I have a decent start on that part of this whole venture. Anyway, from one new member to another, welcome!
  4. Hello one and all As the title suggests I do not have a tank or shrimp or crayfish yet. This all came about because I was redoing my desk area, and decided it would be really nice to have a small planted tank on my desktop. So next came the questions of what to put in it, how large a tank,etc. after finding what I considered a decent tank for the space I had to work with, (the fuval 5 gallon) I began looking at what to put in it. That's when I discovered the wonderful world of shrimp and crayfish. As I was doing my due diligence in learning about setting up a decent shrimp tank in that size range, my 23 year old severely autistic son went into a crisis situation in the group home he was living at in the Orlando area. As the crisis progressively got worse, when I wasn't dealing with that issue I found my mind wandering over to the shrimp tank and setting up a tank that the shrimp could lead happy little shrimp lives being the best possible shrimp they could be(corrolation much,lol) One thing has lead to another and we will be bringing him back to our local area and I will be his primary caretaker. Something that he has wanted for a long time is for us to have what he calls a "father son" job together, and I'm all for that, he's a decent kid with some complicated problems from his medical condition, but I generally find myself enjoying any time we spend together. Sooo, among other projects for us to do together as "father son job" I feel rasing and breeding shrimp and crayfish on a small scale would be a great option. Many years ago I bred dart frogs and various lizards, and had a really sweet 20 gallon tall planted fish tank so I'm not a total noob in the area of setting up small ecosystems, but this will be my first foray into freshwater shrimp and crayfish. Fair warning: be prepared for a deluge of questions as I pick your brains on all the matters associated with this subject. I'm no stranger to forums and will search for answers already posted first to keep that to a minimum, but as I'm sure most of you know, sometimes the answers are buried pretty deep and not easily found, so be patient with me as I learn to navigate this site, lol. With that in mind, and hoping that I don't offend anyone with this, here's my first question(s), and you can just tell me where the answer is if it has already been answered..... The marbled self cloning crayfish: Is it edible? the reason for that question is I would ultimatley like to set up an aquaponic system and the more food that can be harvested from the entire thing, the better. Anyway, howdy one and all and I hope to get to know many of you well as I have found many great friends in forums over the years, and thank you administrators for your time and dedication to setting up and maintaining this site so we can all learn from each other. With Kindest Regards, Rod W Bigelow
  5. rodbigelow

    Rod's Marmorkrebs

    documenting my marmorkrebs and also working on improving my macro photography skills
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