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    Jaykidding reacted to Shrimpy Daddy in Red on PRL   
    LOL!!! Yes, you should.
  2. Like
    Jaykidding reacted to Shrimpy Daddy in Red on PRL   
    Hi swivel,
    If your shrimp is not colouring up, it means they are not healthy or stressed. Try to make your shrimp healthy first before you jump to the conclusion that they are naturally bad colour and end up you cull too much away. Are your shrimp very active during the lights are on?
    LOL!!! This is the first time I see someone saying it so direct. I got a shock when I read it. Are you kidding because of your nickname? LOL!!!
  3. Like
    Jaykidding reacted to shrimpsf in Suprise mutation from my TB colony   
    Just started a new tank with 22 pcs high grade TBs.

  4. Like
    Jaykidding got a reaction from EricM in Meat protein?   
    It's serious bud. In your box do you see the dead body in the box. Also how many shrimp are in the box? If there are a lot if shrimp (5-10) yes the body will disappear. But if it's only a couple (1-4) and check on your tanks normally you will most likely see the body. Also it depends if your shrimp have a lot of random deaths if they do it could mean that the fresh molted are getting picked off. If you have some deaths that occur and are wiping your population, whatever is killing your shrimps could kill the fresh molted... But you never know unless you know that shrimp and when he molts you never see him again.
  5. Like
    Jaykidding got a reaction from Jadenlea in Controsoil   
    They put a price for 172 since if you want controsoil that bad your gonna pay that price and then they are going to ship it to you from the over seas
  6. Like
    Jaykidding got a reaction from JosephKex in WTB controsoil   
    Anyone know someone, or sells any controsoil besides amazon? Please let me know thanks.
  7. Like
    Jaykidding got a reaction from Edwardnah in WTB controsoil   
    Anyone know someone, or sells any controsoil besides amazon? Please let me know thanks.
  8. Like
    Jaykidding got a reaction from Vinn in Vinn's Shrimp Journal   
    LOL I'm actually serious I needa get my tank to look like yours....
  9. Like
    Jaykidding got a reaction from ShrimplyDez in Moss tree   
    I plan to build a moss tree for my upcoming shrimp tank. I watched a couple of youtube videos and saw this was the only one that looked like the one I was planning to make. In the video he says he uses super glue and sponges, I thought that super glue would be bad for shrimp could I be wrong? Here is the youtube link:

  10. Like
    Jaykidding got a reaction from wot_fan in Moss tree   
    I plan to build a moss tree for my upcoming shrimp tank. I watched a couple of youtube videos and saw this was the only one that looked like the one I was planning to make. In the video he says he uses super glue and sponges, I thought that super glue would be bad for shrimp could I be wrong? Here is the youtube link:

  11. Like
    Jaykidding got a reaction from MableBile in Moss tree   
    I plan to build a moss tree for my upcoming shrimp tank. I watched a couple of youtube videos and saw this was the only one that looked like the one I was planning to make. In the video he says he uses super glue and sponges, I thought that super glue would be bad for shrimp could I be wrong? Here is the youtube link:

  12. Like
    Jaykidding got a reaction from MikeOKC in My first shrimp tank!!!   
    Very nice! I hope you get some berried soon
  13. Like
    Jaykidding reacted to MikeOKC in My first shrimp tank!!!   
    I built this tank out of 3/8" acrylic about a month ago for my first shrimp tank.  It is 13 gallons and I started the cycle with water and a sponge filter from my 55 gallon tank.  I also put some endlers and plants from 55 gallon tank.
    I just received some Dream Blue Velvet shrimp from Aquatic Arts on Wednesday and so far so good!!!
    These little guys are very entertaining and seem to be doing well (thanks to following all the advice on this great forum).
    Where I live the water is hard so I chose to go with Neos to start my invert hobby but, I am sure I will build another tank when I get an RO filter to try some of the other type shrimp.
    Thanks for viewing and hope you all have a great weekend!!!

  14. Like
    Jaykidding got a reaction from MableBile in WTB 5 Female Pinto Mischlings   
    Looking For 5 Female Pinto Mischlings or 4 females 1 male. Please PM me thanks.
  15. Like
    Jaykidding got a reaction from Edwardnah in WTB 5 Female Pinto Mischlings   
    Looking For 5 Female Pinto Mischlings or 4 females 1 male. Please PM me thanks.
  16. Like
    Jaykidding reacted to Greenteam in Pinto Mischling Project   
    This threat will not be about sales just sharing info.
    So I'm sure everyone knows that Pintos Red & Black are the big craze right now and prices are sky high. I know a handful of people can afford them at their current price so I figured hey what not play with the ones I have.
    I have tanks that are pure in the sense that I will not mix anything into them. We can call them X & Y tank.
    X tank houses my German Red Pintos & my Y tank houses my German Black Pintos.
    I setup some new tanks about a month ago X1 / Y1 / C1.
       - In Tank (X1)  I placed a single Red Pinto male with 5 WR females.
       - In Tank (Y1) I placed a single Black Pinto male with 5 Panda females.
       - In Tank (C1) I placed a single Red Pinto male with 2 PRL females.
    The reason I wanted to play with this sub tanks is because the simple fact that I could NOT find a single solid bit of information on how to create my own Spothead Pinto Mischlings.
    I was told to mix all kinds of things but when I asked... "ok what will the offspring look like?" I would always get the same thing... I don't know. Soooo this made me think well if no one can give me an answer I will just figure it out myself.
    Here is some suggestions I was told to mix:
    Pinto x Fancy Tiger = ??
    Pinto x Orange Eye Blue Tiger = ??
    Pinto x TB Mischling = ??
    Pinto x  TB = ??
    So I figured I will keep it very simple and mix at a basic level. I avoided using Fancy Tigers because I have no clue what genes the Fancy Tigers brings & same with TB Mischlings. That's why I narrowed it down to the 2 basic TB colors Red & Black plus the PRL so I knew it would not bring CBS/Golden gene with it.
    I will update with photos as time goes on but here are some of the current results that I have found.
  17. Like
    Jaykidding got a reaction from Edwardnah in SL-Aqua blue wizard   
    Im going to try out the SL-Aqua products to cycle my 2 10gal tanks. People told me in order to raise my GH i should use mk-breed blue diamond or salty shrimp. But since i don't want to buy different things from different websites because of shipping, is SL-Aqua blue wizard okay to use. Has anyone have any good/bad experience with it?
  18. Like
    Jaykidding got a reaction from Edwardnah in A little trouble   
    So me and my sister were debating which deal was better, the one I said was a better deal was blue crown aqua which had 10 bkk juvies for 10 dollars each plus 2 extra for free. My sister said joes aqua was a better deal for 9 dollars each for bkk juvies. Which one is a better deal lol?
  19. Like
    Jaykidding got a reaction from KlimparOn in A little trouble   
    So me and my sister were debating which deal was better, the one I said was a better deal was blue crown aqua which had 10 bkk juvies for 10 dollars each plus 2 extra for free. My sister said joes aqua was a better deal for 9 dollars each for bkk juvies. Which one is a better deal lol?
  20. Like
    Jaykidding reacted to JamesHe in A little trouble   
    10($10 each) + 2 (free) = 12 pieces.
    you pay $100 (10 * $10 + 2 * $0) for 12 pcs.
    $100/12=$8.33 each.
  21. Like
    Jaykidding got a reaction from Johnnydok in Shrimp dying off what should i do with the plants and substrate   
    So my crystals are dying off came home 2 of them were dead. Now I'm down to 9, water changes every 2 days won't work. I'm assuming the colony is gonna die off. If they do, what should i do with the java moss, pellia, and substrates I have?
  22. Like
    Jaykidding got a reaction from Johnnydok in Mischling and Blue body BKK mosura   
    So I have 3 blue body BKK mosura that i got from joes aqua I had four to begin with 2 males 2 females. One died due to my lack of experience, pretty sure that one died was a female. So, that leaves me with 2 males 1 female OR 1 male 2 females. I was wondering since they are not breeding, can i throw in a female mischling and get more bkk blue body Mosura? 
  23. Like
    Jaykidding got a reaction from Edwardnah in Mischling and Blue body BKK mosura   
    So I have 3 blue body BKK mosura that i got from joes aqua I had four to begin with 2 males 2 females. One died due to my lack of experience, pretty sure that one died was a female. So, that leaves me with 2 males 1 female OR 1 male 2 females. I was wondering since they are not breeding, can i throw in a female mischling and get more bkk blue body Mosura? 
  24. Like
    Jaykidding got a reaction from Johnnydok in Weird Brown Stuff on my cholla wood   
    I have this weird brown stuff growing on my cholla wood is it safe for my shrimp to graze on it until its gone? 

  25. Like
    Jaykidding got a reaction from mayphly in Welcome To Mayphly’s Shrimp   
    Ok great, thanks ill tell you if i find any.
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